
Lost And Found - Fragments of the Otherworld

"Lost and Found" is a captivating novel that follows the life of Emily, a college student grappling with the stress of midterm exams. As her academic pressure intensifies, Emily experiences a series of mysterious events, including the inexplicable disappearance and reappearance of her belongings in a thrift store. As her stress deepens, Emily starts having vivid dreams that seem to blur the lines between reality and another dimension. The dreams leave physical marks on her, adding a layer of complexity to her already complicated life. With the support of her best friend, Sarah, Emily seeks answers through a counseling session, unraveling the enigmatic dreams and their impact on her waking life. The counselor suggests using a sleep tracking app to understand her sleep patterns and addresses the potential danger of Emily's violent jerks during these episodes. Throughout the story, Emily's friendship with Sarah proves crucial, providing emotional support as they navigate the challenges that arise from the mysterious occurrences. The introduction of a new character, Jonah, adds an interesting dynamic to their group. As Emily delves into her dreams and attempts to reconcile the supernatural elements with her waking life, the story promises a blend of mystery, psychological exploration, and the challenges of young adulthood. The connection between the thrift store, Emily's dreams, and the unknown forces at play creates an intriguing narrative that keeps readers eagerly anticipating the revelations in the subsequent chapters. The novel skillfully weaves together elements of the supernatural, friendship, and self-discovery, creating a compelling and mysterious narrative that unfolds against the backdrop of college life.

Nokxy02 · Fantasy
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In Plain Sight

Excited to spill the beans about the weird artifact, I headed over to Sarah's room, laptop in tow. The hallway buzzed with the distant sounds of university hustle, but all I could think about was this cosmic puzzle waiting for us to solve.

Sarah's room was an explosion of colors and quirky charm, like a living canvas of her lively spirit. The door, covered in a bunch of travel stickers, told stories of the adventures and experiences that had left their mark on her. Stepping in, it felt like a wave of warmth and energy hit me, as if the room were breathing out creativity and positivity.

Her walls were this memory lane, covered in a mix of photos capturing laughter and adventures we'd shared. Polaroids and postcards formed this visual story, outlining Sarah's wanderlust and the cool friendships she'd built along the way. String lights crisscrossed the room, casting this warm, golden glow that turned the place into a forever cozy haven.

Her bed was this comfy nest, covered in cushions and throws, just asking anyone to dive into its inviting goodness—a clear sign of Sarah's love for all things cozy.

The desk was a creative mess, with sketchbooks, journals, and a bunch of pens scattered around, showing off her artistic side. It looked like a burst of colors had exploded from a palette, frozen in the middle of some ongoing creation. A little succulent sat on the desk, soaking up the sunlight peeking through the curtains—a living proof of her caring and nurturing vibe.

In essence, Sarah's room was a living testament to her vibrant soul—a sanctuary where creativity, friendship, and the essence of wanderlust converged.

As I inched further into her room, looking around, I couldn't see her. I went closer to the bathroom door to knock and see if she was there. As I reached the door, a muffled conversation caught my attention. The bathroom door was slightly ajar, and curiosity led me to overhear fragments of Sarah's hushed conversation. My footsteps hesitated, an invisible thread of unease weaving its way into my consciousness.

"Yeah, the secluded spot near the woods. It should be quiet, and we won't be disturbed." Sarah's voice, usually buoyant and full of life, now carried a clandestine undertone that sent a chill down my spine.

I strained to catch more, but the words melted into an indistinct murmur. My mind raced, trying to make sense of the conversation. Secluded spot? Woods? Disturbed? The fragments seemed to piece together a narrative that resonated with secrecy.

The bathroom door creaked open, and my heart skipped a beat. Sarah emerged, her expression momentarily caught between surprise and guilt as her eyes met mine. Hastily, she ended the call, the silence hanging in the air like an unspoken question.

"Hey, Em! What's up?" Sarah's voice, though casual, carried an underlying tension that mirrored the unease in my own demeanor.

I bit my lip, hesitating for a moment before deciding to address the elephant in the room. "Who were you talking to just now? It sounded important."

Sarah's eyes flickered, a subtle dance between crafting a plausible story and maintaining the facade of normalcy. "Oh, just a friend from my hometown. We're planning a surprise visit for another friend's birthday. I wanted to find a quiet place for the celebration, you know?"

I nodded, a forced smile playing on my lips. The fabricated story seemed plausible enough, but a lingering doubt gnawed at the edges of my intuition. Something that had been lurking in the background of that conversation continued to persist and refused to be ignored.

As I settled onto Sarah's bed, I bit my lip, my mind running miles per minute. Sarah's eyes caught the lingering traces of doubt on my face. Sensing my unease, she asked with genuine concern, "Hey, Em, you seem a bit off. Everything okay?"

