
lost & found

Being 19 years old is never an easy task, with a world so dark and people so toxic, a simple weak girl could only fall victim to people's wrath. So alone, abandoned and scarred, would Zina make it? ========================= "I promise you, that I will fix you," She told him as tears fell from her sweet brown eyes. He raised his head to meet her painful gaze. He felt his heart sink. If only she knew she was in no place to fix me, he thought. ************************************************************************** "At just 19 years old, Zina finds herself navigating a dark and toxic world, abandoned and scarred. Will she overcome the challenges that threaten to consume her? With a promise to fix others while battling her own struggles, Zina's journey unfolds in a gripping tale of resilience and redemption. Dive into this captivating urban novel filled with raw emotions, unexpected twists, and the power of human connection. Join Zina on a quest for survival and self-discovery in a world where hope shines brightest in the darkest moments."

CHZ · Urban
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75 Chs

chapter 2:

She woke up to yet another dreadful day, immersed in the monotony of her troubled life. The echoes of familiar shouts and troubles filled the morning air, reminding her of the harsh reality she faced. As she washed her face and stared at her reflection in the mirror, she saw a weaker version of herself. The girl that once radiated happiness now wore a small, forced smile that failed to reach her eyes. Her eyes, once full of life and brightness, now appeared dull and devoid of joy. Life's injustices had broken her spirit.

To escape the fake people and harsh realities of the outside world, she sought solace in music. Plugging in her earphones, she embarked on her daily journey, allowing the enchanting melodies to transport her away from her troubles. Stepping outside, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that washed over her petite frame.

Her love for her studies provided the only respite from the fakeness of her few friends. She wore a mask, concealing her shattered soul behind a facade, shielding herself from their judgmental eyes. It was her only hope, her belief that someday she could escape the toxicity that surrounded her.

Arriving at her destination ten minutes early, she spotted her friends leaning against the old building's wall, waiting like any other students. Their eyes locked with hers, and in that moment, something snapped inside her. The weight of bottled-up emotions overwhelmed her, causing her to collapse to her knees. Tears streamed down her face as screams echoed in her mind. It took time to realize that these were the pent-up emotions, released after years of pain and agony.

Nausea churned in her stomach, rising to her throat, while her head throbbed with an unbearable headache. Clutching her hair tightly, she desperately tried to alleviate the pain. It was all too much for her to bear.

With every ounce of strength left within her, she rose to her feet, determined to leave the gathering crowds behind. Tears continued to flow as she walked, her small figure fading into the shadows cast by the towering buildings surrounding her.

She walked aimlessly, paying no attention to the curious stares of passersby. Time became irrelevant, and she cared little for how long she traveled. The vibrant colors of the world around her faded, replaced by black dots clouding her blurry vision. Her heartbeat grew faint, and her body succumbed to exhaustion, collapsing onto the unforgiving ground that welcomed her into darkness.


When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a dark, windowless room. Devoid of sound and sight, she couldn't help but cry out, hoping for divine intervention. Fear and confusion gripped her, as she wondered how she had ended up here. Thoughts of her family, her mother, father, and sisters flooded her mind. She was desperate to know their whereabouts.

As she wept, a door suddenly swung open, unleashing a powerful beam of light that pierced the darkness. Standing in the doorway was a tall figure, a man who approached her gently. Fear clutched at her heart. Who was this man, and what did he want from her?

He extended his hand towards her, assuring her that he meant no harm. He urged her to trust him, promising to show her where she was. He explained that she had been transported to a remarkable and special place, far removed from the lonely world she had known. Calling her "my queen," he revealed that a multitude of creatures eagerly awaited her presence.

Confusion swirled within her mind. Was she dead? What was this strange world she found herself in? She looked at him with a mix of curiosity and hesitance, ultimately accepting his hand. As he helped her to her feet, she beheld the most beautiful man she had ever seen.

The man possessed a sun-kissed complexion, his eyes shimmering with the green of fresh dew on a leaf. His lips were pale and slender, his nose graceful, and his jawline exuded strength. His entire physique exuded power, with defined muscles that captivated both women and men, regardless of their preferences.

He smiled warmly at her.

Donned in a long red dress, her brown hair flowing in soft curls down to her waist, she noticed a remarkable change. Two large wings sprouted from her back. She concluded that this must be a dream.

Hand in hand, they made their way towards the door, maintaining unbroken eye contact. She couldn't help but feel anxious about what lay beyond. Stepping through the threshold, she was greeted by a wondrous sight. The surroundings were splendid, filled with unique creatures taking flight in the air.

All eyes turned towards her, even the winged creatures themselves. Overwhelmed, she turned to the man and questioned her whereabouts. He smiled, declaring that she had entered her own land as its queen. A collective bow followed his words, acknowledging her authority. She raised her hand and soared high into the sky, gazing at the breathtaking island in the distance, desperately wanting it to be real. She savored the fresh air, feeling an extraordinary sense of freedom, happiness, and love.

She soared through the sky, her wings outstretched, feeling the wind in her hair. She was finally free.

But then, she saw a dark figure in the distance. It was getting closer and closer.

"Zina!" the figure called out. "You have to come back."

Zina tried to fly faster, but the figure was gaining on her. She could feel its cold breath on her neck.

"No!" she screamed. "I'm not going back."

Just when it seemed like the figure was about to catch her, she turned and faced it. She knew she had to fight back to protect her new home and the people she loved.

The figure loomed over her, its eyes glowing red. Zina summoned all her courage and charged.

They clashed in the air, their wings beating furiously. Zina was smaller and weaker than the figure, but she was determined to win.

She dodged its attacks and struck back with everything she had. Finally, she landed a powerful blow to the figure's head, knocking it to the ground.

The figure lay motionless, and Zina knew she had won. She had protected her new home and the people she loved.

She soared through the sky once more, feeling stronger and more confident than ever before. She was the queen of this land, and she would rule it with compassion and wisdom.

Applause erupted from all those present. In that moment, she wished the experience could last forever, yearning for a life as tranquil and idyllic as this dream. Alas, she woke up.

Opening her eyes, she found herself in a hospital room, surrounded by her family. Her mother and sisters wept, while her father looked at her with tear-filled eyes. She questioned their deeply affected state when they were the ones who had caused her pain.

"Mum, I had a beautiful dream," she said, attempting to understand their reaction.

They all turned their gaze towards her.

"Zina, why did you put yourself through this? Why did you subject yourself to starvation? Look at where it's brought you. We were worried sick, thinking something was terribly wrong," her mother replied, her voice choked with emotion.

Zina smiled, acknowledging their concern and care, but requested that they leave the room. She needed rest. They silently complied, aware of the unspoken truth behind her words. Unable to deny the validity of her statement, they retreated, leaving her to contemplate the longing she felt for the dream that seemed so distant. She wished she hadn't woken up from that beautiful dream, wishing she could disappear and never return.

Her desire for life to end, for some mercy from a higher power, consumed her thoughts. As a young girl, she felt overwhelmed, but knew she had to be patient. Perhaps, just perhaps, things would be different.

After a few minutes, a doctor entered the room and told her she could go home. As she exhaled, aware of the consequences of her actions, she knew she had much to ponder and confront.