
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Annoying creature

As I looked at them, Paula said, "Do not worry. They will not bite."

Hearing her, I nodded and added in my mind, 'no bite but try to beat.'

When I said it, I smiled and moved a little from her. Seeing it, she shook her head.

Seeing it, I could hear, "ohm my lovely granddaughter with whom you come."

"Yes. Who is your partner here? "the second grandma said, who I met once. As I looked at her, she looked at me and said, "It is Jack. My classmate."

"Oh, coming here with a classmate, who nobody knows," her grandpa said.

"Yes," grandpa, who I met, said. Hearing it, I smiled and said, "I will be back soon."

"OK," Paula said. Hearing her words, I smiled and started walking to what I thought was the bathroom.

As I kept walking, I came close to Megan, and Adam and I asked, "Do you know where the bathroom is?"

"There," Adam said. Hearing his words, I nodded and could hear, "what a rude guy."

Hearing it, I looked at the girl who said it and said, "Thanks, Adam."

"No problem," Adam said.

Hearing that I used Adam's name they changed drastically. Seeing it, I smiled and hoped that he could think of some excuse.

As I keep walking.

Looking at the bathroom, I smiled and walked inside.

When I used it, I came out and could see Adam waiting there. Seeing me, he said, "really."

"Sorry. I couldn't stand their look and words," I said.

"Good. I said that we will meet in the city, and you helped me."

"OK. Got it," I said, and when Adam nodded, he added, "you are here with Evans."

"Yes. Paula forced me to come here."

"Oh, good for you. You will see what it can be," Adam said.

Hearing him, I nodded and walked out. Looking around and that nobody was there, I started my walk back to where Paula should be.

I could see mom and dad at one point. Seeing them, I smiled, and as I kept walking, I could see Paula's grandparents.

Seeing them, I looked at them.

Seeing my look, grandpa, who does not know me, said, "Oh, you are Jack. Thank you for what you have done for Paula."

"Oh, no problem. Who could do this?" I said.

"No. Truly, I can't believe that you would jump to push her away."

"No truly. This is nothing," I said.

Hearing me, he nodded, and grandma, who I met, said, "So my proposal still is clean."

"My answer too. I hope your people will have good days in prison," I said while looking at Paula's grandpa, who I met.

Hearing me, he looked at me and said, "You know."

"Yes. My friend works in Williams and helps me then. Good, that you haven't done this to anyone from this family."

"Husband," Paula's grandma said, who I met.

Seeing it, I looked at them and could hear, "what had you done?"

"Oh, let's push this later. I will explain it all, '' Paula's grandpa said. Hearing it, I looked at him and said, "Now I will go."

"Oh wait. I would like to apologize to my husband."

"Oh, no worry. All is good now. Just hope all will be good now," I said. Hearing me, they nodded, and before I came out, I could see the next pair coming.

I could recognize one of them. Grandma and grandpa.

Seeing those coming, grandpa asked, "Oh, some unknown face."

"Yes. He comes with his granddaughter. Her friend."

"I will go now. Have a good rest of the day," I said and walked as fast as possible. Just I do not want my grandparents to recognize me.

When I walked back to where Paula is.

I could see a few people around here.

Seeing it, I came closer, and she said, "oh, Jack you have come."

"Yes. Sorry, I had a quick talk," I said.

"Oh well," she said. Seeing everyone looking at me, she smiled and said, "So let's go around."

"OK," I said, and when she grabbed my hand, I looked at her. Seeing her moving closer to me, she whispered, "You come at a good time to save me."

"No problem," I said. Hearing me, she nodded, and we started walking around.

Paula stopped a few times to keep talking. Hearing it, I looked at her and kept company.

Once I took the juice, and while drinking it, slowly I kept walking after Paula.

Holding her hands is surreal for me.

As I looked at her, and at one point dad and grandpa came out. Seeing them, I could not recognize the second older man there.

Seeing them, Paula whispered, "Williams and Cole."

"Oh," I said. So now, I know about them. For the first time, I saw them.

As I kept looking at them, dad started his speech like always. I could hear thanks to everyone, and so on.

