
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

How are you now?

As I keep doing it, all time passes. Who knows when? While feeling that I need to use the bathroom, I log out and close the laptop. I bought some stocks while leaving some money for a living. While thinking about this, I walked to the bathroom and did it all while thinking still about this.

After coming out, I could see Grandma Cole looking at me. Seeing her look, I said, "Hello."

"How are you now?"

"Much better. Just slowly feeling better, and I can learn," I said while looking into her eyes. Seeing this, Grandma said, "ok. For how long do you want to spend here?"

"Until Mom, don't let me be in my place."

"Ok," Grandma said, and she walked away. Seeing it, I smiled, and after lying back in bed, I closed my eyes. Maybe a nap will be good now. When I tried to fall asleep, finally I had done this.

I woke up feeling that my shirt was wet. Feeling it, I got up, and after changing, I lay back. I will need to pack this shirt with dirty clothes.

As I once again lay, I could hear doors opening. Not long after, Dad came in. Seeing his look, he said, "Oh, Jack. How are you today?"


"Nice. Helen is cooking something for you. So don't worry, you will have food soon," Dad said. Hearing his voice, I nodded, and as I looked at him. My phone started ringing. Seeing that it was Fred, I said, "Can I?"

"Just do it," he said. Hearing Dad's words, I nodded, and after answering, I said, "Yes."

"Jack," Fred's voice came, and he started coughing. Hearing it, I waited for him to end, and he said, "Check if you haven't caught something. We have a professor."

"Me too."

"Ok. Ask your grandparents to check themselves, too. As they were with the professor in the restaurant. One student brought it, no idea which as now break is," Fred said.

"Ok. Are you ok there?" I asked.

"Yes. All is ok. We will probably move lessons a little, but all will be ok. When we are done here, food is for me. I am so sorry about this."

"Do not worry. All will be ok," I said.

"I hope so. By," Fred said, and hang out. Hearing it, I looked at Dad and said, "Dad."

"Yes, Jack. Do you want something?"

"Yes. Can grandparents go check themselves?" I said.

"For what?" Dad asked.

"Professor and Fred. His assistant. Are sick. Therefore, they might catch something. Based on their age, it can be dangerous."

"Oh, all four," Dad asked while taking the phone out.

"No idea how many go there. I only saw Grandpa Cole at university," I said.

"Got it," he said and walked out. While seeing it, I lay better, and while having nothing to do. I kept looking at the ceiling. After doing it, I could hear someone coming in. While seeing mom-holding bowl. I moved up.

Seeing her look at me, she smiled and said, "Jack's food had come. I hope you will like it."

"I hope too," I said, and as Mom sat, I looked at what I had here. While seeing it, I smiled, and while taking a spoon, I started eating. While doing it, time passed nicely. Mom keeps being here and looking at me.

While doing it, Grandma Cole came in, and as she looked at me, she said, "What do you mean to check us?"

"Mom, what is happening?" Mom asked. Hearing her words, Grandma said, "Jack."

"Professor Anderson is now sick. Probably one of the students came sick, so all three of us are. So in case."

"Stop this bullshit," Grandma said. Hearing her words, I said, "So maybe you can call the professor."

"I will for sure. Helen's phone," Grandma said, and as Mom looked at her, she passed it. Seeing it, Grandma looked at it, and said, "Choose Anderson's number."

"Got it, Mom," Mom said. While looking at them not long after, I could hear a ringing sound. When I looked at Grandma, Professor's voice said, "Who?"

"It is me, Marc," Grandma said.

"Martha. Why are you calling me? "the professor asked.

"Jack telling bullshit that you are sick. So that is why Josh wanted us to be checked by a doctor," Grandma said.

"Yes. I am Jack, good thinking," the professor said.

"Thank you," I said and started coughing. After I had finished, the professor said, "Be good there. I am so sorry for what happened."

"No problem," I said, and as the professor said, "by" he hung out. Hearing it, Mom looked at me, and just a second later, Grandma. Seeing her look, she said, "Mom, we are going. Soon the doctor should come. You and Dad need to be checked fully."

"Ok," Grandma said, and she walked away. Seeing it, I smiled, and after looking back in the bowl, I kept forcing myself to end what I have here.

When I had done this, I put it all on the side, and while checking the remaining tea, I could feel that it was cold. Knowing it, I hear it in the microwave and keep sipping. While doing it, I received a text message from Paula.

Seeing what it was, I smiled. Seeing it, I started writing about how all should go. While doing it, I sent it, and not long after, Paula called me. Seeing that it should still be a lesson, I said, "Hello."

"Jack, thanks," she said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I kept arguing with the teacher that I had a good score and I won the test. She keeps rewriting everything," Paula said.

"Oh, right. Math test. How it all goes?" I asked.

"Smith, you have perfect after changes," the teacher's voice comes.

"Oh, thank you. So my streak is ongoing," I said and started coughing. Good, that I managed to mute the microphone. While I kept doing it, for some time, I could hear, "Smith, you are all right there."

"Yes. Sorry. I am sick, so it's got too much for me now," I said.

"Good to know. Heal there and come as fast as possible," the teacher's voice comes. Hearing it, I smiled, and Paula hung out. When she had done this not long after, I received many heart emojis. When I looked at them, I smiled and sent some back.

When I had done this Mom come inside. Seeing her look, she said, "Jack, good point about checking."

"Oh, something is happening?" I asked.

"Grandpa has a small fever. So he will stay in bed until all will be ok," Mom said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and when the doctor came, he looked at me and started checking on me.

Seeing it, I smiled, and it took him some time. After ending it all, I nodded, and while looking at him, he said, "Good. All is going how it should be."

"Good to know," I said, and as the doctor walked out with Mom, I smiled, I smiled, and lay in bed while watching TV. When I had done this, I looked at it and started watching.