
114:THE D-DAY!

This chapter is dedicated to @Anti_ama. You are an amazing person. I love you.


"I love you, you will kill this baby," Mike told Vicky while placing a smooch on her face.

"Thanks, baby, after get prepared," she said as she pinched him on the cheeks.

After their small intimate moment, Mike walked back to the auditorium and left her wife backstage. 

Andrew was already at the auditorium. He gave him the sorry look because he know that Mikey is helpless and there is nothing he can do about it but to express his sympathise.

Besides Andrew was Annie in her gown. Vicky always invites her whole staff, Andrew and Annie were the most important people around. She would have loved to invite the whole security team, but they had a job to do, stay by the entrance and monitor everything, Andrew represents all of them around. 

Mike took his seat in front of Andrew. The front seats were reserved for the VIP and behinds seats also. 

Besides Mike was Amanda in her black gown. Her face was painted in heavy makeup and it was hard to distinguish what colour her real skin was. Her gown had a V-shaped neckline showing her whole cleavage that was popping out threatening to pour everything out any second.

Mike walked over and Amanda stood up smiling at him. As much as he wanted to avoid her, he had no otherwise but to greet her. 

"Hello Dear," greeted Amanda while hugging Mike. 

Mike being the cautious and gentleman, hugged her with his fingers folded into a fist to avoid touching her. He always does that while hugging ladies who are not his daughter or his woman, Vicky.

"Hey CEO, you look nice in your beautiful gown," he said cheerfully while smiling but his smile didn't reach his face.

"Stop being Flirty Mr, you know I can an age that seat," said Amanda while hitting him on the chest.

Andrew and Annie chuckled sarcastically because they knew what Mike was doing.

"Oooh, come on why are you killing the vibe now Mrs CEO?" He said.

"Why don't we pick this after the occasion, it's about to begin and I don't want to miss any special thing that I might be interested in Mr Black," she said seductively.

Mike turned her gaze at Andrew and Annie and they winked at him. Before Andrew patted him on the shoulder.

Damien was at the topmost part. He was nervous around the area. This was the fast biggest event he was going to be deejaying. He was grateful for this opportunity and prayed that it all goes well. So far he was okay with everything, he had a good mastery of the Deejay instruments and had been given the list of music that he will be playing. He has a backup deejay, who volunteered to come up, Victor. He has been cooperative ever since they became friends with Davids.

Backstage, all the models were up to date, Vicky was still nervous and was not sure how the two loopholes are going to be filled. Brian had told her that she is going to do a triple and she will make sure that everything flows smoothly. She doesn't doubt him, but she is still nervous.

Davids was going to be the first person to do her virtual interior decorations, though for her part she doesn't need the models to walk she still needed them there. Her presentation was already recorded and it would have been hard to bud and rebuild everything during the show so she opted for pre-recording her work.

There were a lot of performing artists, and they carefully sat down each of them recognizing their time of performance. 

Brian was staring at the audience every second he got. Davids was now worried if there was someone, in particular, she was looking for.

"Are you searching for your boyfriend?" Asked Davids startling him from his thoughts.

"Good Load dude, mum told you to stop being creepy just a few hours ago," he said while jumping out of David's presence.

"I was looking at the turnout, people are full here, don't chicken out," said Brian while fixing Davids locks.

Her black striped white suit was outstanding. He had paired them with black official shoes. She was matching with her dad something she always wants to do when they are both wearing suits. Her face was smooth as always with no make-up, just some little foundation to sparkle it up. Her fingers were craved with rings all around them all of them black.

"I won't chicken out bro, I won't also let you down like the first time," said Davids.

Despite Davids letting people down during her first presentation, They were proud of her work, they understood her and they believed she was going to look at her weakest areas and strengthen them.

"You know we love you, mum and dad are always proud of you, even during the first presentation, they were not mad at you, they are just hard to please you know but today, I hight just order those new Jordan that I modelled some weeks ago," said Brian while pinching her cheeks.

Daniella saw them talking and moved towards Davids. 

"Please talk to your girl here," told Brian leaving them alone.

Daniella nodded and looked at Davids in the eyes.

"You know you are the strongest woman I know, brilliant, smart, and today I want you to kick this I want you to show everyone who you are, okay baby."

Davids nodded while hiding her hands and kissing her knuckles before giving her another kiss on the forehead.

"I love you, make sure you also do what you do best in there Dee," she said to her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today we are here to get a taste, a taste of the fall new a fashion. Da is here, I don't know if you have chosen something out? I haven't because I knew someone here was coming with something big and nice. And today we are going to just get a taste of it," the MC started.

The Audience cheered as they raised their glasses high to what the MC was talking about.

The waitress was passing drinks around to anyone who needed them because the sitting arena was arranged with spaces. 

Mike raised his glass higher as cheered to the news presented by the Mc.

"In today's event, we have three events. The first event is going to be led by one young, smart and intelligent entrepreneur. She is charismatic and very social. She is going to do her presentation here and I promise that you are all going to live it.

Next, we will have two major presentations. Dealing with clothes. Ladies in the house, can I hear you say yeah," shouted the Mc.

The ladies didn't late him down, instead, they cheered and raised their glasses.

"Men in the house, you are kit left behind I want to hear those lion king's voices," said the Mc.

Bases could he heard bit the females also joined them in shouting and celebrating around.

Various media were around. Paparazzi's we're looming around waiting to ask questions, Mostly about the ceremony and various celebrities.

"So lady and gentlemen, let me welcome you the most amazing young entrepreneur, Davids Black!" 

The Audience couldn't let Mc finish what he was saying, they started shouting and cheering. Davids matched to the stage. Her style was uniques. Her steps were being calculated with legs being lifted swiftly. She has tough masculinity mixed with a topping of femininity. 

She was alert and was not looking nervous like before. Her dad winked at her and she smiled back at him. 

The audiences were all eyes with ladies throwing glances at her. 

Some of them were chanting her name while others were more than chanting her name.

"I love you, we live you," chanted others. 

Some people were calm, taking pictures and other was recording her.

Davids was used to the audiences. She remembers the first time she was nervous and she thought she will just fall and faint but today, she wasn't feeling that way, instead, those screams made her energized and uplifted. 

She walked steadily she stood in front of the audience. She looked at them, from the VIP sections to the last sections. Annie and Andrew were giggling and blew kisses in her direction.

She made good use of her winking and winked at them.

She picked the microphone, cleared her throat before speaking into it.

"Ladies and gentlemen,"


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