

I was sitting in the living room on the couch reading a story on my phone. My mother was cooking dinner in the living room, and my father was taking his afternoon nap he had every day when he got home from work. "Wake me up when its time for dinner." He yawned. He gave me a small hug, then went off to sleep.

"Darling, it's time for dinner!" My mother called. I groaned as I got up and walked to Father's room. "Dad, it's time for dinner!" I said. I shook him softly, and he began to stretch and yawn. "Is dinner ready?" I nod then walk out of the room and to the kitchen. I could smell… Chicken Alfredo. My favorite.

I was a troubled child, I could, no, CAN say. My name is Percy Xora Solace. I'm a thirteen year old girl who was told she is a fierce, brave, stubborn, and troubled. I had long dark brown hair, dazzling emerald green eyes, and wore a white T-Shirt with a rainbow pleaded skirt accompanied by rainbow knee-high socks. I wore black Convers with rainbow edges. So much rainbow all at once, huh? You should see my room. It's COVERED with them! Its just something I personally like, I guess. Oh, I forgot to mention, I get into a lot of fights at school, let alone in public.

I sat at the table and Mother placed a plate of food in front of me. Father came in a minute later and sat down beside me. As soon as Mother placed his plate in front of him, he scarfed down his food in a record time. He must've been hungry, I thought. I began to eat when suddenly a loud "BANG" slammed against the front door, causing me and my parents to all jump. My mother stopped what she was doing, took a small glance at me and Father, who were staring at her, than she continued her way to the door. "Hello?"

I could hear soft whispers when suddenly Mother screamed, and I heard another loud bang that sounded like a gun shot. Me and Father immediately got up and ran to her, curios of what happened, but yet worried. One thing I loved more than rainbows is my family. They meant a lot to me. I can't imagine a world without them. I would be nothing.

When we got to the front door, Mother was collapsed on the ground. Blood pooled around her arm where there was a giant hole. In the door was a whole bunch of men wearing black suits and black masks. There was a man up front who was holding the gun towards us. He must've shot Mother's arm. But why?

"What do you want?" My Father cried. He pulled me back to protect me, but I leaned out from behind him so I could see what was happening. I like to be aware of my surroundings, otherwise I'd freak out a little. The man up front gripped the gun handle tighter and pointed it towards Father. "Give us the child."

"No way!" Mother stood up, holding her arm, but trying to be fierce. I could see the pain and fear in her eyes. But there was a little determination. She stepped back and blocked my view, standing next to Father. "This is our child, not yours. We will not give her to you, and she will not be taking one step out of this house!" I thought I could hear some panting. I got a quick peek of the men before Father turned and whispered. "Percy, go to your room and lock all the doors and windows. These guys can't get to you, or they will take you away! Go. Now!" He shoved me with his hip. The last thing I saw was the men tackling my parents, but they fought back. I ran to my room, slammed the door, and locked it. I did the same with my window. Closed it, locked it, and closed the blinds. The rainbow paint began to peel off the wall from the amount of force. I grabbed my pocketknife I hid in my sock drawer, grabbed my phone, and curled into a ball in the corner. My hands and legs were trembling and all I could here was Mother and Father screaming over the shouting of the men.

No, I thought. I need to help them. They are fighting to protect me. They don't deserve this! I should be defending myself. I shook my head, thinking it was a terrible idea but I ended up standing on my feet, phone in my sock, and the pocketknife gripped tightly in my hand. I took a deep breath and headed toward my door. You're going crazy, I thought to myself. I unlocked the door and cracked it open. "Alright Percy," I said to myself. "Let's go save your family and show them you can defend yourself." I ran out into the living room. Mother and Father were both pinned to the floor by their necks by two men. When they saw me, their face lost color.

"Percy? Percy, what are you doing? You father told you to go in your room and hide! Go now before they get you!" Mother screamed, struggling to escape the man's grasp. I shook my head. "I'm sorry Mom, but I can't. I can defend myself. Thanks for trying to protect me though."

Percy, a voice said in my head. Percy, what the heck are you doing? You're going to get yourself killed! Yeah, that's a way to think about it. I'm going to get myself killed. How nice.

Percy! The voice hissed.

Shut up, I told the voice.

The man with the gun I saw before stepped forwards. "Ah, there you are. Percy Solace. I've been looking everywhere for you!" His smile sickened me. I clenched the knife in my hand. "What do you want from me?"

"I want you to come with me."

"Over my dead body."

The man frowned. "So, the people were right. You are a stubborn one. This isn't going to be as easy as I thought it would be." I looked at a tag on his black suit that read AARON J. BLACK. Is Aaron his name or something? Whether it is or isn't, that's what I'm going to call him. "Alright, Mr. Aaron J. Black." I said. "Why don't we make a deal?" Sweat rolled down the back of my neck. I had no idea what I was doing, but I had a plan. Aaron's face darkened as he smiled. Even more sickening than before. "And what is this deal?"

"Percy, what are you doing? Stop this!" My mother cried. I ignored her yelling, and stood fiercely in front of the man, trying to prevent my fear from being seen. Aaron stood crossing his arms with a smug face. "Go on. I'm interested."

"If you let my parents go, I will surrender and go with you. But you have to promise to let them go, and I have to watch!"

"Percy," My Mother and Father gasped in harmony. "Percy, no. Go save yourself. We'll be fine. Percy, go! PLEASE!" I knew this was VERY risky, but it was worth a shot. I sighed then looked Aaron in the eyes. I held out my hand and stood for a moment. Aaron finally shook my hand. We had a done deal.

Aaron looked at the men holding my parents down. "Let them go but keep them back." He ordered. The men immediately obeyed and let my parents go. But the moment they stood up; they were held back from getting me. "Percy!" Mother screamed. Her arm was now stained in dry blood, but the bad pain could still be seen in her eyes.

Aaron ordered the other men to grab me and lead me out. I had hidden the knife in my sock. I looked back at my parents and winked. They smiled in relief, but then began to act scared. Right before we exited through the front door, I told them I had to tie my shoe. I bent down and slid my hand down my sock, getting a firm hold of the knife. I took a deep breath, then acted as fast as I could, panting as I went. I stood up and slashed the knife through the air. I sliced through one of the men's neck and through the chest of another. The sight made me gag and feel dizzy, but I couldn't give up. Not now. My family needs me.

I tried to take another strike, but Aaron shot the gun at my leg, and I fell with a scream. I kept a firm grip on the knife though. Men pored out around me, and I tried to cut as many of their legs as possible until Aaron grabbed my arms and held me hostage. I couldn't move, and my leg hurt very VERY badly. I have never experienced such pain as I am now. I heard my mother and father screaming my name as I'm being dragged out of the house.

"PERCY!" My mother screamed as loud as she could, trying to escape the mans grasp on her arms. Father was doing the same. I looked back at them and whispered, "I'm sorry." Tears came to all of our eyes. We were being separated, my biggest fear. Separation. I feel a wave of dizziness fall over me, and I lose my vision and hearing. Soon enough, I passed out.