
Chapter Seven

A week had passed since Aria and Osman had gotten trapped within a herd of Guro's. King Roco had called a meeting with his high circle, to get an update.

The High Council room was large, with a massive round golden table in the middle, sitting up to fifty people. In the middle was a map, floating and slowly rotating between all the realms. Including Lotharis. A hundred knight armours with swords and staff lined the dark ivory walls of the room. Representing the great kings that use to rule the Elderblood race.

"Fetch them!" A voice boomed. A man with dark brown hair with a golden crown on his head walked into the room, sitting on the black ivory chair at the round table.

"Right away, your majesty." A young man, wearing a white cap and drab scurried out of the room.

"Bloody fools." the man mumbled to himself as he swayed his hand to the side, moving the map. He selected an island that broke apart and fused back together. Using both hands he enlarged it, showing a city. He stroked his beard as he mumbled to himself, the sound of the door opening making him stop. Gael walked in and paused, quickly bowing with his great gnarled staff in his hand to support him.

"Your majesty."

"Get over here, you old hag and take a seat." Gael stood up and took a seat opposite the man.

"How is she?" the man asked.

"Recovering in the medical wing at the time being," Gael said. The door opened, showing Graver, Arkan and Hazen entering.

"Your majesty," they spoke as they bowed.

"Get over yourselves and take a seat." the man grumbled.

"Is everyone here?" Graver asked.

"No. Zerith is still amiss." the man said.

"Roco, when have I ever been late? Your majesty." Zerith walked in and bowed slightly before moving to sit in the chair beside him.

"Now that we are here, let us begin the meeting. Arkan update on what is going on in the city." Roco adjourned the meeting.

"The rumours of your late brother continue to spread throughout the city. It's beginning to become a rebellion. We had a young man reportedly strangled to death for sticking up for King Tarquen. The family of the man continues to stand outside the palace gates, asking for something to be done."

"Zerith, tell the treasury to compensate the family for the loss," Roco demanded.

"Yes, your majesty," Zerith picked up a pen and wrote down on a pad of paper.

Your majesty that won't stop it from happening to other families, nor does it prevent the rising of a civil war within your walls." Hazen blurted out.

"You speak out of turn. Watch your tongue before I remove it myself." Roco roared. Hazen shrank back into his seat. His face turning pale.

"My lord, Hazan has a point. We must find a way to stop this rebellion before it gets out of hand. My men are doing the best they can," Arkan said.

"Could it be that Master Huro is behind this?" Zerith asked. Arkan's hand clenched into a fist as he swallowed his anger.

"He was the most loyal person to King Tarquen; he wouldn't be behind this."

"Well, he does have the most motive than anyone else."

"He didn't start this."

"How do you know?"

"Why would he? What is his motive?"

"What wouldn't be his motive? His king betrayed him and his people. He lost his position and job, so do tell us why he would not be a suspect? Wasn't it his herd that almost killed Princess Aria?"

"He saved thousands of people and continued to train our soldiers. He hasn't lost his position; he has continuously served our people. He wasn't the one who let the Guro herd out. Why are you so set on him being behind everything?"

"I am simply not, it was his wife's DNA that opened up the gate, how are we to know she is dead?"

"Enough!" Roco's hand slammed down hard on the tabletop, creating a loud noise that echoed through the room, "Admiral Arkan, you are to bring Master Huro in for questioning. Get to the bottom of this."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Also, figure out where those three came from."

Graver coughed, "Your majesty, they could have been following Rhosyn and me."

"Explain," Arkan said. His attention was caught.

"In the human realm, when I found Rhosyn, we moved to a village and we were settling in when we were chased off, and this continued. It could be every few months or a year, but we were always on the run."

"The doesn't make sense. They would need a Tarkammon to get through the portal universe and to beat us on the other side. It was clear that they didn't." Gael said.

"Where ever the hell they came from, I don't care. Deal with it before the tournament in a fortnight," Roco paused as he stared at the capital city, "Zerith let the people know we are holding an audience with the king to hear their complaints, get that set up. I want the girls there to witness it if they are to become Queen. They need to learn what goes in court. I'll leave that to you, to guide them."

