
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Simon and Paula playing in bed

When we came closer, I looked at Simon, and while moving him to let him see everyone, I said, "See, Mommy is there."


As he smiled and looked at me, I kissed his cheek. When I had done this, Mom came closer and said, "Oh, Simon. Come into grandma's hands."


As he looked at her, Mom took him and walked to where the toys were. Seeing it, I could smile, and I walked close. While seeing what was happening, I could see that he was trying to move on his four.


Looking at him trying, I smiled and kept observing him. While observing him, I smiled, and not long after, he started sitting.


While looking at him, I smiled, and we kept talking and playing with him. While doing it, all at one point, I could see him being sleepy.


Seeing it, I took him in my hands, and while Mom nodded, we started signing. While doing it, Paula joined us, and she took Simon from me.


While doing it, at one point, he fell asleep. Looking at him, I could smile, and when Paula moved him into the mover, she said, "We will be going home."


"Ok," Mom said. While looking at her smiling, we walked around everyone and not long after, came into the car.


After being inside, our drive had become.


While doing it, we all came back home. While looking at me, Paula said, "Change. You smell of smoke."


"Ok," I said, and when she moved inside with Simon, I ran to change and had a quick shower.


When I had done it, I came back and looked at Paula coming from the kitchen with cookies and juice. Seeing her look at me, I nodded, and not long after we sat, and started watching.


While doing it, all we had were cookies, and while watching, we had done all there.


Looking into Paula's expression, she said, "I will be back soon."


"Ok," I said, and seeing her running into the bathroom, I smiled and came to Simon. Looking at him, I could see him look at me.


Hearing his voice. Alternatively, what I should call this, and seeing his happy face, I took him up. Looking at his look, I smiled, and not long after I took him up.


After kissing his cheeks, I moved to change him. When I had done all I smiled, and not long after changed him.


When I had done this, I smiled, and while looking into his eyes, I smiled, and not long after I took him closer, and gave him juice.


While seeing him drinking it, I smiled, and not long after Paula had come.


Seeing her look, I smiled, and not long after, she took Simon into her hands.


Looking at him, I smiled, and not long after, we started playing. While doing it, all the time passed. When we were done, I looked at Simon. As he lay, he looked at us.


Seeing it, I could smile, and Paula started signing. Hearing her for like ten minutes, he has not fallen asleep.


Seeing it, I walked to the side while leaving him with her. While I kept looking around, I found a book.


While having it, I came back, and when I lay on his side while showing him pictures, I started reading.


As I was doing it, all I could see was him falling asleep.


As I kept reading, he fell asleep. Seeing his expression, I smiled, and I stayed here. Paula lay on another side, and we spent time like that.


While doing it, all at one point, I walked to make supper. While having, I ate and exchanged with Paula.


Looking at Simon on my side at one point, I took him. While holding him, I looked at Paula, and said, "I will be upstairs."




Hearing her, I nodded and walked upstairs. After lying in bed with Simon on my side, I kept observing him.


While doing it, all Paula had come, and when she lay, I said, "I will work for some time."


"Ok," she said. As I smiled, I walked to my office and started my work there.


While doing it, all I had done at one point.


As I came back, I could see Simon and Paula playing in bed.


As he rolled and looked at me, I came closer and took him up. When I kissed his cheek, I asked, "Are you happy?"


"I will be back."


Hearing Paula's words, I nodded and moved into playing with Simon.


While continuing it, with Paula, and when he fell asleep she took a shower, and not long after we fell asleep.