
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

No idea why, but I am so tired

After coming onto the stage, I looked at everyone, and while having my phone on the desk, I started reading what was there.

I changed a few words or sentences there. As they were not logical to me.

When I had done this, I moved to the side, and when I hid the phone, I took the papers which I received not far away.

While having it with me, I looked at the teachers. When I could see one looking at me, he came closer and said, "Come downstairs."

"I will soon."

Hearing me, he looked into my eyes, and when my second or you can say the main course, had come, I moved closer and made a speech. Here, once again, I changed a few words.

When I had done this all, I smiled and looked around.

When I smiled after the ending, finally I could come downstairs. When I had done this, I looked at the stage and could see the next student coming in.

Seeing her, I come back to my place and keep listening to everyone.

With time passing, all had ended.

I checked a few times if Paula texted me, but she hadn't.

When it was finally time to take my ID that I was a student. Knowing it, I know where I need to go. The queue will be huge there so I had no plans to go there as fast as possible.

Knowing that, I stayed in my seat for some time, and while seeing Professor Andersson coming closer, he looked at me and passed some paper to me.

Seeing it, I looked into it and asked, "What application?"

"Research project which I have now. Done it, and bring it to my office."

"But," I started saying, but the professor said, "you will handle it. Do not worry. I need to have one freshman there, and you will be perfect."

"Ok," I said shortly. Seeing him smiling, I hid the paper, and before going out, I asked, "About ID."

"Oh, go there. It will work in two. We have all agreed with her," the professor said, and when I nodded, I started walking to the building.

When I had come there, I looked around, and as I saw the queue, I shook my head. Over two hundred people are here. Knowing it, I keep waiting until the end.

It keeps moving slowly.

I could hear that some started becoming friends. Knowing it, I shook my head. Nobody wanted to talk to me.

So some like it was in high school. Here I hope no teachers will target me. So I can fully focus on my studies.

Thinking about this, I shook my head, and as I moved more, I could see that not many had left.

Knowing it, soon I will have it all done. Knowing it, I smiled, and when I finally received my ID, I looked at it.

This photo is so strange. Still, I have my student ID, so the first goal is done.

Now it's time to move with rest.

While thinking about this, I could hear that all students were going into one cell.

Knowing it, I walked slowly there.

I could see that most had come. Seeing the seat not far away from the entrance, I sat and could hear that one thing had begun.


I hope it will go to my math one too.

Knowing it, I keep listening to this all.

When it all ended, I looked around and could see everyone rushing away.

Weeping, I shook my head, and when I checked the phone, I could see that Paula was with the girls.

Knowing it, I waited for some time, and when I finally came out, I looked for a bathroom, and when I had done all this, I slowly came out.

As I looked around, I took a paper which the professor passed to me, and when I looked at it, I started writing all over there.

When I had done this all, I smiled and looked around. After I had done this all, I smiled and walked to where the professor had his office. When I came closer, I could see Fred waiting for someone.

As I looked at him, he asked, "So done all."

"So boring. Tomorrow, all will come."

"Good for you. Still, you will be so busy," Fred said. Hearing his words, I nodded, and as he smiled, he added, "So here is."

"What professor passed to me? Can you give it to him? I need to come back home. Still need to buy a few notebooks."

"Ok. See you at eight tomorrow," Fred said. Hearing his words, I looked at him and asked, "So I will have math with you."


Hearing his words, I nodded, and as he strolled in, I smiled and strolled to the gates. While there, I could see JJ's car.

Seeing it, I smiled, and when I sat in, I said nothing.

As JJ passed me water, he looked at me and asked, "So all to end?"

"For today," I said, and when I drank most of what was in the bottle. When I had done all this, he asked, "So now."

"Mall. I need to buy notebooks."

"Ok," he said. Hearing his words, I nodded, and we started driving there. When we had come there, I smiled and walked to buy all that I needed.

When I had done this all, I smiled and crawled out. After I came out, I smiled, and when I packed everything into the car. When I did this, not long after, he drove to my place.

When we got there, I looked around, and when I smiled and grabbed everything, I walked back to my place. When I looked at the hour, I could see that dinner had come.

Knowing it, I shook my head and changed. When I did this, I smiled and started cooking.

When I kept doing it, I had done it all and moved to the couch. When I looked around, I smiled and started eating while watching the news.

I keep doing it for who knows how long I have done it.

When I did this, I lay and closed my eyes.

No idea why, but I am so tired.

When I kept having a nap, I woke up after three hours. After moving slowly up, I smiled and crawled to the bathroom, and after this, where is my PC?

When I smiled and looked around, and started reading. When I had done all there, I moved slowly to make a sandwich, and when I smiled, I sat on the couch.

When I smiled, and not long after, I started watching cartoons. When I kept doing it, I did it, and when I had a quick shower, I crept to bed.

When I lay not long after, I fell asleep.

When I kept sleeping, I woke up at one point. As my alarm starts ringing.

Hearing it, I shook my head, and when I used the bathroom, after this, I ate breakfast. When I was done, I moved slowly to change.

When I got into the car, I could see that JJ bought me coffee, and a bag was on the side. Seeing it, he said, "Some sweets."

"Thanks," I said, and when he nodded, I smiled and drove to the university. When we got there, I looked around, and as I smiled, I came out. While looking around, I walked to where I will have my lesson.

I hope everything will go smoothly.