
chapter one Sad Day

Soyinka a young handsome man,sat down on his bed,he has gone deep in thought and was disturbed by the welfare of his friend and country (Nigeria).He was so bothered without realizing when his younger brother Soji walked into his room.

"Egbon mi (Elder brother)"Soji shouted.

But Soyinka couldn't heard him because he has gone deep in thought; not until his younger brother Soji touched him, which almost gave him an heart attack.

"You scared me" Soyinka said looking at his younger brother.

"anyway what brought you to my room?"

"food is ready" Soji answered.

"go I will join you later" Soyinka said as he followed Soji to the dinning table.

He sat down on the chair without saying a word and was busy turning his food with the spoon, instead of eating it.He keeps on turning the food like the Earth revolving round the sun. Soyinka's father noticed what Soyinka has been doing and seeing the despondency on his face asked,

"What is the problem my boy? and why are you not eating your food?"

He couldn't even say a word as tears ran down his cheeks.

"Speak my son, don't be afraid we are your parents and will always be there for you",his mother said smiling at him.

Hearing what his mother had said gave him more confidence to speak up.

He was talking to his parents how sad he feels for his friend Bakason,who came from River State but presently schooling at Ibadan.

They had written their last year WAEC(West Africa Examination Council) together, the previous year however he couldn't write the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board Exam (JAMB) together with Soyinka due to financial constraints and he had no one to sponsor him.

" I met my friend Bakason at the market yesterday,he was my classmate back then in secondary School, he look sad and narrated an ugly incident that occurred in their Village last week; He lost his mother in the francas