
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

This is too big

As we keep walking, I keep thinking about how to escape.

I couldn't see any free places. The gate by which we will walk is only for two people. Knowing it, I prepared to run away as fast as I could.

Knowing it, I focused on escaping. While knowing it, we had come there.

A few had passed, and I. Good that I was on the left, which is close to the route. Knowing it after passing. I started running.

Behind me came, "grab this bastard."

Hearing it, I come closer and closer to the route. Seeing it, I turned to one right and kept running away.

I had only one hope. I will escape from them.

As I kept running, I could see someone coming out of the car. Almost immediately, I recognized him.


Seeing him, I ran in his direction. Seeing me, he looked into my eyes.

Seeing it, I came closer and said, "thank god."

My breath became harder. Seeing me, JJ looked at guys who kept catching me.

Seeing them, he said, "if you don't want to be hurt. Go away."

I could see another person, who I didn't know, come out of the car. Seeing him, they turned and ran away.

"Thanks once again."

"No problem. The main leader sent me here. To protect someone," JJ said. Hearing it, thank god that he listened to me earlier.

"Oh, OK. I need to catch a breath."

"Here is water," JJ's companion said while passing a small water bottle to me. Seeing it, I nodded and started drinking it. While I kept doing it, JJ asked, "you know Jack Smith?"

"It is me," I said. Hearing me, JJ looked into my eyes and said, "impossible."

"It is me. Don't think about this so much. Thanks once again. I need to come back for lessons.''

"OK. We will be here. If something happens, we will help," JJ said. Hearing it, I nodded, and while walking slowly back, I could hear, "JJ, you know him."

"Young misses wanted us to train him," JJ said. I couldn't hear anything more than if I was too far away.

Knowing it, I walked slowly inside.

I had hoped that all would be OK soon. Having this on my mind, I started waiting just in front of the classroom. Kean had come.

Seeing him look at me, I focused on the book. Which I had in my hands.

As I kept learning for some time, I had done it all as lessons had begun.

Good, I still don't need to go to PE, so as everyone started it, I came out. First, I checked.

Seeing everyone from my class there, I strolled out.

Seeing that JJ and his co-worker haven't driven away, I wanted to go to the bus stop. As I took only a few steps, JJ's voice came. "Jack, come in."

"OK," I said.

Hearing me, I could see real life in his expression.

Seeing it, I came into his car, and he said, "you know."


"You shouldn't travel alone," JJ said.

"True," his coworker said.

"Your name is," I asked.

"Oh, Bryan," he said. Knowing it, I nodded and asked, "so where we will go? As I am here, and we are still staying."

"Oh, where you wanted to go?'' JJ asked. Hearing his words, I said, address to him.

When he started the car, I looked outside. We drove only for a short time. Before his phone started ringing.

I couldn't hear a word which came there. I only looked outside.

As I looked there, he said, "change plans."

"OK," I said while seeing him changing, where we are going.

Seeing it, I still have o idea where. As we kept driving, at one point, we came to an area which I knew. Not too much, but I've been here.

As I looked around, I could see us coming to one gate.

Seeing it, JJ said, "to master Williams."

Nobody answered him, but the gates opened.

Seeing them, he drove for some time. After stopping, I looked at home. Seeing it, JJ said, "you should come inside."

"OK," I said. Hearing me, JJ nodded, and I strolled out.

While grabbing my backpack, I walked through the doors.

Seeing them, I opened them and walked inside.

I couldn't see anyone here. Knowing it, I shook my head. As I kept walking for some time, I could see the living room.

Seeing it, I sat there and started waiting.

No idea how long it had passed, but seeing that nobody wanted to come out, I grabbed notes and started doing homework.

I only checked a few times in books.

Fully focused on this.

As I kept doing it, I had done it, after all.

When I had done this, I smiled and moved all on my side.

I had done this. I had nothing to do now. So I started reading a book.

Time passed.

No idea how long it was, but finally I could hear steps. As I looked at who was coming, I could see dad. Seeing me, he said, "Jack."

"Yes," I said, and when he looked at me, he hugged me. When he had done this, he said, "I am so sorry. You suffered so much."

"Oh, life. It can be harsh," I said. Hearing me, he nodded, and I could see tears coming down.

Seeing it, I smiled and said, "I hope life now can move on."

"Yes. I have plans to announce your return."

"Oh, no. don't do this," I said. Hearing me, dad looked at me and said, "wait what? They should recognize you."

"No. I don't want to. We can be family, but can you not announce it?" I asked.

Hearing me, he nodded. Seeing it, I take a deeper breath. Seeing it, dad smiled.

Good, that he doesn't want to continue with his plans.

Seeing it, I smiled and looked at him. When I keep doing it, he said, "this will be your new place."

"No. This is too big," I said.

"Really. Oh, so you can move here later. I will need to buy something else," dad said, looking at me.

Hearing his words, I said, "small flat can be good. Two bedrooms, kitchen, and bathroom."

"This is a little," he said.

"This will be enough for me. I don't need something so big. I only need to a place where I can learn and sleep."

"Oh. I have one place like that on my mind. I will need to make a call," dad said.

Hearing it, I nodded, and when he looked at me. We finally sat. As I looked at him, we started talking about my life.

Mostly, I keep telling him what was happening previously.

As I keep doing it, I had done it at one point.

The point when I had this accident. I learned a lot about bullying in school. I didn't want him to know this.

This knowledge might break his heart. As I keep looking at him, someone comes inside.

When I turned, I could see mom. Seeing me, she ran to me and hugged me. Feeling it, I smiled.

Her yesterday and today are much different. As she moved from me and kept holding my face, she said, "my son. How long have I been looking for you? And you are so close."

"Oh, don't worry," I started saying, and she started crying. Seeing it, dad came closer, and when he hugged her, he said, "OK, honey. You can calm down now."

"Yes. We need to decorate this place," mom started saying, and dad's voice come, "Jack will not be living here."

"What too small. We can buy a bigger one," mom said.

Hearing it, I said, "no. It is too big. As I told you earlier, add two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. This will be enough for me."

"Oh. so small," mom said. Hearing it, I wanted once again said, that this will be enough for me, but dad said, "honey. This, for now, will be good for Jack."

"Yes. Do you have anything in mind?" mom asked, looking at dad. Seeing his look at me, he smiled and said, "yes. I need to make one call."

"Oh, good. So I will talk to Jack. I have a few gifts for him," mom said while pushing dad away. Seeing it, I looked at her, and she said, "this is a card for you. No limits."

"No. Thank you. I have one from Joanna," I said, and as mom looked at me, she said, "use it."

"OK," I said. Hearing me, mom smiled while passing a few things to me.

I could see that it is the same bank as Joanna, so I can log out from the previous one and log into the new one. While doing it, mom said, "watch."

"Oh. Rolex. It is too expensive."

"It is cheap. Only fifty. Don't worry," mom said. Hearing it, I looked at her. For fifty thousand, I can live for an entire year.

Seeing my look, she smiled and said, "you don't like it."

"I love it," I said. Hearing me, mom nodded and passed a few more things to me.

Seeing it, I keep looking at mom while dad keeps talking on the phone.