
Lost Hopes: Separated Twins

BlackDemon · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Their Agonizing story

In the cave house we can see that Charlotte is crying while being chocked by Zerstorer. Arumu is unconscious laying on the ground. Charlotte neck is being crushed by Zerstorers metal hand. She tries to speak but she is unable to...Her vision is getting blury...she is getting weaker and weaker every second.

   Suddenly Zerstorer gets stabbed by claymore. He let's go of Charlotte.

Zerstorer view


ARMOR                                          40%

ENERGY                                         60%

Charlotte falls on her both knees and grabs her neck trying to catch a breath.

-Mom is that you?- she asks.

Amanda hugs her.

-Yes that's me. I was worried that I won't be able to you again. She also puts her hand on Charlottes neck. Mothers palm is surrounded red aura after short time her daughter can breathe easily once again. Zerstorer falls on the ground before saying.

-Duty failed- He crumbles on the ground and his breaks in half.

-My little princess here take this.

-Amanda pulls out from the legs pocket tiny tetrahedron.

-Huh what is this? Charlotte asks, Amanda also healed Arumu.

-It's a gift from the whole family but promise, you will olny open it, when you will be eighteen. She gently hands Charlotte the gift and closes her palm.

-Also, since you are already strong little girl I am going to teach you how to use your energy- Amanda hugs Charlotte.

-It's called healing and it makes others feel better.- Charlotte hugs mother back

-How can I do it, mom?- daughter asks. Both stops hugging each other. Charlotte puts the gift to the side.

-You see the injury on my cheek? Put your hand on, use gentle flow of energy and think of something beautiful.- Charlotte put her hand on Amandas stomach.

-But there for you it hurts more I can see it mother. -Charlottes palm surrounds white aura. After five seconds the injury disappears. Amanda is really proud of her as great mother.

-(She is learning really fast I am so happy)- Amanda begins to tear up.

-Is something wrong mother, mom?

-No, no everything is okay.- She washes off her tears with her armored glove. -Do you know how I like to call this ability? ,,Soften"


-Yes. *Amanda stands up* Well *kisses her daughter on the cheek* I need to go, to find father. *walks to the exit of the cave*


-Yes, my princes.

-Will you be back?

-I will just wait for me here okay?- Amanda leaves the cave.

-Sure mother *yawns* I kinda feel sleepy- Charlottes eyes slowly closes.

Fathers voice can be heard

-Dan wake up, your family needs you .

Mother's voice can be heard

-He's not responding...He is in serious condition. I am going to call an ambulance.

Dan wakes up in a field with full of flowers and sun is shining in his face

-Where am I? *puts his hand on right eye* Huh? Why my eye feels weird *opens eye* Why I see less?

    The voice speaks.

-I was wondering when you are going to wake up.- A tall man sitting on a chair with a wooman next to him. Both them are drinking tea.

-Here have  a seat.- A brown haired man says. He also appears to have some green hair at the end.

-Ehh...What is this place? It feel really nice in here and where is my family? *takes couple steps*

-Don't be shy young one.- Wooman with orange hair says also her hair ends with red color.- Take a seat.- She pours some tea into another cup. Dan slowly walks to them and sits on a chair.

The man speaks.

-So, young one any idea how you got metirilized here? - He looks at Dan with green eyes.

-Maybe introduction first and let's explain this beautiful environment that is surrounding us. -Take a sip of cobalt tea. Dan looks at both of them and takes a sip too. He seems to like it.

-Wait I might know both of you- Dan says

-Is that soo?- The male starts pouring more tea into his own cup.

-Yea my mom and dad told about you and I heard myths and I even have seen statues. Sir you must be Puszaytis God of nature and its caretaker.*God of nature nods*

-Indeed that is correct.- he says. Dan looks at female and says.

-And you must be godness of fire and family protector and your name is Gabieta.- he takes a sip of some tea.

-What admirable little child *puts her palms on her cheek and looks at Dan.

-But still I have no idea How did I got here and why I see less?

Puszaytis speaks

-Old Man God sent you here, he's quite interested in you I might say.

-Mhm and into your sister also he incredibly old about twelve million years old.- Gabieta says. Dan is stunned.


-For God's it's normal- fire godness says.

-But it dosent make any sense... I am olny 12 years old and he is....-Godness giggles.

-Well I think your time has come. In heaven you can't here due to vulnerability of your body. I am sending you back to your body and before leaving consider this as a gift from us. - Fire Godness him two fire stones and nature ones, she also puts him eye patch on his right eye.

-Livanias  God's and Goddesses blesses your family- Puszaytis says. Dans vision began to blur snd everything goes pitch black.