I took a deep breath, the anticipation of uncovering the dreams now outweighing the lingering suspicions I had over the phone call. "Actually, something really strange happened. I was looking into historical artifacts for my history project, and as I scrolled through the images on Google, I saw this strange artifact. Something about it just stood out to me, like I was being drawn to it, you know?." I picked up my laptop and am going to unlock it.

"The more I looked at it, the more my brain wanted to know more, and I felt like I knew it. Then, like a switch had been flipped in my head, I recognised it, and guess what?" I said, turning my head to my friend and trying to build more suspense.

"What!?" Sarah asked eagerly.

"I saw it in one of the dreams that I have been forgetting. I didn't remember the whole dream, but I saw a few glimpses of the gem and the darkness that saw around me," I explained.

"What? Are you for real? Em, that's amazing. That's a breakthrough," she said, jumping up and down and hugging me.

"I know, it felt like a huge rock was lifted off my shoulders'" I paused. "But don't you think it's kind of strange how I dreamed about this gem that I have never seen before and then I see it on my Google searches?"

"Kinda, but it's not completely unusual or impossible. Can you show it to me?" Sarah said, attempting to console me.

An image that had bridged the realms of my dreams and reality and was illuminated by the screen of my laptop revealed itself to be a cosmic puzzle that was waiting for us to investigate.

However, as Sarah's eyes fell upon the intricate details of the artifact, a subtle furrow appeared on her brow. "Em, are you sure you've never seen anything like this before?"

"No, Sarah, I've never seen anything like this. It's like it materialized from the depths of my dreams."

"Then why does it look so familiar?" Sarah pondered, her thoughts mirroring my own. The room, once filled with the exhilaration of discovery, now buzzed with the quiet hum of speculation.

"It does?" I asked, hope evident in my voice. I thought that maybe if Sarah had seen it before, maybe I had too. Maybe that would be a better explanation as to why I dreamt about it. It was a more logical explanation.

"Yeah, but I can't put my finger on it…" Sarah trailed off.

Sarah's eyes wandered the room, retracing the pathways of her own memories. A thoughtful expression graced her features, and then, like a spark igniting, she exclaimed, "I remember now! I saw a picture of this exact gem at the university counseling center. They had this display of calming images and artifacts. It caught my eye because it looked so unique."

The revelation that Sarah had seen the exact gem at the university counseling center left me in a state of bewilderment. As we both grappled with the implications of this mysterious connection, I couldn't help but express my confusion.

"Wait, Sarah, are you sure about this? I mean, why would the same artifact be at the counseling center? It doesn't make any sense." I voiced my perplexity, hoping Sarah might offer some insight.

Sarah furrowed her brows, mirroring my confusion. "Em, I'm pretty certain. It was part of this display they had—calming images and artifacts to help students relax. Maybe that's what it means. But you're right; it's strange."

"You know, I tried to look up more information about the artifact. Its origin, historical background, anything. But there's nothing. It's like it doesn't exist in the annals of history."

Sarah's eyes widened with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Nothing at all? No dating, no historical context."

I nodded, my confusion deepening. "Exactly. It's as if this gem materialized out of thin air. The weird part is that I found a mention that it was supposedly on display in a museum in another country. But when I tried to dig deeper, it led me to a dead end. There is no story behind it."

Sarah's expression mirrored my own sense of frustration. The threads of our investigation were slipping through our fingers, leaving us with more questions than answers. "A museum? That's bizarre. I mean, since there is no historical record of it. There's got to be something we're missing, right?"

The room, once pulsating with the excitement of discovery, now hung heavy with the weight of unexplained phenomena. Sarah and I exchanged glances, our minds racing to make sense of the situation.

Sarah's suggestion resonated with practicality, yet the prospect of seeking answers directly from Ms. Henderson faced an immediate hurdle. It was possible she'd know something since it's displayed there at the center.

"Sarah, going back to the counseling center seems like a good idea, but my next appointment isn't until next week," I explained, a sense of urgency mingling with the desire for resolution.

Sarah nodded, understanding the constraints of time. "True, we can't wait that long. We need to find out more about this artifact sooner rather than later. Any other ideas on how to get information?"

Contemplating the options, I suggested, "Maybe there's a way to find out about the display without waiting for my next appointment. We could check if there are any events, exhibitions, or even open house sessions happening at the counseling center. If they have a display, we might be able to get more information about the artifact."

Sarah's eyes brightened with the prospect of a proactive solution. "That's a great idea, Em! Let's check the schedule or any announcements on the university website. If there's something happening at the counseling center, we can go and inquire about the artifact."