
Lost child of the emperor

DISCLAIMER: please make sure to give me feedback in the reviews and make sure to support me if you can. {Fantasy dimension} NOO!!” Silvia cried “let go of me let go of me!!” She couldn’t do anything but just watch her house burn down with the people she cared about in it. Crying uncontrollably the blood war knight was annoyed and slapped Silvia hard on the face. “Why...” she thought what did she do to deserve this? Why did her sister and friend have to die? Why was her mother looking at her disgustedly why were people calling her a bastard ? She wondered why this world is so cruel. Then she saw light in the corner of her eye. Who was that she thought? A boy with silver hair with blue golden eyes. “Sorry I couldn’t save you in time.” The boy said with a apologetic tone, at that moment the boy helped her up and got her out of the carriage. “Your father, I mean the emperor he got here as soon as he could sorry for your mom.” Silvia didn’t care anymore her mom hated her since the day she was born. Now everything precious to her was gone. Her so called father, why didn’t he come earlier ?! If he did then her friends wouldn’t had to die in vain.

ixly · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Unknown secret

"Ms you alright?"Valerian stood up on his chair. Arias seemed pale and her eyes seemed dilated. Valerian kept nudging on Aria but she wouldn't move and stood there for a good 30 seconds then turned and walked towards Silvia. "Did he see you? Did he!" As she was shaking Silvia her voice filled In fear.

"No mom he didn't! Stop screaming!" Silvia pushed her mother's hand away. Vivian and Valerian looked horrified and Ashur and Hilaria stood still. "What?!" Silvia thought then looked back at her mom to find out someone had pushed her so hard that the wall was broken. "Mom!" Silvia ran to her.

"I'm alright you still don't know how to control your powers I see." Aria replies back and stood up in agony. "What do you mean I'm not a witch you don't need to worry." Silvia helped her mother up and she opened her mouth saying.

"Silvia have you ever felt the need of blood? Or the need to go outside and see the wolves ? Maybe perhaps to visit the local witch I prohibited you to visit?" Silvia thought hard she remembers some times she felt the need of having a thirst of blood. And when it was the full moon she would black out and wake up the next moring to have a headache.

But this all happened back when she was 10 it's been 5 years she still goes through these things but it isn't as bad as before. She thought this was a normal thing however. "Silvia... do you even know why you don't remember anything past the age of 9?! Your memories were taken away by the order of the emperor from Balthazar. Since you are half related to them they decided to use there magic. To take away your memories so you could live a peaceful life away from war. Of course the emperor and empress of Gardrick were against this. But as soon as they heard the Warriors were rivaling against them to take away the heir they ordered it too. Your father thought you were long dead."

Aria lectured Silvia by telling her past. Vivian and Valerian looked shocked as if this was the first time hearing this. Silvia burst into tears "So what your saying is that your not my mother and Vivian isn't my sister? I've been lied to my whole life?!" Silvia felt stupid.

Of course Aria and Vivian weren't related to her. It wouldn't make sense Silvia had shocking and outstanding features no one else by the emperor himself would have. And Aria and Vivian looked the same. "Yes that's true... But I still think of you as my own daughter Silvia!" Aria ran to Silvia and hugged her. Vivian opened her arms wide and hugged Silvia. This was all news to Vivian too but she still thought of Silvia as her older sister and she wouldn't change it for the world. Valerian put his hand on Silvias shoulder and told her "Don't worry Silvia we are all here for you." Valerian have a tight hug to Silvia.