
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Need to open the window

As I kept reading about it, I shook my head when I had done this all. I crawled from the PC. After walking to the kitchen, I made tea, and while having it with me, I ambled to the room.

Looking around, I continued reading the news. When I had done this all, I finally moved to learn more. While doing it, I took a quick break.

Time to check my temperature. When I did this, I could see that I still had a fever.

Smaller now, but still, I have one.

After putting everything on the side, I took the juice and walked on the side. After sitting in front of the PC once again, I continued learning.

Maybe I am doing it too much, but I want to be prepared for it all.

Time started passing nicely. While this all kept happening, my phone started ringing. Hearing it, I answered and said, "Yes."

"Paula wants to stay at your place for a night?" JJ asked.

"Yes," I said.

"OK. I need to confirm it with Ann where I will send all who are here checking on CCTV for a break."

"Oh, right. I forgot about them. So perhaps you will give them a longer break. As probably nobody will come here soon," I said.

"Right. I can give them this. So tell me something, Jack," JJ asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you need something to buy?"

"No. I have it all. Perhaps some more juice. Nothing else," I said.

"Got it. I will bring it with Ann. As she should come here soon with some Paula clothes."

"OK. You should have a good time with Ann somewhere too," I said.

He hasn't answered at all, just hung out. Hearing it, I shook my head. When I did this, I looked back at the screen.

Potentially if I wasn't sick, I would go to the library. Now I am grounded here. So I can use it.

Thinking about this, I closed my eyes, and as I checked that lunch was over an hour ago, and I was not hungry, I turned it all off and walked to the bedroom. After lying, I closed my eyes and had a nap.

After waking up, I could see Paula above me. Seeing her smiling, she lay on me and said, "Oh, you woke up."

"How you managed to come in?"

"JJ. He has spare keys and a special code to come in," she said.

"Oh right. I forgot about this," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded and waved at them. Seeing it, I smiled, and as she moved closer, she kissed my cheek and whispered, "Now the time for us had come."

"What," I could say before she started kissing me.

I could see in her face that she wanted this. Seeing it, I smiled, and when she kissed me, all had begun.

No idea how long it took all. Just time passed nicely for us.

After all, we took a shower. After it, Paula keeps hugging me.

Feeling it, I smiled, and after changing, I looked at Paula. Seeing my look, she said, "Go to the living room. I need to open the window in your room."


Hearing me, she smiled and walked there. Seeing it, I smiled, and when I sat on the couch, I could see that beer was there.

Seeing it, I looked to the side. Seeing Paula coming back, she said, "Zero. No alcohol in it."

"Oh, OK," I said. Hearing me, Paula kept smiling, and after she came closer, she smiled and hugged me.

Feeling it, I looked at her. Seeing my mark on her neck, I said, "Oh, sorry."

"About what?" she asked.

"This," I said while touching it. Feeling it, Paula looked at me, and when she took her phone, she looked at it.

Seeing it, she smiled and said, "Oh, my excuse will be that you accidentally did this. I can hide it, too."


"Do not worry. It isn't so big,'' Paula said. Hearing her, I nodded, and as Paula kissed me, I smiled, and we started watching.

While we kept doing it, time passed. While Paula looked at me, I asked, "Dinner."

"Oh, you can cook something."

"I can. You will need to help me. First, put a shirt on. Being in a bra close to everything will be dangerous," I said while looking into her eyes.

Hearing me, Paula nodded, and as I smiled, she changed. When she had done this, I smiled, and we walked to the kitchen. While there, I started cooking while Paula kept helping me.

Good that I have it all here. Knowing it, I smiled, and when I had done it, Paula said, "So let's eat."

"OK," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and as I smiled, we strolled to the table and started eating.

While we kept doing it, for who knows how long I had done, and looked at Paula.

"Medicine," she said.

"OK," I said and walked to take it. When I had done this, I smiled and looked at Paula. I did this. I sat and started observing her.

While I keep doing it, I keep waiting for Paula to finish eating.

When she had done this all, I smiled, and while looking at her, I took all, and she said, "I will clean."

"OK," I said, and after she took it, I smiled and looked at her. After Paula walked to the kitchen, I smiled and looked at her. When she started washing everything, I smiled and kept an eye on her.

When she had done this, Paula came back to me.

Seeing her look, she smiled and said, "So let's watch."

"OK," I said.

Hearing me, Paula nodded, and as I smiled, we continued watching the series. With time passing, no idea when night had come. Seeing it, I smiled, and we started making dinner.

While we kept doing it, I smiled after making it all.

Seeing it, I looked at Paula, and as we started eating it, she finally told me what was at school.

Knowing all that happened, I keep nodding.

After we finished eating, we enjoyed tea, and we kept talking.

After ending it, all I could see was Paula walking to the bathroom. Seeing it, I smiled and walked to clean it all.

When I had done this all. I could see that Paula had a new pyjama. Seeing it, I smiled, and as I came closer to her, she kissed me.

After doing it, she said, "So we can have a good time now."


Hearing me, she nodded, and as I smiled, we sat on the couch. Looking at Paula, she kept smiling and started kissing me.

When she had done this, she smiled and said, "This is nice."

"I know," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and as I smiled, we continued watching one more episode. When we had done this, she asked, "Will the bed be good for both of us?"

"It should be," I said as we lay earlier together. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and as she smiled, we walked to the bedroom after I turned it all off.

When I had done this, she smiled, and after lying in bed she hugged me, and we started being like that.

With the passing of time, Paula fell asleep first.

With moonlight, I keep looking at her. With a smile on my face, I fell asleep.