
Sunken Treasures

The grey clouds hung low in the sky with only sparse beams of light to penetrate their thick coverings. The blanket they provided also seemed to block most of the heat of the sun from reaching the streets below. Each cloud hanging seemed to touch the ground in less-traveled paths around the city, creating a wispy fog to hide what went on in those spots. Yet, our story does not partake in the back alleys, but within the bustling streets where so many people scurried to reach their determined destinations.

Even with this city being one of high movement, there were still barely any vehicles seen moving along the roads, instead, everyone seemed to prefer the methods of transportation of their own two feet. Traveling along one of the sidewalks was a woman dressed in a warm, yet, old fashioned dress. The collar was high buttoned around her neck. The sleeves, just as long, coming down to cover her arms completely, almost beyond her wrists. The bottom of her dress was raised barely above the ground to escape collecting dirt from the cobblestones. A grey, almost identical to the clouds above, overcoat covered the dress. Off white gloves covered her pale flesh. Her hair tucked into a tight bun, only revealed the light color of blond to those around. Her blue eyes were lost in thought as they moved along at a steady pace.

One of her hands grasped tightly to the tiny, black-covered hand of a young girl who was dressed similarly to the older woman. Her own hair, the same light blond, if not more golden in comparison, hung down in curled locks that bounced with each hurried step she took to keep pace with the larger strides of the woman next to her. Instead of blue, her eyes sparkled with a bright green, excitement not only shining clearing in their depths. Also, her small thin lips turned into a grin showing the row of white teeth.

Tomorrow was the young girl's birthday. Right now, she was accompanying her mother as not only were they gathering supplies for her party but her mother had also said that they would get to stop at the store so the young girl could pick out a toy for her birthday. Young Lily was normally considered too young to go out, so this chance to come out of the house and move about the streets was just as much of a treat as the notion of getting to pick a toy.

With this rare opportunity, her eyes dashed from here to there with curious looks at the people as well as the buildings around her. The items displayed within the windows of the shops were enough to bring her steps to slow as she took in all the sights. Each time her mother tugged her arm, sped her back up so they could reach the store at a decent time.

As Lily glanced around at the wonders displayed in the windows, one of the shops caught her attention. 'Sunken Treasures', the sign painted upon the glass read, and the window was filled with an arrangement of figures, clocks, and many other things that Lily knew not their names. The shop was an antique shop and the displays were clearly there to lure in the collector or those that understood that entering would be a treasure hunt. What brought Lily to come to a complete stop in front of the window and even to pull free from her mother's hold was a peculiar necklace that lay upon the shoulders of a mannequin meant for displaying jewelry.

The chain was thin, the gold worn with time, hanging from it was a pendant shaped like a teardrop, a delicate pattern wisped from the bail, intricately lacing around the milky stone that lay in the center as if it had been frozen in time from dripping away. Even with the beauty of the stone, the metal bits showed signed of age and had lost their luster. To the eyes that glanced at it, the bit of jewelry was now only a poor piece, most likely only good to fall to the bottom of a jewelry box. Yet to Lily, it was gorgeous. To her, there seemed to be a glow, trapped deep within the stone, only waiting to be released. Her mouth gaped open as she stared at the necklace.

Her mother, who had pulled herself from her thoughts to see what had captured her daughter's attention, could only frown at the piece of junk. "Lily, let's go." Her voice was low as she took a hold of the young girl's hand, once more to pull her along.

"Mother, I want it. Please! I wish to have that necklace." Her eyes not moving from the treasure.

The woman tugged once more, pulling the girl along with her. "No, you don't want that. It isn't worth anything. Why don't we get a doll instead." Her voice held patience as she dragged her away from the window.

"I would rather have that necklace. I won't ask for anything else. I would even give up all my other dolls at home if only I can have it." Her young voice contained a small amount of whimpering as she was pulled away. Her eyes only moving to her mother after she was too far to see the necklace any more.

"I would rather get you a porcelain doll. How about that? We can find a beautiful doll instead." She continued to move down the street.

Lily knew it was useless to continue arguing. Instead, she could only pout while following her mother. The necklace was still in her mind. She honestly didn't like the dolls that her mother had gotten for her in the past, but it was something that little girls were supposed to enjoy, according to her mother, so she never complained past the first time. She didn't want to have her mother thinking she was ungrateful for the gifts. She had dearly wanted the necklace but if she couldn't get that, she hoped to find something else of some interest that her mother would approve of that wasn't a doll for her birthday.

This is a revision of a story I wrote years ago. As I've never published a book, I'm taking this opportunity to see how the world views my storytelling. Please tell me what you think and if you have any ideas on how to improve. This is only the beginning.

Lunadraklacreators' thoughts