"I understand, I won't let you down." Zerith nodded as he scribbled on a parchment.

"Secondly, Arkan, let's get the peasants training. Recruit them. Give them something to look forward to. If we raise their living and family living, they may be against rebelling."

"I'll have Hazen look after it."

"Thirdly, Gael and Graver, spread the word around the capital that after we the audience, everyone is to dress up and partake in the ball (Two fortnights). Inform all shop keepers that they are to provide everyone with outfits, no matter the cost and we will pay it. Zerith informs the Treasurer and the Master of Request."

"Your.. your majesty," Gael sputtered. His eyes were wide with shock, "That is a big expense."

"Everyone is dismissed. Arkan stays behind." Roco ignored Gael. Everyone, but Arkan, stood up and bowed before exiting the council room.

"Your majesty?"

"What are your thoughts on one of my nieces?" Roco asked.


"No, you halfwit. Aria."

There was a long pause.


"What is his majesty getting at?"

"Aria's powers are coming in, and she needs a life partner. I've decided you will be that for her." Roco cleared his thought and shuffled slightly in his chair as he watched Arkan. Arkan froze, his face unmoving.

"If that is what you wish, your wish is my command." Arkan bowed his head.

"Good," Roco tilted his head as he stood up, "we will work out the details later." Roco exited the room, leaving Arkan sitting at the golden table. He stared at the map of the city.

Unlike the other high ranking officers under him, he didn't pay much attention to women. He found them a distraction to his duty. As he pondered on the last time he paid attention to a woman, and he slightly jerked back as he recalled it was his little sister. A sister he had adored before going off to fight in the war. A war against all other races. A war that he had died in, but was given a second chance, thanks to King Tarquen. He chuckled slightly. He wasn't sure if he knew how to act around a woman. The thought made the corner of his lips tilt upwards as he lifted himself off the chair and walked out of the room.

* * * * *

"Your Highness, we will be moving here shortly."

Rhosyn glanced up to look at Mother Henna, "Thank you, Mother."

"No problem, child. You should get some rest now."


Rhosyn stared down at the woman, tucked beneath the fur covers. Lifeless. Her silver-white hair was scattered in multiple places, knotted and stained with dried blood; crimson. Her eyes remained closed, covered with the spreading of purple with yellow blotches around them that accompanied the swelling she had. Her lips were bluish but parted slightly, as if she wanted to say something. Rhosyn's gaze moved to the woman's bandaged arms. They were both broken. Beneath the furs, Rhosyn could remember the discoloured bruising, and injuries she had witnessed. It had taken her and the Mother's healing magic to repair the damage that was done over a few weeks.

Rhosyn's heart pounded as one question continued to race through her mind; Who did this? Rhosyn slowly reached out to gently move a piece of hair off of Aria's face.

"Who could do this to you?" Tears brimmed her eyes.

"My lady." A soft feminine voice spoke from behind her. She quickly brushed the tears away before glancing at her head maid.

"It's time to rest, my lady." Rhosyn nodded her head in agreement as she couldn't speak. A giant ball was constricting her vocal cords as she tried to swallow it away. She was stopping herself from crying. She quietly stood up and bent forward, kissing Aria's forehead before stepping back.

"I will be back to see you soon." Rhosyn quietly followed her maid to her chambers.

"Mini, any word on who did this?" Rhosyn asked. Mini glanced back and smiled. It always took Rhosyn by surprise that she looked so young.

She should be out playing with other children.

"No, Milady." She said. Rhosyn smiled as she followed Mini down the vaulted hallway. Intricate ancient symbols, of the Elderblood, hung down, and torches lit the hallways. Mini stopped in front of a door.

"Let's draw you a bath."