Truly, he could think about something new. The same talks can go all over. As I kept listening to him, he finished, and one grandpa started. This one is dad's dad.

Like before. They keep talking and talking.

I could feel Paula grabbing my hand harder. Feeling it, I looked at her, and she said, "When we do this, let go."

"OK," I hummed. Hearing it, Paula nodded, and we kept listening. Time passed.

No idea how long. When all was done with giving some prices to old workers.

As I looked at it, Paula turned, and I walked after her. When we came to the back, she said, "good. Let's hide here."

"Yes," I said. Seeing my look, Paula smiled and said, "So you have some idea what we can do."

"Oh no."

"Oh so," she said. When I looked at her, she continued about what we had left with a history.

I keep answering her. Hearing it, she nodded, and from nowhere, we moved to chemistry.

Now I am an ass. I know the least from it.

I tried to answer her questions as much as I could.

I could see that someone was coming towards us.

Seeing it, Paula became more serious. Seeing her look, she said, "what now?"

"Oh, hiding," the woman said. Hearing it, I looked at Paula, who said, "Yes. I want to have peace."

"Crying kid doesn't want to show up in a circle."

"Shut up," Paula said. Hearing her words, I looked at them.

While I kept doing it, the woman said, "Paula is a crying kid. Who hides everywhere?"

"Can you shut up? Your look makes me sick," Paula said while looking at me.

Seeing her look, she smiled and said, "Jack, let's have a dance. I can't stand here anymore."


As she started walking, I followed her. When we came into the parquet, she asked, "Do you know how?"


"So follow me," she said, and when I nodded, I could see her starting all over. While we kept dancing, after one song, I asked, "Who was she?"

"Annoying creature," Paula said. Hearing it, I looked at her.

She continued, "Her family is rich. Not so much. She dated Jim. My brother."

"Oh, so now as he isn't with her, she is going after you," I asked.

"Yes," Paula said. Hearing it, I nodded, and when she smiled, we walked out.

After I kept following Paula, we came to the table, and when she grabbed some food, she started eating.

Seeing it, I grabbed juice, and when I kept drinking, I could hear Paula's grandma's voice, "good dance."

"Grandma. Where is the rest?" Paula asked.

"Oh sitting, and talking with Williams and Coles. Now you should know that my proposal is still active."

"What is happening? Grandma?" Paula asked.

"Oh, I met Jack once. I propose to him, I can meet him with my granddaughter."

"She just wants us to be together," I said. Hearing it, Paula becomes red. Seeing it, she ran away.

"Stay here, young man," Paula's grandma said, and she looked at me.

Hearing it, I looked at her, and she said, "You should think about what is happening. Now I will leave you and look after her."

"OK. I will be around here," I said. Hearing me, she nodded and walked around, looking for Paula.

Seeing it, I walked more to the side. I could see that Marko was there. Seeing him, I stayed there, and he said, "Jack."


"What is happening? Why are you here?" he asked.

"Long story short. I was forced to come here. Do you know how long it will go?" I asked.

"Oh, like four more hours. Where is JJ?" he asked.

"I know he followed me. Now I do not know, probably inside with rest or sitting in the car. You probably have contact with him. I need to think about a few things now," I said while looking at a few unknown people going in my direction.

Paula POV

What grandma means.

She wants me to be with Jack. My heart raced.

After coming to the bathroom, I hid and started calming down.

My cheeks become red.

Seeing them tried to go with deeper breaths. As I keep doing it for some time, I finally come out.

Seeing grandma there, I said, "What do you mean?"

"If you can't move on your own, I will push you there."

"Really. I dared to ask Jack to come here. Now you're doing something like this," I said.

When grandma looked at me, I smiled and could see Megan Williams coming out. Seeing her, she smiled and said, "Sorry, I hear all."

"Oh, no problem. I hope this child can be like you," grandma said.

"Oh, good luck. I hope all will go how you want," Megan Williams said, and when she washed her hands, she kept looking at me.

Seeing this look, I looked at her, and she walked out. Seeing it, I need to talk with grandma now. Not in the bathroom, so we came out, and I looked at her. As I need to talk now.