
Chapter Three

Graver released Rhosyn's hand as she fainted in his arms. He surveyed the ravine, helplessly looking around; he needed to find someone, and quickly. He gently picked Rhosyn up and propped her against the tree Saffir was leaning on.

"My name is Graver. What is yours?" Graver asked.

"Saffir," she whispered.

"Saffir, I am going to need you to wrap your arms around my neck and lean on me. I am going to help you out of this ravine."

Saffir crossed her arms against her chest and pouted, "Why should I trust you? You're an animal. For all, I know you're just lying and going to kill my sister and me."

Graver chuckled as he extended his hand to her, "Those are valid points, but I must ask, why would I save you only to eat you after? Why didn't I just allow the Hellhound to attack?"

"Oh…," Saffir looked down, sheepishly, "I never thought about it that way, but no funny business!"

Graver laughed, it had been a long time since he came across a girl as cheeky as her. He wrapped his arm around her back as he helped her up.

"Are you able to apply pressure?" He asked.

"Yes. It just feels really stiff."

Graver nodded his head as he helped her navigate their way up the embankment. He directed Saffir to a stone that sat high enough that she could lean against.

"I will be back." He turned and slid down the embankment. He jogged towards the tree where he rested Rhosyn and carefully picked her up. Cradling her against his chest.

"I've got you." He grunted as he adjusted his arms under her weight. He gritted his teeth as he prepared himself to scale the steep crud. Looking up, he could not see the top due to the tree that covered his way. When Graver assessed the embankment, he realized that when he descended the hill, it had created loose debris and he would have to shield her from anything that fell.

He started climbing the embankment, but every step was a struggle. The dirt continued to give away under his and Rhosyn's combined weight. He kicked his foot into the soil, making footholds as he climbed his way slowly through the leaves to reach the top.

"Rhosyn!" Saffir cried as she limped towards them. Graver walked past her and placed Rhosyn against the stone.

Graver looked at Saffir, "Let's get her home." He jerked his chin towards the cottage.

Saffir started walking, "I'll go on ahead and warn Ma."

"Ok." Graver nodded his head as he made his way towards the cottage with Rhosyn in his arms.

"Aria…. Aria…" Rhosyn's rasped.

"I'm here. You'll see Aria soon." Graver murmured into her hair. He felt her body begin to heat up with a fever. He quickens his pace as a woman stepped out the back door. The woman was waving her hands at him as Saffir stood behind her.

"This way, child." The woman ushered Graver into the cottage and towards a bedroom. Rhosyn made a groaning noise as Graver placed her on the bed.

"I'm here." Graver ran his hand through her hair.

The woman turned to Saffir, "Saffir, fetch the doctor." She stood there staring at Rhosyn, "Quickly now, don't just stand there, child." Saffir snapped out her daze and left.

"What is your name, my lady?" Graver asked the woman.

"Alda." She glared at Graver.

Saffir walked in with the doctor behind her.

"Where's the patient?" A woman moved from behind Saffir. Graver nodded towards the bed.

The woman placed her hand against Rhosyn's forehead, "She's burning up." The doctor turned to Saffir, "young lady, you had better explain yourself." Saffir gulped and cringed.

Alda stepped forward, "She does not need to explain herself, Lynnet. She is just a child."

Lynnet turned to Alda, "To treat your other daughter, I need to know what happened." She paused as she watched Saffir wring her hands and nibbling on her lip as she looked at the ground with guilt, "I thought you raised your children better than this!"

"Why you snivelling…"

"Enough! I fell down into the ravine, hurting myself, and Rhosyn was hurt trying to help me!" Saffir cried out, "I'm sorry for disobeying you, Ma." She broke down crying.

Lynnet comforted Saffir, "My dear, it is not your fault. I will examine you after I finish with your sister."

Alda grabbed Saffir and pushed her out of the room, "That animal is not your sister." Alda murmured so only Saffir could hear her.

"That's not true!" Saffir cried as the door was shut in her face.

"I need all of you to leave so I can examine the patient." Lynnet kicked everyone out of the room.

Alda sat down on the couch, "Saffir, go outside to play." Saffir hesitated before doing as she was told. Alda looked at Graver as he bowed, "On behalf of the royal family, I thank-you for taking Rhosyn into your family like your own. You will be greatly compensated."

