
Loser System - Supreme licking dog

Qin Shui transmigrates and activates the pathetic Loser system, becoming the biggest gothic-licking dog and begins to fail endlessly.

Daoistobese · Fantasy
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2 Chs

cultivation levels

<p>1. Body Refinement Realm :<br/>Description: The initial stage of cultivation where practitioners strengthen their physical bodies to withstand spiritual power.<br/>Objective: Prepare the body for the reception and circulation of spiritual energy.<br/>-<br/>2. Qi Refining Realm: <br/>Description: Cultivators begin to absorb and circulate Qi (spiritual energy) in their bodies. <br/>Objective: Learn to control and direct Qi within the body.<br/>-<br/>3. Foundation Realm: <br/>Description: Building a solid foundation for advanced cultivation. <br/>Objective: Establish a stable foundation for the higher realms.<br/>-<br/>4-Golden Core Realm: <br/>Description: Form a core of concentrated energy within the body. <br/>Objective: Consolidate Qi into a golden core, increasing energy potency and efficiency. <br/>-<br/>5. Nascent Soul Realm:<br/>Description: A Nascent Soul is born within the nucleus, representing a qualitative leap in cultivation. Objective: Strengthen the connection between the physical and spiritual bodies. <br/>-<br/>6. Soul Transformation Realm: <br/>Description: The soul begins to transform and acquire new properties and powers. <br/>Objective: Perfect the soul and its capabilities.<br/>-<br/>7. Void-Breaking Realm: <br/>Description: body strong enough to "walk" through the void <br/>Objective: Master the cultivator's spatial ability, preparing him for the following realms<br/>-<br/>8. Realm of Law <br/>Description: beginning of control over fundamental laws of the universe <br/>Objective: Acquire sufficient understanding of a law to advance to the next level<br/>-<br/>9. Tribulation Realm <br/>Description: understanding of a law has reached enough to be rejected by the world and now needs to survive tribulations at every step in cultivation <br/><br/>Objective: Survive 9 tribulations and advance<br/><br/>-<br/>10. Emperor realm. <br/>Description: The physical peak, mind, soul and law, your words become orders before the laws <br/>Objective: find a way to ascend to another world<br/>-<br/>Advancement Structure; <br/>(not valid only for the tribulation realm where it is divided into 9 tribulations) <br/>Initial: The cultivator begins to understand and master the level. <br/>Medium: The cultivator solidifies his skills and increases control. <br/>Advanced: The cultivator achieves a deep and efficient mastery of skills. <br/>Peak: The cultivator reaches the pinnacle of the realm, ready to advance to the next level.<br/><br/>-----<br/>Talent Levels: From weakest to strongest; White spiritual root, Green spiritual root, Blue spiritual root, Purple spiritual root, Red spiritual root, Golden spiritual root and Rainbow spiritual root<br/><br/></p>