"Thank-you," Rhosyn said as she entered the sitting chamber. As she looked around, she saw a doorway to her left, and two doors on her right. There were flowers and tables with seats placed around the room. She quietly walked to the lit fire, hoping for some warmth to seep into her chilled bones

"Your bath has been drawn." Rhosyn padded to the only door on the left side of the room and stepped in. The room was dimly lit by candles, giving off a soft glow. A faint smell of rose was in the air as she breathed in. Mini came up behind her and attempted to untie the strings of her dress. Rhosyn quickly stepped away and looked at her.

"You may leave, I can undress." Rhosyn snapped. Slight panic began to build up in her chest.

"Milady, please turn around so I may help you undress. It is my job," Mini stood firm, "I've let you have it your way, with what's happening to the princess, but we must look after you." It took Rhosyn aback slightly. She wasn't going to jeopardize someone's job, so she slowly turned around.

"What you see or hear in this quarters remains here, do you understand?" Rhosyn said.

"I understand." Mini agreed. Rhosyn let a sigh of relief as the dress fell to the floor. Relieving the stress, is placed on her back. A soft gasp came from behind her.

She slightly tensed up as Mini whispered, "Milady, I didn't mean to offend. My apologies." Rhosyn turned around and patted her arm.

"Keep it to yourself. No one else needs to know about this. Understood?" Mini quietly nodded and brought Rhosyn over to the bath and helped her in. She groaned as the warmth enveloped her body. Her muscles tingling as the stress slowly released.

"Is it painful, Milady?" Mini asked.

"Yes. I drink a special herb when it becomes too much."

"Of course. Lean forward." Mini sponged her back gently, pouring fresh hot water over her head.

"All finished."

"Thank-you." Rhosyn stood up, surprised her back didn't act up like it usually did when she bathed. Mini quickly wrapped a towel around and moved her into the bedchamber to dry off. Mini helped her into a soft black nightgown as servants stoked the fire and got it going.

"Fetch a kettle, girls," Graver demanded as he walked into the room.

"Yes, Milord." A girl bowed and ran out.

"Good evening Milord." Mini bowed before continuing to help Rhosyn remove the pins in her hair.

"How are you this evening Mini?"

A girl ran in and placed a kettle upon the fire and ran out.

"Good Milord," She took a step back from Rhosyn, "All finished. I'll take my leave." She bowed and walked out.

Rhosyn giggled as she raised her hand to try and stifle it.

"You scare them so much."

"Yet it never works on you," Graver said as he unbuttoned his shirt and laid it on the back of the chair. Rhosyn stood up and walked towards him. She was admiring his sculptured muscles. She placed a hand on his chest. Feeling his heartbeat beneath her hands as the warmth seeped into her skin. She felt her cheeks get warm, as she moved in closer.

"That's because I know underneath all that fur is a tiny pup." He grabbed her by the waist, pulling her up close against his chest. His hand gently glided through her hair as she looked up at him. As a small but teasing smile crept across her face, goosebumps lined her skin, she wasn't cold, but it was because nothing else matters except being here in his arms.

"Is that so?" His chest rumbled. She felt her heart skip a beat as a small smile spread across his face. She felt her hand move and gentle trace the scar that ran along his jaw bone. His chest vibrated from a growl, making her eyes dart to his. His bright forest greens eyes now held a golden fire within them. He leaned down, and his lips brushed against hers, passionate and demanding, his hands gripping her hair as he deepened the kiss. Her body began to warm as she pressed her full body against him. He quickly lifted her as she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. He walked a few steps as he kissed along her neck, making her shiver as he placed her on the bed. He propped himself against the pillows as she curled into his side and lazily ran her fingers up and down his sculpted stomach. She was hearing a soft growl vibrate from his chest.

"Continue doing that and I won't be able to withstand." Rhosyn glanced up, a small teasing smile spread across her face as she kissed him.



"Have you and Arkan found the person responsible for what they did to Aria?"

There was a long pause as she felt her heart flutter.

"No. Not yet." His arm tightened around her as he placed a kiss on the top of her head. Comfortable silence filled the air as she stared into the fire that danced in the hearth, feeling Graver's fingers lightly dancing against her skin.