Alda scoffed, "Pish-posh. She will never be a part of this family, ever."

Graver's eyebrows scrunched, "What do you mean? You took her under your wing and fed her, raised her when I couldn't."

"I will never allow a filthy bloodsucker into my family. You both are not welcome here!" Alda crossed her arm's with a huff.

"Once that fool is done examining that wench, you better leave."

Graver stood there, dumbfounded. How did Rhosyn fall into a family like this? Shouldn't the Queen have seen this? Why did she send her here?

Lynnet stepped out and closed the door behind her, "She is resting right now. There seems to be an issue with her spine. I'm not equipped to perform what she requires. All I could do was lessen her pain," She looked at Alda and Graver, "You best prepare yourself; she could wake up paralyzed. I'm sorry." Graver stood still as he tried to absorb the news.

"Where is your other daughter, I'd like to check her over before I leave," Lynnet asked.

"Saffir!" Alda yelled from the couch. The back door opened quietly as Saffir appeared.

"Yes Ma?" she looked down at the floor.

"Tell the doctor where you are hurt," Alda commanded.

Saffir hesitated before looking at Lynnet, "I broke my leg…" Alda and Lynnet froze at her words.

"Please lift your skirt," Lynnet whispered. As she examined her legs, she could only see where the faint pink scar ran across her thigh.

"Just a pink scar." Lynnet was astonished, she didn't know what to say.

Lynnet looked at Saffir skeptically. "How? It's as if you weren't hurt at all. For all, we know you weren't hurt at all if it wasn't for the pink line telling me otherwise." She said.

"Rhosyn fixed me up, doctor." Saffir covered her mouth as she realized she promised Rhosyn she wouldn't tell anyone. An eerie silence filled the room.

Alda slowly stood up from the couch, "Exactly how did she fix you." Alda asked. Saffir looked at her nervously, not sure whether she should say anything.

"Go ahead." Lynnet comforted her.

"She used her Elderblood magic…" Saffir mumbled.

Alda's face grew red as she jabbed at Graver, "I won't shelter a monster!" She yelled. She jerked around and stormed out the back door. Silent tears fell down Saffir's face, as Graver's eyes changed to his wolf's. A low growl rumbled from his chest as he stormed after Alda.

"Don't you dare call her a monster!" Graver growled lowly at Alda. "She is anything but that!"

Alda spun around and raised a hand at Graver. Graver quickly snatched her wrist before her hand could land on his face.

Her eyes widen with a startle, before her brows scrunched up with anger, "I will not have a bloodsucker in my house!"

"Yet you took her in as your own and raised her for the last ten years. I'm surprised Saffir hasn't run off with how you treat her!" He snarled, "How long have you made her subjected to being a servant?"

"Her kind deserve to be squashed into the ground, or better yet, killed. You get her out of this house this instant, or I will tell the whole village that she is a monster and a witch. Try keeping her alive then!" She smirked. Graver threw her hand aside.

"Enough! Both of you!" Rhosyn's voice drew their attention towards the back door. Relief filled Graver as she saw her standing at the door with Saffir.

"Rhosyn…" Graver took a step towards her. The need to hug her was so strong.

"No, Graver. We are not wanted; it's best we go." Rhosyn stepped away from Saffir, "Fetch two horses." She slowly walked down the stairs, her face was pale and covered with sweat as she tried to keep herself upright.

"Rhosyn, you're in no shape to travel. You also need to pack your belongings." He grabbed her arm to help steady her.

"She has no belongings. Why would I let a monster like her own anything?" Alda sneered. Rhosyn stopped and slowly looked at Alda with a cold glare. Rhosyn's eyes slowly turned an icy blue colour,

"I dare you to say that again." She said coldly.

"You are a vile monster. I hope you will be cast out every village you go to!" Alda laughed coldly.

"You will never be able to speak again," Rhosyn spoke lowly as the ice slowly crawled across Alda's lips. Alda's hands frantically tried to claw the ice off her lips. Her eyes are wide with panic.

"Rhosyn, stop it! Please!" Saffir cried as her arms wrapped around from Rhosyn's back and locked tightly around her waist, "She's not worth it! You're only proving her point. You're not a monster, you're my sister!" She pleaded. Rhosyn's eyes faded back to their usual violet colour as she twisted in Saffir arms to face her, "Even if we are not blood, you are still family." She placed a hand on Saffir's cheek and wiped her tears away, "I have to go for now, but we will cross paths once again." She embraced Saffir tightly, "Graver get the horses."

