
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs


After coming slowly downstairs, I looked into Moms. As they were talking with Paula, I asked, "Something to drink."




"Coffee," mom said. Hearing her words, I nodded and walked slowly to the kitchen.


After being there, I smiled, and not long after I made it all. When I had done all this, I smiled, and not long after I came back. Seeing them, I could smile, and not long after I kept listening to what was happening here.


As all was ongoing, I could only smile.


When everything kept happening, we had come to an end. Looking into Mom's as they walked out Paula lay on my shoulder.


Seeing her look, I could smile, and while observing her for some time I finally got up, and closed the doors.


When I had one Paula's voice came "juice."


"Ok," I said. After coming into the kitchen, I washed my glasses and took juice. While having it, I come back to Paula, and while looking at her we spend the rest of the day here.


The next day passed almost the same.


We stayed at home while watching Christmas movies.


After waking up, I looked on the side.


Seeing Paula looking into my eyes she kissed my lips, and said, "Hello my lovely hubby."


"Oh hello."


Hearing my words Paula smiled, and while looking into her eyes I smiled, and she said, "Can you make breakfast."


"Of course."


Hearing me she smiled, and not long after she told me what. Hearing her words, I nodded.


Looking into her eyes, I smiled and walked into the bathroom. When I had done all there, I smiled and walked finally into the kitchen.


After being there, I smiled and started preparing everything.


While doing it, Paula comes downstairs. I could hear her talking on her phone with Lucy.


Hearing it, I could shake my head. While thinking about this I come to the table. Seeing her sitting she had made a call, and not long after we started eating.


After ending it, Paula said, "I will go shopping with the girls."


"Had you contacted Ann?"


"I will soon. Few bodyguards will be around me. Do not worry about this," she said. Hearing her words, I nodded.


When Paula kissed me, I smiled, and not long after she walked to change.


Seeing it, I came to the couch. While looking into Paula coming downstairs, she said, "I talked with Ann."


"Ok," I said. Hearing my words she sat by my side, and not long after we spent some time here.


When Paula finally got up, she looked at me. I kept looking into her.


Seeing her look, I kissed her, and as Paula smiled, she walked out.


Seeing it, I could lie on the couch, and not long after I played cartoons.


As they were playing for some time, I had done all this.


While looking around I knew that Paula would not come back soon so I could go to PC, and earn some money.


With this on my mind, I came to the PC.


After starting it, I dropped the idea about earning. While seeing books here. Time to learn.


Knowing it, I could only shake my head, and not long after I started doing it, all.


While this was happening, I could hear doors opening, and Paula's voice "hubby."


"Coming," I said while turning all off. When I had done this, I came downstairs. Seeing bags here, I looked into Paula's eyes. Seeing my look, she smiled, and said, "I bought some things."


"I can see. What will you say about lunch?"


"It passed a long time ago. You haven't eaten."


"Oh, something else took my time. So dinner" I asked. Hearing my words, she nodded. Looking into her eyes, she smiled and told me what she wanted. Hearing it, I nodded and walked to prepare everything.


When I had done this, I came back to Paula, and not long after started helping her with unpacking all that she bought.


I need to know what, and how much. As prices stayed on stuff.


I hope she used my card.


Maybe I should ask her about this.

Sorry for a shorter chapter. IRL come so I can publish what I wrote. :/

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