
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

I need to learn more

Time passed, sometimes fast, sometimes slow.

It all depends if Paula moved and distracted me or not. While thinking about this, I had done at one point. While knowing it, I put everything aside and started observing Paula.

As she is fully focused on what she has here. I enjoyed watching her.

When she took a break at one point, she said, "Food."

"Going to cook."

She only nodded and came back to learning. Seeing it, I smiled and started walking to the kitchen. While there, I smiled and started making food.

While doing it, I had done it at one point. While looking at Paula, I smiled and said, "Break. Food is ready."


Hearing her words, I smiled, and with plates, I walked to the table. When I sat, I looked at her, and we started eating.

I could see that she liked what I had created. When we had finished, I said, "Go clean your face."

"Going. Jack, can you make tea for me?"

"Ok. Which one" I asked. Hearing what Paula wanted, I nodded, and with plates, I walked to the kitchen. After starting the kettle, I washed everything.

When I had done, I smiled and filled the glass with hot water. While seeing drinks for us, I smiled, and when I turned, I could see Paula looking at me. Seeing her look, I smiled, and we went back to our previous position.

Now looking at Paula as she started sipping tea, I walked to my laptop.

While having it, I started my account with stock and started working on this all.

While doing it, I had done it at one point. As I looked at Paula, she said, "I have had enough of this."

Hearing her words, I looked at her. As Paula got up and closed the laptop, she put it on the side. Seeing it, I looked at her, and when she sat on me, we started kissing.

Rest goes how she wanted.

No idea how long it all took, but when we finally had showered, I kept an eye on her.

Seeing mine look, Paula smiled, and when we did it, we walked out. Seeing her drying her body, I said, "You surprised me."

"This is so annoying," she said, and complaints started coming. Hearing her words, I kept an eye on her. While all kept happening, she had done it at one point. Seeing it, I smiled, and when we were done in the bathroom, we came out.

While observing Paula, she smiled and said, "So let's change. I need to learn more."

"Oh, you want something to eat or drink?"

"Wine. You do not have any here. So maybe I will go and buy it," she said. Hearing her words, I looked into her eyes. Seeing my look, I said, "I will go. Tell me which one you want."

"Oh," Paula said, and after telling me three names, I nodded, and when I kissed her, I said, "So I will go."

"Ok. For sure, one of these should be here."

I only nodded. When Paula smiled, I looked at her and walked out. After coming into the shop, I looked at what was there, and when I took one, I smiled and bought some cookies.

While having them, I have no idea if it will be good with wine. Just to have it, I took them.

After paying for everything, I smiled and walked back home. When I had come there, I looked at Paula, and when she took the wine, she opened it and filled the glass.

Seeing it, I looked at her, and she asked, "You want?"

"No. You should know I don't drink," I said. Hearing my words, Paula nodded, and as I smiled, she came back to learning while sipping wine. Seeing it, I grabbed my laptop and started searching for what I can have in the future at university.

With all this time passed. Paula only did this glass of wine, nothing else. After hiding it on the shelves, she looked at me and said, "Now slowly, time for supper is coming."

"So," I started saying, but she stopped me and said, "I will order pizza. I want some."

"Ok," I said. Hearing my words, Paula nodded, and as I smiled, she made an order. When she had done this, she lay on me, and we started watching the series.

While doing it, Paula took a quick break to take our food. When she came back, I looked at what we had here and started eating. While doing it, all the time passed.

With this, all-time passed.

As night had come, we changed into pyjamas, and while hugging, we fell asleep.

As Sunday had come, I woke up at eight.

While seeing Paula sleeping, I smiled and started observing her.

Her expression is so nice.

I can watch her for hours.

With time passing, I wanted to watch her more, but I could not. The bathroom started calling for me.

Knowing it, I shook my head, and when I walked to use it. I came back. Seeing Paula awake, she looked at me and said, "Oh, Jack. Food."

"Going to make. You want something."

"Yes. Scrambled eggs," Paula said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and as she smiled, I walked to prepare for it.

When I did this, I started frying. This made Paula get up and walk to the bathroom. Knowing it, I smiled and kept making food.

When she came in I smiled, and when she took the tea which I prepared she smiled, and when I was done with the food I put everything on plates.

Seeing that she sat on the couch, I came to her, and while seeing what she had in front of her. Paula smiled. Seeing it, I smiled too, and we started eating. I hope we will spend the entire day together.

Nothing will come, and we will not need to go out.

Just a full day with me and her alone at home.