
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Math isn't so hard

As I keep being, quiet talks keep ongoing. With time passing, I moved up at one point. Looking at my grandparents, I shook my head. They said nothing to me. Just congrats Paula for her scores.

Knowing it, I started walking to where the bathroom was. As I kept doing it, Jim asked, "Jack, where are you going?"


Hearing my words, he nodded, and when he moved back to his place, I walked to the bathroom. When I had done all there, I smiled and strolled out.

After coming there, I could see Paula's grandma.

As she looked at me, she asked, "Do they know about how you ended?"

"No," I said shortly. As Paula's grandma looked at me, she said, "Wait. You mean."

"They don't know. I will handle it, all."

"So they think Paula ended with the best score. So that is why they congratulate her so much," Paula's grandma said. Hearing her words, I nodded and said, "I can help with something."

"Oh, come with me," she said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and when we came into the kitchen, I looked at her. As she started taking the cakes out, I nodded and I helped her with cutting them.

When we had done this, I took all and came back with all back to the table. When I sat, I smiled as the talks kept on going. While doing it, Paula's grandma asked, "Paula question."

"Yes," she said while looking into her grandma's eyes. Seeing that Paula's grandma is thinking about something, she asked, finally "We keep talking about you a lot. We have a second person who ended. Tell me, do you know how Jack ended?"

"Oh, much better than I. Jack, you lost around five points in total."

"Seven," I said. As Paula nodded, I could see in my grandparent's faces surprise. Seeing it, I smiled and added, "So I should join where I will be going to university."

"I know. You will be busy," Paula said.

"Math isn't so hard," Grandma Cole said.

"Not when it will be my second. First is something else. So two different studies at the same time."

"Wait what?" Grandma Williams asked.

"Mom, I told you about this," Mom said. Hearing her words, I nodded. Seeing their look talks slowly moved from me once again to Paula.

Seeing that my grandparents do not want to talk about me, I just wanted to go away.

While thinking about this, I shook my head, and when all was done, I smiled, and Paula said, "So Jack, maybe we will go."

"Oh, this is a good idea. We will leave everyone," I started saying, and as Sophia punched my side, I looked at her. As she smiled, I added, "I can see that most talks slowly move on business. So we don't need to be here."

"Good point," Mom said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and as I got up, Paula did the same, and after goodbye, we came out. As I looked at her, she said, "I can't stand your grandparents."

"Oh, come on. This is normal for me."

"Really. They keep praising me. Nothing to you," Paula said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and when we came into Paula's car, she said, "So your place."

"Oh we can," I said. Hearing my words, she nodded and started driving there. It took us some time, but when we finally got there, we came to my place.

After closing the doors, she hugged me and gave me a long kiss. After doing it, I smiled, and after patting her shortly, I said, "Oh, you taking this more than I do."

"Maybe. Let us not talk about this. So what will you say about movie night?"

"Oh, we can have one," I said. When Paula nodded, I smiled, and Paula added, "I will go buy some snacks and drinks."

"So I will go with you," I said. When Paula nodded, I smiled, and we walked slowly downstairs. After coming into the shop, we went shopping, and after it all over, she smiled and said, "So as we had all done now."

"We can go back and watch."

Hearing my words, she nodded, and after coming back, we sat, and when she found some trilogy, we started watching it all.

As time passed at one point, I could hear ringing doors. As Paula got up first, and walked to open them, I could see Mom. Seeing her, Paula smiled, and Mom said, "Oh, you spend time together."


Hearing Paula's words, Mom nodded, and as she smiled, she walked inside. While seeing her looking at me, she said, "Jack, sorry about what happened there."

"Mom. Do not worry. This is normal for me now."

Hearing me, she nodded and added, "They received some harsh words."

"Grandma did this," Paula asked, and as Mom nodded, Paula nodded and said, "Her tongue sometimes is harsh."

"Nothing new," Mom said, and as Paula nodded, Mom continued, "So as you both are spending time together, I will be going. I wanted to check how you are now."

"Mom. Do not worry about me. All is good," I said. Hearing my words, Mom nodded, and as she smiled, she walked away. Seeing it, I nodded, and as Paula came closer, she hugged me and said, "So we can continue watching."

"Yes," I said, shortly. Now, without any disturbances, we keep watching until night. We took quick breaks between movies. Sometimes I use the bathroom or make some food.

When I looked at Paula as almost midnight had come, she said, "So bathroom, and sleep."

"Oh, so you sleeping here?" I asked, and as she nodded, she kissed me. After doing it, I nodded, and as she smiled, she grabbed my hand. While seeing it, I nodded, and we walked to have a quick shower together.

No idea why, but she likes it so much. After ending it, we dried our bodies, and after changing, we lay in bed, and not long after fell asleep.