"I'm coming with you!" Saffir said.

"You are not leaving this house!" Alda screeched.

Rhosyn glanced over her shoulder, "I can easily take away your ability to talk, you old hag." She threatened.

"I want to come with you Rhosyn. My home is with you." Saffir looked up at Rhosyn as she held onto Rhosyn tightly.

Rhosyn sighed, "What am I going to do with you?" She paused as she gave it thought, "Very well, but you need to listen to me, okay? Your safety is important. Go pack." Saffir smiled with a big grin before burrowing her face into Rhosyn's chest.

"I don't have any belongings. Just like you." Saffir mumbled against the fabric.



"Hmm. What?" Rhosyn blinked as Graver called her name repeatedly. The horse swayed under her as she focused back on the present time.

"I'm sorry, I must have spaced out," Rhosyn replied.

The moon was high in the sky, lighting the path they have been riding for days. The trees stood tall, casting shadows across the trail. Rhosyn's body was numb from all the riding they had done.

"Graver?" She called his name.

"Yes, Rhosyn?" He replied.

"Are there many realms out there?" She asked curiously.

"There is nine, not including the King of King's realm. Have you not been paying attention to your lessons? He said, exasperated.

"I'm sorry, I've had a lot on my mind lately."

"Do you need to talk about it?"

"Not really. Just wish we had a place we could call home." She sighed.

A low haunting howl came from behind them, making them turn their heads sharply. As the sounds grew increasingly high-pitched, chills shivered down their spines, and goosebumps emerged from their skin. Graver brought their horses to a halt as he studied the trees behind them.

"Graver, what is that sound? I fell something… evil is following us," Rhosyn's words were laced with fear.

"They are called Jai'lan. They were formed from only the strongest necromancers. Made of air and cloak, only their head and claws are in physical form. The wielder takes skulls from former soldiers, to create them. The legend says that their howls are known to be able to freeze their prey in place." He frowned, "I have yet to come across that ability. Just make sure you don't get sliced by their claws. They are laced with a form of poison that will make you wish you were dead. If we have to fight, aim for their heads; it is their only weakness." His horse danced and whinnied as the howling crawled closer. He continued to scan the trees for them. The horses began to pace side by side as Rhosyn's blood ran cold. Panic slowly building in her chest as she felt her heart rate increase.

"There!" She shouted as she pointed at the swift movement in the trees.

She spotted the Jai'lan emerging from the shadows of the nearby trees, hidden in black cloaks and hovering above the ground, groaning seemingly in pain. Multiple jumping from the trees, forming a herd heading swiftly at them. Red eyes shone in the night as their horns twisted outward from their skulls. Their claws were spread like talons and reaching toward them, waiting to sink deep into warm flesh as they glided silently along with the tree's shadows, drawing closer.

"Rhosyn, Go! The portal should be just around the bend!" Graver bolted towards the herd of Jai'lan.

Rhosyn pulled hard on the reins to turn the horse. The horse reared as she dug her heels into the horse's flank and bent forward. Both she and her horse moved as one as she galloped towards the bend, dodging and ducking the low hanging boughs in her path. The night air around her became colder as the howls turned into high pitch screeches and wailing, chilling her to her core. She heard Graver's horse squeal coming from behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see him riding directly into the herd of Jai'lan's, swinging his sword at their necks. Her throat became dry as she slowed the horse down, not wanting to leave Graver behind. The Jai'lan herd scattered and dove into the trees, their howl, soft in the night, filled on her mind with dread. Graver turned and pushed his horse into a gallop heading towards her.

"Go, Rhosyn!" Graver yelled as he galloped past her. Rhosyn yanked on the reins and spurred the horse's side, hoping the horse had some energy left. She followed behind from a distance as she saw two more Jai'lan breaks from the tree line in front of her, leaping towards Graver and swiping the horse's rear end.

The horse reared, kicking the air in front of it and almost knocked Graver off of it's back.

