
Chapter Five

Graver stepped out of the portal as he took a deep breath in. He sighed as he smiled and walked over to Gael.

"It's good to be back," Graver said.

"Yes. It is," Gael replied, "Where are the girls?"

"Portal must have sent me through first. They should be out momentarily."

"Very well. The land masses are moving differently then before." Gael pointed out. Graver looked and watched as the land masses drifted on clouds. Moving with no real direction.

"The only time they do that…"

"Is when there is a disturbance in magic," Gael finished off, "I want you to go ahead and scout our route to the capital. There may be more that awaits us."

"I understand." Graver nodded and headed into the forest.

"Don't forget, the king keeps a patrol out." Gael reminded Graver. Graver raised his hand in response before shifting into his wolf form and lopping off.


"You going to keep standing there with your mouth wide open?" Telsa asked Aria and Rhosyn as they came to a stop outside the portal. They quickly shut their mouth as they took in their surroundings. It was unlike anything either had seen, a land in transience. The earth and trees twisted and changed, as if time spun wildly forward and back in flux. Saplings became mighty oaks, only to topple over from rot in a matter of moments. Wolf pups being birthed in a bush instantly started growing and maturing, birds hatching out of eggs mere moments before taking flight.

Aria and Rhosyn spanned in union, as they looked on in fascination, they slowly walked to the ledge and as they looked down, they were awestruck. The landmasses sat upon nothing, empty air stretched out below them and pale sunset struck clouds ebbed and flowed like a calm ocean. As they began to step forward at Gael's urging, earth and stone lifted from hidden eternal placements around them, slowly hovering at their feet, only to link together, fusing in sudden intense heat and finally forming a bridge of crystal and vines.

"Are we going across this?" Aria looked at Gael with excitement. He nodded in response. She had to prevent herself from jumping with excitement, as she walked across the bridge. She noticed that the trees didn't shift on the island they were approaching, as if in this one space, time stood still. She looked back to the island they were just on, as they crossed the bridge to see it dissolve and the island drift away on the current of clouds below.

"It is rather different." Rhosyn replied.

"Come on you two." Telsa hollered.

They traveled through the dense forest, softly cursing as twigs and branches snagged their clothes and hair. Aria's head turned around as a movement caught her eye.

"Wait." She stopped and held her hand up. "I think there's something out there." She slowly took in the trees and bushes, not spotting anything.

"Did you see something?" Rhosyn asked as she looked at Aria.

"I thought I saw something move out of the corner of my eye, but I don't know." Aria was not sure what she saw.

"Mayhap it was merely a shadow." Gael commented before continuing. Telsa shrugged at Aria and kept moving.

"I believe you." Rhosyn assured as she continued to walk.

You're probably just saying that, Aria thought to herself. She kept her eyes out for any movements as she followed behind everyone.

Maybe I was just seeing things, Aria thought. She couldn't help but have this feeling in her gut that told her, they were being watched.

Not far from Aria and Rhosyn, three figures crouched in the canopy above, watching and listening intently.

One dressed in witches' garb suddenly turned to another with a foul expression. "What were you thinking?! The whole plan could have been for naught if they had spotted you!" her voice hushed but harsh. The other merely looked at her with a blank expression, her red eyes glowing in the dim light.

"This is not the time, Tali." remarked the third, a willowy built man dressed in thick, padded cloth and armor. "Besides, you know our sister does not speak, why must you waste your breath?"

The witch sighed and adjusted her hat and gloves, moving her gnarled short staff on her belt "Do you think they know we are here, Tiane?" She asked.

"I don't believe so, their movements have not changed. But it's only a matter of time before they are out of our reach." He rubbed his jaw in thought.

"We haven't learnt anything by following them, perhaps now is the time to strike before they reach the keep?" she said.

"You are right, if they get any closer to the Elderblood king, they will be out of our hands." he turned towards her red eyed sister, who absently toyed with a small brooch on her form fitting black armor.

"You know what to do?" The red eyed sister cocked her head to the side before nodding once.

Tali pointed one small finger at her. "And don't get spotted until we are ready."

She nodded again, before jumping from the canopy and disappearing into the foliage below.

"I'll see you on the other side." Tali muttered with a grumpy tone before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. Tiane began jumping from tree to tree, keeping pace with their prey below.