"Is it hurting?" He asked.

"What?" She looked at him, not understanding.

"Your back. I've seen it's grown again."

She darted her eyes away, not knowing if she should reply. Stiff fingers grabbed the bottom of her chin and turned her face towards his.

"Do not shy away from me. If I ask you a question, you must answer," The growl in his voice, confirming his wolf was near the surface.

"Yes," She couldn't bear to tell him the tea was no longer working.

"Sit up," He commanded. She quickly pushed herself up and sat on her knees. She was allowing him to look at her back. He slowly moved the straps of her nightgown off her shoulders, making the dress fall around her hips. A growl filled the quiet room. Goosebumps rose along her skin as she shivered at the touch of his fingers.

"Enough," He lifted the straps of the dress, pulling the soft material back onto her shoulders before covering her with a fur, "It's time we got the healer. Until we figure out what that thing is, no more healing!" He got out of bed and threw his white shirt on, not bothering to do it up.

"Where are you going?" Panic began to swell in her chest. She didn't want others to know.

"To get you, your tea. You will see the healer tomorrow." He said as he left the room. A breath of air slipped between her lips as she got up from the bed. Holding the furs tightly around herself, she walked over to the glass balcony doors.

Rhosyn gently lifted a hand towards the bright blue moon, where she starred as she began to see black spider webbing through her veins. She glanced behind her, and afraid Graver would see, before hiding her hand back beneath the furs. She knew he had good intentions, but she wasn't going to stop practicing magic. She couldn't, not if she wanted to protect her people. A knock on the door drew her thoughts back.

Who could it be at this time of night?

She walked to the door and pulled. One of the serving girls stood in front of her, looking down as she lifted her hands, offering what they held. Rhosyn looked down and saw the lemon herbs in a jar.

She tentatively took the jar and looked at the girl's other hands. It was the staff that she had lent Aria weeks ago.

"Where did you find this?"

"The Admiral dropped it off, asking us to make sure it got back to you."

Rhosyn reached out and grabbed the staff; immediately it came to life. Twisting with crystal blue waves, before transforming into a smoothly carved bow and a thought.

"Tell the Admiral I say thank you. Will that be all?" She asked.

"Yes, your highness. Have a good night." The girl bowed and walked away. Rhosyn quietly shut the door and placed the bow on the nearest table as she walked to the fire, prepping her tea.

I hope you work.

Rhosyn carefully maneuvered the kettle off the pole that held it above the fire, pouring the tea into a cup. She placed the pot back and sat in a small cushioned chair beside the fire. It had been almost a fortnight since the incident, and she was grappling with trying and piecing it all together. She understood it wasn't an accident, nothing that has happened was by accident. She could only pray that Aria would wake up. She raised the cup of tea to her lips, realizing she already drank it. The creaking sound of the door to their chamber opened as Graver entered.

"Why are you awake? You should be in bed, getting some rest." A slight frown appeared on his face as he walked towards her.

"I just had some tea before bed." She said as she placed the cup down and stood up, stepping into his embrace. Relishing the warmth that emulated from his body.

"Come. I'll hold you until you fall asleep." He wrapped his arms around her waist and behind her knees, gently lifting her and holding her close to his chest. She closed her eyes and leaned into his chest, listening to the beat of his heart. He placed her in bed and covered her with furs before sliding in beside her and wrapping her in his embrace.

"Graver?" She asked softly.


"Will we ever find out who did this to Aria?" She couldn't stop thinking about the incident.

"Shhh Rhosyn, close your eyes and drift to sleep. I'll be here when you wake."

A soft sigh fell from her parted lips as she snuggled closer and enjoyed his hands playing with her hair, lulling her to sleep.


"Happy Birthday Saffir." Rhosyn said, as she shook Saffir awake. Saffir made a noise, Rhosyn took it as go away.

"It's time to get up. You said you wanted to wander the market and do some shopping." Rhosyn opened the blinds, allowing light into the very small room. A bed and a side table was all that could fit in the room.

