
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Congrats, little brother

As I kept waiting like that at one point, a ringing came. After opening the doors, I looked at Megan. As she comes inside.


Seeing her look at what was happening, she asked, "What do I think?"


"Yes," I said. Hearing my words, she jumped on me, and said, "Congrats, little brother."


"What" Adam's voice comes from.


"Paula is pregnant."


As Adam looked at me, he nodded, and they walked inside. While closing the doors, the elevator opened. Seeing Joanna coming out, she looked at me and said, "Oh, little brother."


"Hi," I said. Hearing my words, Joanna smiled, and when she came inside, she said, "What is happening? Megan is hugging Paula."


"Oh, my youngest aunt has come," Megan said. As Joanna looked at me, I smiled. As she screams for a quick, she runs to Paula.


Good, that Megan was so close that she stopped her. Seeing it, I smiled, and while looking at them, I closed the doors. After coming closer, I kept listening to everyone talking.


While doing it, all Dads finally said, "We will be going now."


"Where?" Megan asked.

 "What else? Time to have a party," Dad said. Hearing his words, Megan shook her head, and not long after, they walked out. After making sure that we changed, we came out too.


After coming downstairs, I looked at Paula and said, "We will go with JJ."


"I know."


Hearing my words, she smiled, and we got into the car. While there, I smiled, and not long after we started driving.


While doing it, all at one point, we had come to our destination. While seeing grandparents coming out, Grandma Cole asked, "What are you doing here?"


"Oh, we can go if you want to," I said while looking at her. As she looked at me, I could feel that Paula grabbed my hand. Seeing her look at me, I smiled, and while looking at her, I could see her grandparents coming.


When Paula's Grandma comes out, she runs to Paula while saying, "What I heard is true."

 "Yes, Grandma."


Hearing Paula's words, she smiled, and said, "Martha, why are you standing there like that? Still, you can't believe that you will be a great-grandmother."


"What" Grandma Cole asked.


"Oh, we can go now," I said while turning. As Paula looked at me, Grandma Cole said, "Wait. Jack."


"So you want us to go away or not? Decides," I said.


"Jack let's go. We need to have a party."


Hearing Paula's grandmother's words, I nodded. Seeing me, she nodded, and when she grabbed Paula's arm, they started walking away.


Seeing it, I looked at Grandma. As she looked at me, she said, "Come here."

 "What now?"


"What I heard was right," Grandma asked. Hearing her words, I looked into her eyes and said, "Yes. Paula is in the third week."


"Oh my god," she said while turning. Seeing it, I smiled and walked after Paula. Seeing where they are, I come closer. While I was there, I looked at her.


As I got closer, I looked at everyone and said, "I will contact Grandpa."

 "Oh, he is coming," Sophia said. Hearing her words, I nodded. Seeing my look, I smiled, and not long after talking continued. While I could see that meat come into the grill, I smiled and walked to it.


As I started taking care of this, I could hear everyone here making plans for all. While doing it, all I could see was my godmother, and Grandpa coming. When he looked at me, he said, "Jack, I heard that you have some news."

 "Oh, yes," I said, and before saying something, my godmother said, "Teacher, please sit."


"Oh, I will."


Hearing it, I smiled, and when Grandpa sat, Grandpa Williams said, "Oh, Paula is pregnant."


"Oh my god," my godmother said. While looking at them, only Paula's godmother and my godfather do not know about this.


Thinking about these two people will be the hardest to deal with.


Emily and Lucy.


As I kept thinking about this, I moved back to dealing with meat.


While all kept happening, Dad took my place, and when I sat close to Paula, I kept listening to talk, which kept happening.


As all this was happening, time passed. Who knows when?


Time passed, who knows when?


We sat and ate.


As all this kept happening, Paula said, "We will come back home."

 "Ok. We will have some more time here," Dad said. Seeing his look, Mom said, "So you finally want to bring alcohol."

 "I will be my grandfather for the first time, Grandfather."


Hearing Dad's words, I shook my head. As Paula got up, we got into the car and drove back home.


While being there, I looked at Paula. While looking at her I could only smile, and after we came into home, we sat on the couch.


While being like that we started watching TV.


Seeing Paula lying on my shoulder, I smiled, and we kept watching the series. While doing it, I could hear loud knocking on doors.


As Paula looked at me and wanted to get up, I said, "I will do this."


"Ok," she said. Hearing her words, I smiled and started walking to the doors to see who had come.