Graver watched as the three split up and took off.

This is not good. He thought. He shifted back to his wolf and ran between the trees. He needed to find help, and fast. He paused and sniffed the air. A pungent musk with a multitude of mixed smells filled his senses.

Arkan. A smell he would never forget. Among the smell of sweat and dirt, he had caught the tangy scent of patchouli and lemongrass. He took off, following the smell until he came to a clearing. He slowed as he stepped into the clearing.

Aria watched her surroundings, her eyes locked on every miniscule movement in the surrounding forest, for she couldn't shake the feeling of impending danger. The thought of eyes watching unseen, unnerved her, making her agitated and waspish that led to the others giving her a wide berth. But still she watched, unable to shake the unpleasant feeling.

That's when they heard a voice, a faint singing in the forest air, but rich in sound and form. Aria's hand went for her blade while the others followed. Slowly walking towards the voice, did it grow louder and louder. Before them, in a small grove with beams of light breaking through the canopy above, a lithe woman sat on a grassy knoll. Aria saw the pale, deathly gray skin and burning red eyes immediately, and a strange burn like scar shaped into a twisted rune on her face. Despite her womanly appearance she wore thin black-metal plate covered in a shadowy shall. Her singing stopped; her face emotionless but eyes burned with a strange inner fire.

Gael stepped forward. "Who goes there?" She said nothing, she only stood up, in her unseen hand she bore a large ceremonial great sword that seemed impossible for someone her size to carry it, yet she wielded with one, thin arm.

"If you don't answer, we have to assume you are an enemy." Telsa said as she brought her sword and shield up. The woman cocked her head to the side, seemingly thinking on what they said.

"What are you afraid of?" she said finally, as she moved the great sword in front of her, suddenly bursting into a black fire that cast no shadow around her, where in her free hand a crimson flame grew into a raging flare.

Aria caught something flashing out of the corner of her eye, as she quickly looked that way, she saw an azure glow appear from its precipice was a great spear of blue light surged forth, tearing through everything in its path. She grabbed Rhosyn and jumped from its path. Only for her to look up to see a golden glow rain down looking to be arrows of lightning from the canopy. Aria put herself over Rhosyn to protect her. Except, nothing came. She turned to see Telsa standing above her definitely, her great shield lifted above her head and her sword poised for combat. A light tinkle of laughter reached her ear as another woman appeared, dressed in dark blue robes. She tilted her head and smirked roguishly, tapping her staff against her cheek.

"My, my, that's no fun," she taunted with another small laugh.

"You just wasted my precious magic by dodging like that."

"Now is not the time, Tali." Another figure approached, dropping from the canopy above and dressed in elegant robes of golden and silver embroidery. In one mailed fist he bore a hefty mace, runes etched in golden hues humming with life.

"Must you ruin my fun, Tiane." the woman responded. Aria looked at the woman named Tali. She leaned against her staff with a self-satisfied smirk

"Who are you? What do you want?" Rhosyn asked as she stood tall beside Aria. Tali mocked horror as she brought her hand up to cover her mouth.

"Who are we?! Why little girl, as of right now we are your best friends." Tali raised her staff and sent a blast towards them. However, Gael stepped in and blocked it at the last moment, sending him flying into the dirt. The man called Tiane lunged at Aria, his mace crackling with lightning, sparks racing across the open air as he swung in smooth arcs. She parried it with her sword, pushing him away from her and striking back with a swift counter, forcing him to take a defensive posture. A shadow caught the corner of her eye, distracting her for a second. One second to long. Tiane saw this lapse and swung the mace to the side. Aria barely had enough time to dodge before she was struck in the chest from outside her view.

She gasped in pain as air rushed out of her lungs, her body crashing into a tree and crushing it entirely. She slumped to the ground. Damn that hurt, she thought. Where did it come from? She glanced up and saw red glowing eyes of the ashen woman standing at Tiane's side. Right, there was a third. How could I forget? Aria couldn't help but feel guilty for forgetting her lessons.

"You want to play like that then? Fine by me." Aria gritted her teeth as she stood up. Rhosyn fired a volley at Tiane as Telsa rushed forward, crashing into him with her shield, leaving Aria alone with her red eyed attacker.