"We can go to the market?" Saffir asked. She sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Rhosyn stifled a giggle at the state of her very dishevelled hair.

"Yes silly. Graver says it should be safe for us." Saffir's eyes grew big, as she began to smile. She threw the blanket aside and got dressed.

"I'll meet you in the front garden." Rhosyn walked through the small cottage and stepped outside in the front garden. She heard Saffir running behind her as she caught up.

"Are we really going to the market?" Saffir asked.

"Yes. Graver thinks we've been here long enough with no issues, so he says we can go. Just in time to find you something for your birthday." Rhosyn said.

"Think we'll be able to stay in this town?"

"Honestly," there was a slight pause as Rhosyn stepped out of the way for a horse cart coming through, "I'm not sure." Rhosyn could feel Saffir staring at the hood that covered her hair and face. She would never be able to walk around freely like Saffir in the village. She was different to the other humans. They continued to wander the streets, looking at the merchandises and chatting with the shop keepers, stopping for Saffir to try dresses on.

"Sister," Saffir called out, "What about this?" Rhosyn lifted her head to see Saffir pointing at a knife that was dual bladed with a hardwood handle in the middle.

"It not for a young lady like yourself to play with." The shop keeper said as he removed the blade from her hands.

"Excuse me sir, but isn't your goal is to take our money, not turn your customers away?" Rhosyn asked. His mouth shut closed as he was left speechless.

"Why don't you tell us about this blade? Then we will decide it's worth."

"It's a double-edged stiletto dagger, developed by the Seetha during the war of kings. The blades are ten inches each, crafted from naganite metal. Commonly used by assassins."

"How does it work," the shopkeeper stared at her, "Well?" She felt her eyebrow raise.

"This button here," he pressed the small button, demonstrating as the other blade slid out.

"Go ahead and try it," She glanced at Saffir as she hesitantly lifted her hand, and wrapped her hand around the hardwood handle, carefully lifting it out of the shopkeepers hands.

"Wow." She swung it through the air, the soft whistling of the blades slicing through the air.

"How does it feel?"

"Light. It's perfect. Can I have it?" Saffir asked. Rhosyn glanced at the man, taking in how the corner of his mouth turned upwards in a smirk.

"How much?" She asked.

"Three gold." He replied, as if he was proud with how much he wanted.

"One and a half."


"Two and not any higher." She crossed her arms. She was firm on her offer.

"Deal." Saffir began to jump up and down with excitement as Rhosyn handed over the coins. Shouts came from the square, drawing everyone's attention.

"You ladies are new to the village." The shopkeeper said.

"Yes we are. Is this common?"

"The shouting? Only when there's an execution." Saffir looked at her with fear in her eyes. Rhosyn placed her hand on Saffir arms and they walked with the crowd, flowing to the square where they saw a post surrounded by wood and straw.

"Bring in the witch!" A caged cart was pushed by men, with a girl huddled in the corner.

"Kill the witch!" The crowd chanted as they threw rotten food and rocks at the moving cage. The cart stopped and the door opened as a woman's scream pierced through the chanting.

"Please no! I didn't do this! I'm innocent." Soldiers dressed in iron plates pulled a small girl with black wild hair. She wore a potato sack stained with black and brown spots. Her skin was covered with bruises and dirt as she struggled against the soldiers restraints. Two more soldiers rushed up and grabbed her kicking legs, as they hurried towards the pyre, strapping her to the post.

"Saffir we should leave." Rhosyn gently lifted her hand and touched the inner side of Saffir's elbow.

"Why? We are just watching." Rhosyn tightened her grip on Saffir's arm. A heavy feeling settled in her gut, making her want to run.

"Ow, you're hurting me Rhosyn."

"Saffir, we need to leave, now." The tightening of her chest made her panic. A man in dark robes walked onto the pyre. A chain hung around his neck with a massive golden cross swinging against his chest. A black book was held in his hand. He opened the book and raised his hands up high in the air.

