
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

I will need to buy food

As the next day came, I woke up at one point. While looking into Paula's face as she was observing me, she kissed my cheek and said, "Hello, hubby."


"Oh hi. When you woke up."


Hearing me, she smiled and said, "Oh, a few minutes ago. I had plans to go to the bathroom. So I will go there now."


"Ok," I said. When she moved up, I kept observing her. While doing it, all at one point, I got up. Seeing Paula walking out of the bathroom, she smiled and walked to the kitchen.


Seeing that she wanted to prepare food, I smiled and used the bathroom. When I had done all of these, I smiled and walked into the kitchen.


Seeing what Paula had prepared, I nodded. Seeing her, I smiled, and while taking most, we moved to eating.


While doing it, Paula had done one bowl of cornflakes. I had done two, and when I had done all here, I smiled and walked slowly to clean it all.


After ending it all, I smiled, and while looking into Paula, she said, "I will prepare clothes."


"Ok," I said. As Paula smiled, and while looking into her, I smiled and started cleaning everything. When I was done, I smiled and crawled to the bedroom.


Seeing Paula, she smiled, and I said, "I will need to buy food."


"Oh, Ann will move all that we had here."


"Ok," I said. As Paula smiled and looked into her eyes, I kissed her, and we walked slowly to change. After doing it, I could only smile, and not long after, we came out.


While looking into Paula's eyes, I smiled, and not long after, we came into the car. While being there, I looked into Paula's eyes, and she started her drive.


While doing it, all at one point, she started signing. Hearing her voice, I could only smile, and I kept listening to her.


While doing it, we all went to university. While being there, I smiled, and when she parked, we came out.


Seeing my look, she kissed me and said, "So we can go."


"Ok," I said. Hearing my words, Paula smiled, and not long after, we walked into our entrances. While there, I could only smile, and when I looked around, I needed to check where I had lessons.


After making sure where my walk there had become.


After coming there, I looked around, and when I sat on the floor, I read about what we would have. While doing it, all I had done was as they had become.


While being in the first lesson, I kept listening to all. As all kept happening, time passed. Who knows when?


After ending it all, I could smile, and one of the longest walks of the day had come.


While seeing that I might be late, I shook my head while walking. After coming finally to my destination, I came almost on time.


After being inside, I smiled, and the next lesson had come. Just after the sitting test had come.


Seeing it, I could only shake my head, and not long after, I started doing all this. When I had done this, I waited as this was only for half an hour. After this normal lesson had come.


Hearing it, I shook my head. As everything kept happening, time came to an end.


Seeing it, I smiled, and not far away I had the next one. With time passing, finally, lunch break had come. After contacting Paula about where we will have, I came last.


Seeing her sitting and having food for me, I smiled and walked closer to her.


After sitting, she looked at me and said, "Oh, your food."




Hearing me, she nodded, and while looking into her eyes, I smiled, and not long after, we started eating. While doing it, I could see that Lucy and Emily kept looking at Paula.


Seeing it, I could smile, and while doing it, we had all done it. Seeing them, I said, "I might be like yesterday."




Hearing her words, I smiled, and we moved to our destinations. While being once again in my classroom, I shook my head, and all had once again become. While doing it, Fred contacted me and said that I needed to come into a meeting with the professor.


After texting Paula that I would be late, I smiled, and while looking at the teacher, I kept fully focused on everything. While having in the back of my mind why I need to meet with the professor.


I hope this is about me being a teacher. Not once again, be in some group.


As this lesson had ended, I walked into another. So time will soon tell.