Aria tightened her grip on her sword as she raised it in front of her. Slowly forming were three small spheres of violet light around her, before she released it towards the woman. The woman dodged as Aria charged her. Aria stepped to the side and thrusted. The woman's great sword swung down and blocked her advance. Aria backstepped her strike and lunged to attempt another attack. The woman countered with a feint, cutting Aria's face with a quick flick of the wrist. Aria stepped back and grimaced, she felt the blood running down the left side of her face as the red eyes bore down on her. The woman took advantage of the distraction, with a quick lunge she reached out to grab Aria's throat, her hand fixed like claws and wreathed in crimson flames. Aria, in a moment of panic, dodged back and tripped, leaving the woman standing above her, absently staring at the flickering fire in the palm of her hand

"Is this what you are afraid of?" the woman asked quietly before turning the great sword in her hand, attempting to plunge it down on her. Aria grunted and rolled to the side and to her feet, struggling to not fall, she quickly put out the fire that caught onto her shirt from the inflamed blade. That hit costed her. She winced as she felt pain on every breath, the blade had grazed her and she felt the burning sensation on the open wound. She grimaced as she put her sword away, staring at the woman as she pulled her daggers out. They were short at four inches but so sharp even the gentlest of touches to flesh would result in a free bleeding cut. Its handle was carved mahogany and looked old, it made one think who it really belonged to.

"Let's try this then." Aria said before she lunged at the woman, her daggers held low, sprinting across the field in seconds. The woman raised her great sword and met her attack halfway. The swords clashed together, locked in place as the red eyed woman pressed the blade into her. Suddenly the strange smell reached Aria's senses, a mix of charcoal and blood, making Aria jump back and gag at the stench. She resorted to her magic, summoning arcane blades behind the woman. She swiftly threw one of her daggers, forcing the woman to block with her great sword leaving her open to the arcane daggers that flew at her. She whipped around and threw crimson flares at each dagger except one hit her in the shoulder. The woman turned to Aria, seemingly unaware of the blade lodged in her.

"What are you?" Fear was slowly seeding into Aria's mind.

"They call me, the Ignited Doll." she paused and wrenched the astral blade free, her wound wreathed in the same flames as her hand as she crushed the blade. "Weak." She swung her great sword again, the black fire scattering around her and burning the forest floor.

Meanwhile, Gael was in a battle with the woman called Tali. Divine magic against pure magic left them with equal strengths from both sides. Telsa was locked in battle against Tiane. Her shield granting her protection against the magic he used. Where Rhosyn stood back with her bow, releasing a volley of ice arrows at Tali and Tiane, hoping to distract them enough that Telsa and Gale could land a hit. They were neck to neck with one another. That was, until Aria came flying through the forest aimed squarely at the wizard girl, crashing into her and tumbling in a mass of limbs before striking a boulder. It split from the force, leaving Aria groaning in pain and leaving everyone in stunned silence, as all battle seize.

"Get off me!" Tali's piercing scream echoed through the quiet. Tiane stopped and dodged Telsa's attack as he looked at his partner with concern. Aria rolled off Tali and struggled to stand up.

"God damn it, what is she?" Aria muttered to herself. She coughed up blood. Landing on Tali's face.

"You're going to pay for that!" Tali screeched as she tried to wipe the blood from her face.

"You overreact, sister." The ignited doll walked out from the tree line. Her greatsword dragged behind her as she held a massive molten ball in her hand.

"No, I don't!" She huffed as she got up. She lifted her staff sending an azure blast at Aria, who lifted her hand and summoned an astral wall that swallowed the magic whole. Aria looked at Tali with her eyes glowing a bright purple as she spread her hand out at her side where an astral orb appeared between each of her fingers.

Rhosyn took that chance to notch three arrows and take aim at Tali.

"Llu Pwerdy." She whispered as she released the string. The arrows twanged off the bow and the shafts snapped straight as they flew to their target. They landed in a triangle around Tali, a circle appearing at her feet and ice encasing her skin. Her back arched in pain and her eyes wide with her mouth open as if she wanted to scream before collapsing. Aria turned to face the Ignited Doll and threw the orbs at her. The woman sliced through the orbs and countered with her molten lava. Aria dodge only to have ignited doll predict her movement and slam a flare into her side. Aria flew a short distance away, where she coughed up more blood. I'm not going to survive much longer if I keep this up. She thought as she struggled to stand. Her legs shook uncontrollably as she took a step forward. No one could one up me, she thought.