"People of Westray! God in his divine wisdom, has elevated me to Bishop specifically that I may, today, carry out the sentence to burn this witch at the stake. Burn her, as surely she will continue to burn in hell. She was sheltered in the guise of a nun."

"She's just a child!" A woman shouted.

"Laughed as she poisoned those who she touched. But today. Oh, today I am the instrument. The instrument of the Lord's justice." He ignored the woman's outcry. He turned to face the girl cowering against the pole. He lifted his arms high in the air and shouted.

"God, whose nature is forever merciful and forgiving, accept our prayer that this servant of yours, bound by the fetters of sin, maybe pardoned by your kindness." He placed his hand on the girls shoulder while the other placed a small chain and a cross over her head, letting it rest around her neck.

"Depart, then, impious one, depart, accursed one, depart with all your deceits, for God has willed that man should be His temple." She began to scream and thrash as smoke began to waft upward from her feet.

"Leave Satan, the body of this woman and make room for the Holy Spirit!" The priest stepped back as she screamed and the pyre went up in black flames. The priest turned back, with a smile on his face. Rhosyn felt her heart drop into her stomach and she attempted to drag Saffir out of the square.

"Ouch, Rhosyn you're hurting me."

"We need to leave."


Rhosyn stopped and whipped around to face Saffir. She must have turned to fast as she felt her hood fall from her face. She glanced at the priest across the square, her eyes meeting her his. His eyes lit up as he locked onto her appearance.

"The Holy Father is upon us today. He has revealed the devil himself that took a child from us." He slowly raised his arm, pointing towards her.

"May the Father guide us as we send the devil back to where he belongs!" Everyone turned, gasping as they took in her long white hair, streaked with purple, deep violet eyes and pointed ears.

"Behold, the demon who held a child captive! Soldiers get her." Shouts and screams filled the square as everyone fought to run.

"This is why!" Rhosyn growled as she grabbed Saffir's arm and tugged her down the alleyway.

"This way." A mans voice shouted behind them. They took off running and turned a corner. Every turn Rhosyn took, she found herself becoming distorted and panicking as they tried to navigate through the dirty alley's as they tried to escape the cities maze.

"Rhosyn.." Panting, Saffir stopped, her hand against a wall, stabilizing herself as she struggled to breathe.

"We can't stop Saffir." Rhosyn halted and glanced behind them. Shouts echoed through the alley's, alerting her that they were catching up.

"Run." Rhosyn grabbed her arm and tugged her in front of her, pushing her to run. She glanced over her shoulders, eyes widening as she saw men turn onto the street. They weren't soldiers or with the church. She didn't have enough time to think as she took off after Saffir, only to barrel into her, taking them both to the ground. They landed in a puddle, soaking their clothes.

"Why did you stop?"

"It's a dead end."

Rhosyn glanced up and saw a massive brick wall standing in their way. Footsteps and shouts drew closer behind them. She staggered to her feet and helped Saffir up.

"Can't you use your magic?" Saffir asked. Her eyes were wide, pupils dilated as her eyes darted everywhere, looking for an exit.

"Not in a way that'll help us," She didn't know how to tell Saffir that she couldn't use her magic for anything but healing and imbuing elements onto weapons. Nothing useful to help them.

"Hey, give me your hand." A husky voice said. Rhosyn whirled around to see Graver leaning over the brick wall, his hand extended towards them.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"There they are. The boss wants them alive." Rhosyn glanced over her shoulder, seeing men dressed in leather racing towards them. She quickly moved to the wall and locked her fingers together, creating a foothold for Saffir.

"Quick, give me your foot." Saffir didn't hesitate and Rhosyn gritted her teeth as she boosted Saffir up as Graver pulled her over the wall. She took a few steps away from the wall. She took a deep breath and ran, jumping and grabbing ahold of Graver's hand. She slammed into the wall, knocking the air from her lungs as Graver struggled to pull her up and over. Her legs scrambling for purchase on the brick wall, any way to help prevent her from falling down the wall. Graver grabbed her wrist with his other hand and heaved her up onto the top of the wall.

