
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Good place

I like what Sophia created here. Seeing her smile, she said, finally, "I will need to cook more for you."

"Oh, I can cook too," I said. Hearing me, she asked, "Megan and Joanna ate it."

"Yes. Joanna mostly," I said.

"Fuck," she said, and then said, "I want more. What will you say about cooking for us today?"

"Oh, no idea. I have the training," I said.

"Self-defence?" she asked. Hearing her, I nodded, and then she added, "ok. Good to hear that you want to improve. So let's not talk about this."

"Ok. So about what you want to talk about," I asked her.

"Oh, today let me talk. I have all the evidence. You will not need to say a word."

"Great," I said.

Hearing me, she smiled, and said, "Joanna's room is this one."

"Yes. Why are you asking?" I asked.

"You see this. Cooking sometimes can be ungrateful," she said while showing me a small stain on her shirt.

Seeing it, I nodded, and then she said, "I will need to take Joanna one. Good, that it isn't Megan."

"Oh ok," I said, and when Sophia nodded, I smiled, and then she walked there. Seeing it, I did my food, and I walked to change.

This took me some time, but when I have done all smiles showed up on my face.

Seeing Sophia ready and changed, she said, "Joanna needs to clean her room."

"I will do this later," I said.

"Don't. She needs to do this," Sophia said. Hearing her, I looked at her, took the phone and then texted probably to someone.

Seeing her hiding it, she said, "So let's go."

"Ok," I said, and then we walked to the car. I could see that Sophia's smile is so similar to Megan, and Joanna's. No idea who has it anymore.

As I kept looking at her, she asked, "something on my face."

"No. all is good," I said shortly. Hearing me, Sophia nodded, and then we walked to the car.

After being there, I looked at her, and she started driving to our destination.

While doing it, I could see her being fully focused on the route. I looked in the back mirror, and she said, "My protection. Don't worry about them."

"Bad memory," I said.

"Oh, come one. If I knew this, I wouldn't do this," she said while looking at me.

"Look at the route," I said.

"Ok," she said. Seeing it, I looked outside.

We finally came to our destination. Seeing it, I smiled, and when I came out as Sophia needed to find a place to park, I walked inside.

I could see Kean's there. Seeing me, Kean's mother came closer, and then she said, "So alone."

"No," I said.

"I can't see your representative. So do not lie. This is useless. We will pay," she started saying, but then Paula's voice come, "oh, still you can't believe what he had done."

"No. my lovely son," she said while pointing at him. Seeing it, I looked at Paula, and said, "thank you for coming here."

"No problem. Who is representing you? If you have nobody, I will call for someone I know," Paula said. Hearing her, I said, "I have a good one. I think."

"Oh, who?" Paula asked.

Hearing her before I could say something, Sophia came from nowhere, and then she said, "Oh, young Miss Evans showed up. Can you tell your brother to stop tagging me in each photo?"

"I will," Paula said while moving back, and then she said, "Jack, how?"

"Oh, I told you I saved some old man. They contacted Miss Williams. So she is doing her work," I said.

I hope Sophia will continue with my lie.

Hearing me, she nodded, and said, "I did not know that our school went so down. So I took it"

"Oh, good to hear. Jack can we talk," Paula asked. Hearing her, I nodded, and then we walked to the side.

As I looked at her, she said, "Oh, no idea you can find her. Nobody won with her."

"Oh great. So you wanted to talk about it?" I asked.

"Oh, a few things about school. I would like to ask you how to do it, "she said. Hearing her words, I nodded and said, "When."

"Oh, today. After all this?" she asked.

"Ok," I said, and when her phone started ringing, I walked back to Sophia.

I could see that she was looking at Kean's. Seeing it, I said to her, "I will come back on my own."

"Ok," she said, and added, "So soon, all will begin."

"Yes," I said, and not long after we came in, and then all had begun. Sophia is so straight that nobody could stop them. Who represented Kean wanted to let all go under with paying money.

This probably makes Sophia angrier, and when we had done this with a few clips from school, CCTV showed what was happening in the past.

Seeing them, I shook my head.

Terrible memories.

So bad that good that then I had only minor problems with my ribs.

Nothing more. Seeing it, I looked at Paula.

Her eyes became bigger.

Good, that nobody from the media came here. Another way is if they know about this, all would go public.

Knowing it, we had done this, and after coming out, Sophia said, "you don't need to come to the next one. I will handle it all. You should focus on school."

"Thank you," I said, and when she nodded, I smiled, and then I walked slowly outside.

I could see Paula waiting there. Seeing me, she said, "oh Jack. I did not know that something like that was happening in school."

"Yea. Past. So let's not talk about this anymore," I said. Hearing me, she nodded, and when she smiled, I asked, "you wanted my help on something."

"Yes. Let us go. I have all prepared," she said.

"Where?" I asked.

"Good place to learn," she said. Hearing her, I nodded, and then I started following her.