"Let go." a voice in the vault of her mind whispered. She began to feel angry, a burning rage that began to consume her as she reached out and released the chains around a ball of light deep within herself. She allowed her magic to come rushing out and fill her body with a hum of energy. Astral physical replicas of her began to appear around the Ignited doll. She let everything loose, she raised her arms, palms out, and fired a maelstrom of energy towards the Ignited Doll. An intense beam of astral energy that seared their surroundings with raw power. The Doll neatly dodged this however, her hand coming up to grip her throat and slam her to the floor

"What are you afraid of?" she repeated, her hands tightening. Aria clawed at the woman's hands as she saw her friends were all laid on the ground, beaten and unmoving. No... No... I can't lose, I must protect them, I must. Aria's eyes watered as pain, guilt, rage consumed her. She began to wail as she became engulfed by a magic flame. Ignited doll jumped back and released her great sword's black fire and lunged at Aria. Aria leaped up, only to meet her mid-air when a darkness fell upon everyone. The two collided with each other when she felt pain down in her abdomen as the great sword cut into it. She felt her dagger sink into flesh only to pull it out when they hit the ground. They both groaned as they could see nothing back darkness.

"Don't let them escape." A male voice commanded.

"Yes sir!" A chorus of voices responded as the sun light began to fill the forest cove. Aria blinked as she tried to get her eyes to adjust to the sun light. She quickly looked around as she didn't see the ignited doll in front of her. Soldiers were spreading out around them, pointing their spears at them as a tall and powerfully built man, a figure of a warrior with gold flecked forest eyes with dark loose hair, caught Aria's attention as he walked through the formation of men, looking directly at her. Her breath hitched as she felt lost in his eyes.

"Rhosyn, Telsa, Gael!" Graver came barreling through the circle and ran up to the three and helped them to their feet

"Where did they go?" Aria asked, as the cove was missing three bodies.

"They managed to escape." A deep voice said. Aria turned her attention to the man that knelt down beside her and went to examine her leg. She hissed in pain, even though his touch was gentle, the gash on her thigh continued to bleed profusely.

"Check the surrounding area immediately!" He ordered as he pulled a strip of cloth from his tunic. He quickly wrapped it around her leg, tying it off tightly. She clenched her teeth as white searing pain ran up her leg. It felt like her leg was on fire.

"Hazen!" He shouted. A man who she presumed to be Hazen, walked over. He removed the helmet from his head, exposing a sand kissed short hair, with piercing hawk blue eyes, that could see within one's soul. He grinned slightly showing a small dimple on his left cheek.

"Yes, milord?" He stood at attention, waiting.

"Status Report."

"The three suspects left a residue from a transportation spell. We think that is how they managed to escape. The medics are a few minutes out, Sir." Hazen reported.

"Sorry to interrupt, whatever this is, but who exactly are you?" Aria asked.

"Lieutenant Hazen, at your service." Hazen bowed. Aria looked at the man before her.

"And he is Commander Arkan." Hazen said.

"Arkan? Thou you?" Gael walked over and greeted Arkan.

"Old friend." Arkan greeted Gael in the traditional tarkammon greeting, he crossed his right arm across his chest to his left shoulder and bowed to one knee in greeting in return.

"I am glad to see you are not harmed." Arkan glanced towards Aria.

"Commander Arkan, I can heal Aria." Rhosyn stepped from behind Gael and knelt by Aria's leg. Arkan nodded in response before walking over to his men with Gael.

"This is going to hurt. I'm sorry." Rhosyn softly said. She placed her hands over the entrance wound.

"Thanks for the warning, but can you do this?" She inquired.

"Of course." Rhosyn smiled. She closed her eyes, took a few deep breathe, centering herself. "Irisv svabol jikmadator."

The pain shot up Aria's leg, traveling into her lower back. She cringed and bit down on lip, drawing blood. The pain felt like multiple needles heated up had been jammed through the skin right down to the bone, sending what felt like ice and electricity had a direct connection to her spine. All she could see was whiteness as her head felt like it was going to explode. Slowly the whiteness began to dissipate into darkness. Slowly all feeling faded away as she slipped deep into the darkness that awaited her.