"Always getting into trouble." Graver shook his head as he dropped down to the other side. She landed beside him. Tingles spike through her legs and arms as she slowly stood up. It wasn't her fault that trouble followed her.

"This way."

Rhosyn followed on his heel as Graver directed them out of the city and into the forest. The horses were tied to tree, packed with their belongings. Rhosyn quickly went to her horse, knowing the routine of having to run for her life and putting as much distance as possible between her and those who want her dead.

"Let's go." Graver said. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure no one was following as she walked into the forest. The forest was eerie silent as they made their way deeper into the forest. Her heart raced in her chest as she scanned the forest.

Graver shouted as rough-looking men began to drop from the treetops. The sound of swords whistling from their sheathes and clashing against one another filled the air. Rhosyn ripped her bow from the saddle and unsheathed her blade, holding it in her hand.

"Rhosyn!" Saffir shouted.

Rhosyn whipped around to see Rhosyn being dragged away by a hooded bandit, a knife against her throat. Without a second thought, she sheathed her blade and raised her bow on instinct and notched an arrow from her quiver attached to her saddle. The muscles in her back strained as she closed one eye and aimed, letting the arrow fly with a distinctive twang. It pierced the man's leg, and in a blood-curdling scream, he toppled over, clutching at his wound. Saffir, in the commotion, freed herself from the bandit's grip and sprinted to Rhosyn and into her arms.

"Stay behind me," Rhosyn ordered and moved in front of her. She watched the trees closely, shutting out the sounds of clashing steel. She knew Graver could take care of them himself and they would just be underfoot if they went to him. More and more came from the canopy and Rhosyn continued to let loose her volleys. It was during this that she felt Saffir push into her and a shrill scream erupted from her

"Rhosyn, look out!" Saffir shouted.

Before she could turn something landed on her hard from above, throwing her to the ground forcefully. She gasped, struggling for air as the weight lifted off her, but before she could catch her breath, she was jerked up from the ground and grabbed by the neck.

"Shh!!" A harsh, low voice slurred into Rhosyn's ear. "Keep your voice down, or I'll stick a knife in your gut."

She struggled against her attacker, thrashing about with her legs but his grip was too strong. The bandit's hands moving from her waist, seizing her arms and violently pulling them behind her back and throwing the bow from her hands. She looked around frantically for Saffir, only to see her for only a moment before she disappeared into the forest, her eyes wide with fear as the men pulled her in. Rhosyn struggled again, trying with all her might to reach her, making the bandit laugh derisively.

"Keep moving, or she'll be dead along with you." He pressed his lips close to her ear, leaving it warm and moist from his breath.

"Like hell, I would let that happen!" She snarled and slammed her head back into his face. Pain exploded in her head as she heard a crunching sound from a shattered nose. He cried out in pain and loosened his grip enough for Rhosyn to break free. She turned around to see him clutching his face with blood trickling between his fingers and hate in his eyes.

"You bitch!" He snarled. She smiled slightly as she removed a dagger from her boot and slammed it into the crook of his neck and shoulder. He grappled for the knife as he fell on his knees, eyes wide. She ripped the knife out, blood spraying all over her as he crumbled to the ground. Gurgling.

She heard voices off in the distance. She left the body behind and chased after the voices.

I'm sorry Graver, I have to leave you on your own.

Saffir had no experience in fighting, hell she didn't have a lot herself, but she knew how to defend. She kicked herself for not teaching Saffir how to defend herself. Rhosyn came to a halt, trying to regulate her breathing, she looked around. Laughter could be heard, but she couldn't tell from which direction. She eyes the cliff, taking note of the vines and divets. She spotted a hole in the mountain.

A cave.

She grabbed hold of the ledges in the rock and started climbing her way up to the entrance of a cave. Her muscles were straining and quivering as pulled herself up and over the ledge. She swore to herself as she saw a trail that led up to the entrance. She turned her head as a scream echoed from within the cave. She got to her feet and walked into the cave. As she attempted to navigate the cave's tunnels, she heard the sounds of grunts.