"Woah!" He yelled. Rhosyn saw the Jai'lan flank either side to attack Graver, she sat up straight in her saddle and pulled her bow from its sheath, nestled neatly behind her thigh. She knocked two arrows against the string, one above each other, and pulled back. She twisted the bow horizontally and took aim.

"Do not miss." Rhosyn chanted to herself.

"Rhewi." Rhosyn took a deep breath and held it as she steadied her aim as the horse continued to ride. She slowly became one with the horse. The arrow's tip gave off particles of snow, making her hand around the bow frozen. A Jai'lan leapt at Graver, and she released the string. The arrows feather snapped off the bow as it flew towards her target. The arrows landed in the skulls of the Jai'lan and exploded into shards of ice upon impact, dissipating into snow dust. She turned quickly as a howl came from behind her and released another arrow, taking down the closest Jai'lan to her. She saw Graver take the other Jai'lan out with his sword, before quickly looking over his shoulder at her as they pushed their horses to run as fast as they could. Rhosyn could see nothing but darkness and shadows as the trees and mountains blended together.

"It's right over there!" Graver shouted. Rhosyn squinted her eyes as she tried to take in the blur of objects passing her as they rounded the bend. She soon spotted a glade of autumn grass, where a lone tree once stood tall and mighty in the moonlight. It was now a fifteen-foot stump. As Rhosyn struggled to see what the stump looked like from far away, she wasn't prepared when something smashed inter her side and pulled her off the horse. She remembered hearing Graver shout her name, as she felt something slice through her leather tunic and into her skin with little effort as it dug straight into her side. Instantly, she cried out in pain and felt the effect of the claw's poison spreading through her veins. A chilling howl surrounded her as a searing burn flared up in her side, agony consuming her and making her mind go blank.

The Jai'lan flexed its claws deeper before suddenly yanking it out. Her vision blurred as tears lined her eyes. She felt the cold, hard ground underneath her as they fell into a heap, both slamming into the ground and shaking with shock. Warm wetness began to spread through her clothes as her pain intensified. All the air in her lungs came gushing out as she screamed, leaving her gasping for air. The Jai'lan's red eyes appeared in front of her face, and it let loose a low howl, spitting on her face.

The spit made her flinch and cry out as it burned.

The acid from the saliva was burning her. Her ears began to bleed from the vibrations in the howl.

I can't take this anymore! I can't! She cried out in her mind.

She struggled against the Jai'lan, jerking her arm from underneath its claws. She reached for her knife that was hidden in her skirt, biting her lip to keep herself from crying in pain from the movement. She unclipped it while dodging the Jai'lans mouth and brought her arm up, driving the dagger right between the horns and whispered,


Ice began to form around the dagger. It quickly picked up pace as it spread out, freezing the Jai'lan from the inside out and turning it to glass. She stared onward as she saw the stars from the sky through the frozen sculpture of the Jai'lan before it exploded into ice shards. She laid there, trying to catch her breath. A burning began to flow through her body, as the world spun. She staggered to her feet, tripping over a rock, collapsing to the ground. She cried out, her vision wavering.

"Rayso tee sosomee soso teelatee doh so ." She chanted, gasping for breath. Slowly the stabbing pain from the wounds mended together and sealed shut, leaving only a red scar behind. Slowly the burning in her blood subsided as the wounded area stayed warm. She felt drained and exhausted with relief as her side tingled with warmth. She slowly climbed to her feet and staggered up the embankment.

What the hell just happened? She thought as she staggered to the trail. She froze, glowing in the moonlit autumn glade, nothing more than a base, was the remaining tree, its length had fallen away long ago and new saplings growing on its plateau. Vines wrapped around it, covered in blooming flowers. As she got closer, she realized the stumps and trees were not as they seemed; they had been bent and twisted, forming either a ring or a leaf and branching around this glowing stump. She became mesmerized by the intricate knotwork of the stump. She approached the tree stump and saw the portal, the air within the ring rippling as if it were the surface of a pond. She raised her hand to touch the portal, she saw weathered stones surrounding the portal and tree, expertly carved and placed meticulously to create a platform long forgotten.

"Stop Rhosyn! Wait!" Graver's voice brought her back to the present. She tore her gaze away from the stump and toward him, watching as he raced toward her with Jai'lan's following closely behind him. As soon as he was within arm's reach, he wrapped his arms around her as he jumped into the portal, dragging her with him.