     Eden is beaten up but not as Charlottes father Will. Will is barely standing on his legs. Blood is covering his forehead, also there are stab wounds in his chest made by Edens sharp weapon.

-Not bad, not bad...But still your

performance was quite pitiful.- He washes away dust from his shoulder with tissue and throws it on a sand. He gets notification on his device. He pulls out to check the message. It says that hes  assistant has been defeated.

-Tsk (I guess I will have to make order for better version of it) *sigh* Anyway I will-

-Yea...We all three going to different world. -Will says.

-You dare to use my own speech against me Will.

     Eden feels Amandas energy from behind.  She summons her claymore and swings it.

-Predictable *Weapon element changes to red* Wall of labes.- Lava surrounds Amanda from all directions.

   Time slows downs

-(I will make it this island won't be distroyed by evil.

Ances true Royalty

   Her hair begins to glow red she goes trough lava.

Time is back to normal

-Your dust will be removed from here. -Amanda lunges at Eden, Will attacks from behind.

-(I need to do it) -Amanda throws beneath Eden feet a crystal.

-Activate!- she shouts. The crystal explodes and the void opens sucking in Amanda, Will, and Eden into it. The void shrinks and turns back to crystal.

-Wake up please...Leaving this world is not an option. Gods won't accept you like this and you still have a lot of to do. I mean we...Can change hereafter. Please wake up for me friends and our family.

    Dan slowly opens his eye he sees his mother and faher. Father is talking to the doctor. And Yui is sleeping and hugging him. Mother speaks.

-How are you feeling my child?- Monika is patting Dans head.

-I feel weird, I see less- he looks around.

-Your sister...She was very scared and worried about you. Yui didn't want to let go of you. She was crying and blaming her self.

-It's okay mother she is my twin sister I will always forgive her.*Hugs Yui*

    Father and doctor walks outside.

-Look as much as I try to use my health abilities it dosent work on his eye.

-But it has to be other way.- Doctor sighs.

-No there isn't- he leaves father.

-(What was the point even calling you here if it's  impossible.

-Twins father walks back to home ashamed. He opens the door. Mom puts a finger between her lips.

-Shhh, they are having sweet dreams- she whispers. Father sits near Monika.

-Its fine I understand how understand how you feel. Don't blame your self.

-W-Well I don't really know about that still I could have save him or given him and easier battle.

-You are the father after all as much I hate fights I am just happy to see you spending time with them.

-Instead teaching them how to-

-It's okay as long as they enjoy using they powers and hopefully Dan will be alright with one eye.

-I hope too, but I will take some time for him to get used to it.- Mother stands up

-Let's leave them they are tired after all- father stands up too. Both parents leaves the room and before leaving he turns of the lights.

     In the red atmosphere there are three persons. Eden is on hes knees having multiple lethal wounds. Will is laying on the ground unconscious. Amanda is abiding near Eden.

-Why? Why did you distroyed my home country? Those innocent life's...millions of them...The culture was wiped put by...You. The olny thing I have is this. She pulls out from her pocket A relic and throws it near Eden.

-You most likely know this relic. -Eden looks at it and begins to laugh.

-I do, it's ,,The Relick Of Exponentialis" I remember when-

-Thats what I managed to save. From my country and its enough to prove his existence.


    Eden gets stabbed by Amanda's weapon.

-I had enough with you *her weapon begins to burn* . I will make sure to turn your body into ashes.

-Not so fast!

   Elemental aura appears around him. - Amanda pushe deeper her claymore into Edens body.

-It's useless.

-(I can't allow this to happen again)- Her eye and hair begins to glow even stronger. Amanda's weapon begins to move up to Edens head. Ground around them begins to rupture, ground pieces began to fly up.

-I won't allow you This to happen!- Amanda shouts. She tries her best to move her claymore up. But with no success. From the far brights colors can be seen and after short time a massive explosion appears. Amanda body is lifted in the air by the explosion.

-No it can't be...It happened again. -Explosion is spreading uncontrollably.

     An angel appears in her eyes.

-You did your best Amanda your efforts will be commemorated. Gods welcome you to their world.

-Thank you...,,Charlotte is up to you to now, please save the future of spells, goodbye my princes".

   Outside crystal explodes. The explosion was so powerful that it made huge chasm across the island.

    Charlotte heard the explosion.

-Huh? Arumu wake up something happened.* tries to wake him up* Arumu...*sigh*

-Alright then you rest while I will go look what is happening outside.

    Dan opens his eye and looks around and sees Yui is still hugging him. He looks at Yui and smiles and headpats her. Dan checks his pockets and feels two stones in his pocket.