"Please no, stop!" Rhosyn picked up her pace, following the voices.

"You're going to take it like a good little girl, that you are." A man laughed as she screamed.

"Save some for us." A second man said. Rhosyn quietly walked the tunnel, going towards a soft light that was emanating from a cavern. She held her breath, her heart beating hard, she was afraid they would hear it. She placed her hands on the wall to steady herself as she slowly peaked around the corner. She covered her mouth, trying to mute the sound of her surprise. She saw three men in the cavern. One pinning Saffir's arms down as a man raped her. The other standing by, watching. Tears streamed down Saffir's face as the man roughly fucked her. Anger boiled up as Rhosyn watched. She leaned against the wall and took a deep breath before walking into the cavern.

"Who the hell are you." The man that was watching drew the sword at his hip.

"Let her go." Her voice was low as she tried to contain the anger. The man laughed as he moved towards her. She eyed as the man fucking Saffir pulled her up. Holding her against him by his grip on her breast. The man put his face against her neck, licking her, as she whimpered.

Ice began to form on the ground as the anger within Rhosyn slowly consumed her mind. She took a step towards them, ice moving across the ground like a snake, spreading out as if it had been a lightning strike. The men jumped back as she took a step forward.

"How dare you touch her." She raised her hand and a shot of ice flew from her hand, hitting the man that held Saffir down, moments ago. Blood oozed from the wound as he removed the icicle, falling to his knees. The men were momentarily frozen before jumping into action. She raised her dagger and blocked the sword.

Saffir screamed, momentarily distracting Rhosyn. Blood covered her torso as the man pulled the knife out from her side, dropping her to the ground.

"Let's get out of here!" Rhosyn was kicked behind the knee, a burning fire ripped up her leg as she crumbled to her knees. The man quickly went to exit when Graver blocked their way. Quickly dispatching them with his sword.

"Graver," Rhosyn reached for him. Her heart broke at seeing the pool of blood around Saffir, "I need to heal her."

"There is no time. I need to get you out."

"I won't leave her. I can heal her." Rhosyn struggled against his arms as he lifted her.

"Keeping you alive is my main duty."

"I won't leave her behind." Tears streamed down Rhosyn's cheeks as she struggled. The pain in her heart burned. She knew there was a chance to help Saffir. Saffir gave up everything to follow her, she couldn't leave her behind.

Rain pelted against her face as she struggled against Graver's arm.

"Put me down!" She screamed. He placed her on her feet and stared at her.

"We need to go back for her!"


Rhosyn screamed with frustration as she slammed her fists into his chest, as hard as she could. Ice shattered against his chest. He winced slightly but didn't move.

"She gave up everything for us. To follow us. She was apart of our family. How can you leave her behind, bleeding to death when I could have saved her!"

"My job is to protect you. She was an accessory that dragged us down."

"She was my sister!"

"No. Aria is your sister. She didn't even care about your well-being."

"She did."

"If she did, we wouldn't be in this mess."

"That's not true. I could've saved her. I could have." Graver's expression softens as he gathered her up in his embrace.

"I know you could have." He murmured as she cried into his chest. She felt his arms tighten as she cried. Nausea swirled unrestrained in her empty stomach as her tear ducts ran out of tears. Rhosyn's head swam with half-formed regrets, for not protecting Saffir, for not getting to her in time. Her heart felt as if her blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat. The heartache burned like an insatiable fire that burnt all the oxygen in her body, leaving her lifeless and empty. She hardly noticed Graver picking her up.

A slight shaking of her shoulder.

"Rhosyn, wake up." More shaking of her shoulder.


Rhosyn bolted upright, the beats of her heart, thumping in her ears. The fire-spitting and waving in the hearth. The soft mattress beneath her. She glanced at Graver, realizing it was a dream. She was back in her bed with Graver, in the Shifting Lands. Except what happened to Saffir was not a dream, but a past.

"Rhosyn?" His voice was soft, his eyes full of concern.

"I could have saved her." as tears began to fall down her face.