
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Two at the same day

As I was driving at one point, I had done all this. Seeing everyone's face, I nodded, and said, "So."


"Oh, I will contact JJ about this."


Hearing it, I nodded, and not long after, we came into JJ's car. While being there, I smiled and drove home.


While we were doing it, I kept smiling. While thinking about soon meeting with Paula. After knowing it, not long after we had come to our destination.


Knowing it, I smiled, and when I came out, I looked around and walked inside. Seeing Paula looking at me, I came to her.


Seeing her look, she asked, "So."


"Oh, I might have tests soon."


Hearing my words, Paula nodded. Seeing her smile, I kissed her lips, and said, "So what my lovely wife created for today's dinner or supper?"


"Waiting for delivery"


Hearing her words, I nodded. Seeing her look, I said, "I will be back soon."

 "Ok. I will wait," she said. After I nodded, I strolled to the bathroom, and after that, to the bedroom to change. When I had done all there, I came back.


Seeing Paula looking at me, I smiled and came to her. While observing her look, I said, "So."

 "Oh, food should come soon."


Hearing her, I slowly started getting up, but Paula said, "Oh, Ann will bring it."


"I will take it from her."


Hearing me, Paula nodded, and after I kissed her shortly, I walked outside. While being there, I could see her driving in.


After coming closer, I took this pizza box. Seeing it, I could smile, and not long after, Ann said, "Tell Paula thanks."


"Oh," I said, and while seeing her driving where JJ was, Paula made an order for them too. Knowing it, I walked back inside. Seeing Paula turning, I said, "Ann says thanks."


"Ok," Paula said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and not long after, we started eating. While doing it, not all the series but the movie was playing.


After watching, I looked into Paula, and said, "So we can sleep."

 "Yes. Shower and sleep."


Hearing her words, I could only nod, and after having a quick shower we changed, and walked into bed. While there, I talked with Paula about how she was going.


During this, she fell asleep. Seeing her sleeping face, I could only smile, and not long after, I fell asleep too.


Our four next days passed almost the same. Getting into university after this home, and rest.


As the weekend came, I could smile. Saturday is such a great day.


After opening my eyes from a long sleep, I looked into Paula's sleeping face. While doing it, she opened her eyes slowly.


"Hello, hubby."


"Hi. Are you ready for today's checkup?" I asked. While looking into her eyes, Paula nodded and told me what she wanted for breakfast.


Hearing her, I could only nod, and after getting up, she added, "Coffee, too."


"Ok, my lovely wife," I said. Hearing me, she smiled. After I had done all of this, I came slowly out. Seeing her in bed, I could only shake my head, and time to go to the kitchen.


While there, I looked around, and not long after, I started making breakfast.


As I was doing it, I started the coffee machine. Therefore, I could make coffee too. While thinking about this, Paula hugged me and asked, "How long?"


"A few minutes," I said. Hearing me, she nodded. We spent some time like that until I had done it all. Seeing it, she took coffee and walked to the table. Seeing it, I put food on plates, and after her. While doing it, we sat and started eating.


As all was happening, time passed. After ending everything, we talked about plans for the day. As we will be visiting her parents later. I have exams too, so Paula will stay there alone.


Good, that somehow I managed to have two on the same day.


I should end it all before dinner. Therefore, this will be good.


Thinking about this, Paula's voice woke me up, "Hubby."




Hearing me, Paula said, "Change, and we will go."


"Bathroom too" I added. Hearing me, she nodded, and not long after, we moved upstairs.


After ending it all there, I smiled, and we came downstairs. After sitting in the car, I smiled, and we started our ride.


While doing it, we all came into the clinic. After being there, I walked after Paula. Seeing her look, I could only smile, and not long after, she was called.


Seeing her look, I nodded, and we walked inside. While there I looked at Paula, and while holding her hand I could see our child. While I kept looking at it, I think I saw something.


When we will have photos printed, I will need to look at one place.


I think we will have a boy.


While thinking about this, I looked into Paula's eyes. Seeing her, I smiled, and when all came to an end, I took photos while Paula cleaned her tummy.


After she had done this, I smiled. What I saw is right.


We will have a son.


I know I cannot tell this to Paula. Knowing it, I smiled, and not long after, we came out.


After being back in the car, we started our drive to her parents' home. While doing it, we all went there. Seeing Paula's smile, I asked, "You look so happy that we are coming."


"Oh, we will have good food for lunch."


"It will be in an hour or so," I said. Hearing my words, Paula smiled and said, "Still. I know that we will have good food."


Hearing her, I could only nod, and not long after we got there. While being there I smiled, and we came out.


After being inside the home, I smiled, and the talks started. While doing it, at one point lunch had come. Therefore, we started eating it.


I will need to ask the chef how to make it. So I can make it for Paula how she likes it. 

Sorry for not uploading yesterday. I was too busy so I couldn't write. Xmas preparations. Once again Sorry about this.

Merry xmas everyone.

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