-(Soo everything was real there.)-He stands up and walks to near by mirror. Dan looks at his own reflection. Brother removes his eyepatch. Lost eye is weakly glowing. He heard footsteps in other room. He quickly puts on his eyepatch. Monika walks in the room with hot tea cups, boiled eggs and desert called ,,Ant nest". She is also holding a newspaper it says that humans declared  a war on demons.

-How do you feel my child?

-I am fin- No, I just feel weird. That's all. Monika puts food on near by table. She sits on a bed. At same time Yui wakes up. She sees her mom and Dan near by mirror.

-Oh, Yui you are awake.

-Yea..*gets is in sitting position*.

Dan I am really sorry about.-

Dan hugs Yui.

-Its okay you're my twin sister afterall and I forgive you.- Both twins magenta hair line began to glow.

-Thank you.- Yui says. Their mother quietly leaves the room. They were hugging each other for couple minutes.

   Dan takes boiled egg and gives to Yui.

-Here and remember no desert till we finish main meal.

-That's what our mother says.-She begins peeling of eggs shell.

-Well she is correct after all it's much better to eat desert after main meal.-Dan to is peeling of the egg.

In the kitchen

-How about our children safety? I mean they can come any moment. I will be fine, but Yui, Dan and you won't. -Monika is talking to her husband and trough the window.

-I don't know...I never Imagined that Imagined that would happen. Everything was till A.D.O won election all across the world.- He sits on the the chair and leans on the table. He is thinking about family safety.

-(We can't travel to another country, the danger level will be the same in other countries. Deserted Islands are being constantly checked by A.D.O I will try to use-)- Monika sees that her husband is getting more and more nervous.

-Just say what you need, I am married to a demon after all.

-Thanks but I think, I will manage it by my self. -He smiles a bit and goes to make white amber tea. Monika sees group of humans dressed in black outfits fighting a wounded demon. Monika whispers.

-There is- she saw her kids running outside with their weapons.

-Children!- She shouts.


-You better let go him- Yui says.- she summons her recurve.

-Or else you will get hurt- Dan summons  his Ninjato. Senior demon hunter laughs.

-You brave aren't you?- He walks up to Dan.

-Look I will give you and your sibling five seconds to get out of my sight. Deal?- Dan refuses refused to turn away and so does his sister.

-Under- Dan slices off the net that demon was trapped in.

-Hey I own you one- Demon breaks free summons his wings and flies away.

-You are bad guys aren't you?

-In you demon eyes yes, but in human eyes not.

  Junior demon hunter interrupts his head chief.

-Emmm sir our scanner is malfunctioning due unknown reasons.- The scanner get taken away by him.

-Dosent matter as long as long as they are demons we have rights to kill them. - Senior demon hunter charges at Yui.

    Dan teleports in front of Yui and blocks it with his shield.

-I can.

-Dan look out!- Yui quickly summons bow and arrow and shoots at the demon hunter. The arrow hits his neck instantly killing him.

   Yui drops her weapon.

-N-no I am sorry, I didn't meant that...-her tears runs down her neck.

-Even better reason to kill her.- Sr.Demon hunter begins cutting trough the shield.

-Maybe you're the bad guy in everyone's eye.- Dans magenta hairline began to glow. He shoots his shield away with the demon hunter. He slices shield in half stopping the push force.

-Like not bad for a young demon. -Yui is on her knees staring into the sky with like she would without a soul. Dan runs up to Yui and hugs her.

-Are you alright sister?- she slowly hugs Dan and tears up.

-I-I just..please...L-lets...Run away from them.

-That's a free for A.D.O. -Sr.Demon hunter orders to fire for the bow group. They put arrows on their strings, they tense it and released the string. The arrows flies towards twins.

-Yui I want to die together with you- Dan says while hugging each other. All of the sudden the stone wall appears from the ground and blocks incoming arrows. Twins father appears near them. His father eyes are glowing in purple color.

-Both of you leave I will handle them. -he summons his weapon floating  crystal. The crystal is purple color representing the ,,Stone of possession".

-Yui let's  Yui! *She is unconscious* Hey wake up- Dan shakes her sister a bit.- Monika quickly comes and takes Yui in her hands.

-We need to leave, now.

    Dan hugs his dad.

-You will return, right?

-I can't promise that I will *turns to Dan and hugs him* but one day we will see each other again, and, Dan, please protect your family and friends at all costs.

-I promise dad.*nods*

-Dan let's leave it is not safe for us.

-Do as your mother says you are still rather feeble as a demon, but as a human you're  compelling. -Monika takes Dan by his hand while trying her best to hold Yui in another hand.

-Dan, we need to go and fast.-Maryuko family leaves except the father.

Sr.Demon hunter speaks.

-Well, Well olny you and my team left.- Twins father hair begins to glow.

-But olny last standing wins.