
Bonnie Rodriguez

When before there was only darkness, I can now see that there is light. I groan and roll over, coughing from the dust that had been building up in my lungs while I was unconscious. "What-" I notice my voice sounds hoarse. That's kind of weird… It's never happened before and it's not like I've been yelling. I blink, then feel pain shoot throughout my body. "Ah!" After a moment of grumbling and slowly sitting up, I open my eyes and look around for the first time at my surroundings.

There is wreckage everywhere. It looks like a concrete building collapsed around us. Us… Where's Bella?

"Bella?!?" I shout. "Bella where are you-" I start crawling around looking for her.

You see, Bella, or Elizabeth (Miller), has been my best friend for ages. She's super funny and nice, and we like all the same things. She has longish blond hair, creole iris eyes, and is about 5'7. She was wearing a purple velvet shirt and dark blue jeans before this happened. And she also always wears this tiny shell on a necklace that I gave her when we were little. Something else is that seems that the only person that can get her to laugh is me…

Anyway, now to describe me, well, I have brown hair and a bob hairstyle, which I think is pretty nice, and I'm 5'9. Oh, and my name's Bonnie. Bonnie Rodriguez, if you care to know. Then there's my eyes. You see, my eyes have always been different. They change from gray to green to blue to brown and back again, depending on the lighting (and this didn't help). Right now I'm wearing a gray and black star shirt, and gray sweatpants. My shoes have Loki's helmet on one and Thor's on the other. I'm not that great at writing (as you can tell). I'm really much more of a roleplayer, or DM. Now back to the story.

Calling out to Bella, I move towards the wreckage and hope that I will be able to hear her. I quickly start to move the rocks in front of me to clear a path to the other side of the structure in case she's over there. "Lizy! Elizabeth! Where are you?!" Someone grabs my arm and I notice I'm shaking. Tears stream down my face. "No!"

"Quiet! We need to get out of here before he finds us!" A female voice with an accent that I kind of recognize hisses at me, causing my curiosity to get the better of me and I look up. The girl has long curly hair with red tinting the brown, deep blue eyes, is wearing a decorated purple party mask with a jagged purple leather jacket, shoulder pads, black exercise pants, and Stuart Weitzman Niki Suede shoes. Like the girl from descendants mixed with some fashionista mixed with the person I recognize the accent from, Scarlet Witch.

"Wait who's coming?" I say confused, wiping the tears off my face as she harshly pulls me to my feet.

She says, "Him." Like that should just immediately answer the question. "Come on." She then grabs my hand and begins pulling me in a direction.

"Wait, I need to find Bell!" I try to turn back but she spins me around and looks straight in my eyes.

"If they're back where I found you, they're as good as dead. The buildings collapsing as we speak, and that part's already caved in. Now, are you going to let me save you?" I hold back a horrified gasp and nod rapidly as she continues to walk. "Now, if Luther Thalamus was looking for you, you must be special. I'm The Hellebore. What about you?"

I give her a weird look and pause for a moment before answering, "Bonnie Rodriguez…"

She looks amused and smirks. "I'm not sure where close enough to be on real name terms yet, sweety."

"Then what I should just make up a name?" She glances at me and narrows her eyes.

"Well, what do the public call you?"

"What do you mean?" I ask. She looks addled and turns her head back to the way we're walking.

"Then he knows more about you then you know about yourself."

"Where are we going?"

Hellebore rolls her eyes. "Arrow Girl's outside guarding to make sure no one attacks us. She'll meet me with anyone I could find to get the hell out of here."

"What happened?"

"The building exploded. You were in it, wouldn't you know?"

After pausing for a moment I ask, "Who is him?" And she frowns at this point, visibly annoyed.

"Luther Thalamus. Like, the worst supervillain in all of history? You really don't know about him?" I gasp, realizing what must be happening. I must be in a world that has supervillains and superheroes to counter them. What does this mean? She sighs at my reaction, "Oh great."

As the building makes weird crumbling sounds and I'm looking completely terrified I notice we seem to be nearing an open way to outside. We get a bit closer and I can see someone standing by it with a white bow in her hand and a sheath filled with arrows on her back looking at us. She has middle length brown hair tied back in a braid, brown eyes, a black jacket, and brown wilderness pants and shoes. As we got closer I heard Hellebore mutter half to herself and half to what I guessed was Arrow Girl (but too quietly for her to have been able to hear), "I still think you should have a mask…"

At this point, we're next to her and are running. Arrow Girl is a bit faster and says to us, "Come on! We have to go, now."

The Hellebore replies, "Yeah, I know. I only found this girl, and she said she had a friend back there." A wide range of emotions pass through me and as I'm about to say, 'What do you mean had?' And then the building gives away. I look back at it in absolute dread and am subconsciously glad that the Hellebore is still dragging me.

They then lead me into a world I don't know and I don't even notice.

Hello! This is the first chapter of my first story on Webnovel. It takes me a while to write each one because my days are busy, so it will be quite a bit until I publish the next chapter. Do tell me what you think, and if you see any mistakes or things that I can improve, comment! I'd love to know so I can fix it. And ttyl!

Sam11nicekidcreators' thoughts