



This is the most absurd type of thing that I have ever heard. Since when will a competition end up with people falling in love?

"Hey, Vickie, it's either you love me or not? I can't he hear doing a silly game then you suddenly ditch me because you've lost," I said to her.

Instead of her saying anything, she turned around and like a goddess moving towards me and she placed a kiss on my cheeks and got into the vehicle and was driven by some of her friends.

Just like that, and just like that, she stayed quiet until I gave up on her. I decided to move on. I don't know what had happened to her I was too quick to judge her behaviour towards me.

After one and a half a month, I received a message from one of her best friends telling me that she had lost her mother to cancer and was in a  bad situation. 

I regretted concluding her situation. I decided to visit her. 

Upon seeing me, I couldn't hesitate the feelings that were building up. I couldn't just let them flow away. My legs lifted themselves and rushed towards her. 

She was all smiley and I was excited that she was. 

She dropped into my embrace and tightly clutched onto me. 

I don't know what to tell her, I wanted to tell her, 'sorry,' but words couldn't come out of my mouth. 

I felt my shirt become wet and I knew she was crying. I placed my hands on her back and gently caressed her back so that she could calm down. 

After calming down,  she got out of my embrace and smiled at me.

"We're you crying, ?" She asked me as she saw some bits of tears hanging from my eyes.

She stretched her hands to wipe them and the urge to touch her feel herein my hands came again.

I had to restrain myself and consider her situation.

"Am sorry for your loss," I said while looking at her.

She stood on her toes and locked her eyes with mine, "don't you think that is a lame idea?" 

She had a meaningful voice when talking with me. Mostly I feared her demeanour. I thought she could just be talking to me and she might throw me off-guard anytime. But didn't want to concentrate on that. 

I always brushed off the idea because I wanted her only.

"I miss you, Vicky, that's why am here, that's the truth, I came all the way just to see you and to say sorry for your loss," I said and didn't have any other words to express to her.

She didn't say anything either, she was just staring at me and smiling the way she usually does. 

"Thanks for coming Mike, but the game is still on, actually next week some of my classmates are going to have some fun, that's where we will have our first game, basketball. Make sure you bring your team, you need someone to carry your losing ass home," she jeered then placed her hands akimbo

"Vicky, why are you heard on the young man, bring him in, stop acting so weirdish," shouted her dad from the window.

"Fuck! Now see what you've done, they are going to think you are my girlfriend and they will want to know what you are good at," she told me in a frustrated voice.

"Well I am your boyfriend and I love everything," I shouted without even thinking my words through.

"Aha, is that what you are going to say, you are doomed, you better say you were just going passing by and move on," she tried to convince me to go but I wasn't going to back out. 

I went inside the house before her and she just stood looking at me as if I had grown two horns. 

"Girl, am going to introduce myself to your family, so you better pretend you love me and let's show them that I am serious, please," I begged the last statement.

She looked at her head before clicking and she followed me in while intertwining her hands with mine. 

"That wasn't hard was it?"

"Stop lying to yourself, this is for show and after this, you take your white ass home and be good." 

Her family was friendly. Being the only child, her father dotted her so much, but I heard her mother was stricken with her, but she managed to raise her well. 

While sitting down with her family, she was sweet and humbled, I could believe she was the same girl who was lashing out at me and raising her standards too high for me, but the warning that came from her family was too high for me. I didn't know if I could meet them.

They wanted me to prove that I love her, they wanted to see my dedication to their daughter and she was not some other girl that I want to pass by with. 

The biggest rule that they laid down was not to touch her, intimately before she reaches 30!

I mean who does that? 30! That was too high. 

Right there, I wanted to touch her, I couldn't imagine retaining myself for all those years without kissing her or doing something else.

Saturday came and her classmates and my teammates made out way towards the city basketball pitch. 

Vicky has dressed in the Lakers jersey. I later came to know that it was her brother's who was a player in the team. On her feet, we're Jordans black in colour. Her curly hair was tied into a neat ban and she was ready.

"I thought it's just a simple competition?" I asked while removing my hood.

"You thought it wrong bro, here we play the game from the start to the end, no exceptions. So get a jersey or will you mind ruining your pants?" Asked some dude who had a whistle and the ball under his armpits.

Vicky was not talking, she just focused on standing on the pitch and jogging waiting for the game to begin.

I removed my hoodie and was left in my pants and the white vest.

"If I were you, I could just go there naked and avoid some distractions," warned the side who was acting as the referee.

A friend of mine advised me to take my pants because they might hinder me from playing well. I removed everything and was left in my shorts. Whatever told me to water my baggy shorts knew that I was going to do something.

The ball was thrown and each team stood at their won cheering position. 

In the first round, I beat her, and I was psyched up and I knew this was my thing and she was not going to defeat me in anything.

"We are not losing hope are we?" I asked her while I was bouncing the ball.

"Mama raised no quieter, it's just the beginning," she said and she tackled me throwing me down and scored a goal.

"You've hurt me," I faked a cry.

"Oooh, poor baby, do you want to suck some milk? Grow up some balls and take the ball," she jeered and went to drink some water.

Round two began and I was determined to defeat her, I was not going to just let her defeat me and make my friends boo me for the remaining semester.

The second round began and she wasn't backing down, she mimicked the tuff move, James LeBron's style and it scared me. She aimed higher, she had a perfect duck and that I haven't seen.

"Go girl, show him what you are made of!" Shouted her friends who were cheering her Along. 

"That's my daughter! She is gonna kill you, son, don't play!" I heard her father's voice.

How did he know that I was going to play against his daughter? 

"No, my some is also a big player, let see who wins!" My father's voice.

What the fuck is going on? Did anyone tip them? This is going to be hard if I lose.

"What happens if your daughter loss?" I heard my dad ask Vicky's voice.

"I will give your son the permission to move with her to the second base," shouted Vicky's dad.

That was embarrassing and I don't know how to handle it. Vicky didn't seem affected by it instead she went on to throw me off track and win for the second.


Thanks for reading!❤

Please follow me on Instagram coffee_ciggarette