
•2•A puzzle incomplete

Are you lost or incomplete?

Do you feel like a puzzle, you can't find your missing piece?

Tell me how do you feel?

Well, I feel like they're talking in a language I don't speak

And they're talking it to me




"My name is Alexis and I know we will be great friends" this is Alexis Dale; we met in AP Chemistry. The way her blonde curls bounced around her face suited her chirpy personality to perfection. Her blue eyes shone in a strange way, a mixture of so many things combined together. I could tell she is exceptionally smart and she proved it throughout the whole class, but she seemed like she also knew how to have fun. Alexis took her part in the welcoming committee very seriously, so she insisted that she hangs out with me during lunch and help me meet everyone. I didn't really mind, the past few months I spent in this town I didn't manage to make any friends, unless you consider Mrs. Norris, who is sixty something years old with a dozen of cats living with her a friend.

Alexis, true to her words, made me sit on a table with perhaps a dozen of other people. Most of the girls were from the cheerleader squad and the majority of the guys were either in the football team or the basketball team. I honestly didn't mind, getting to know people was never a bad thing. "So where are you from?" one of the guys asked. He had small brown eyes, chiseled jaw fit body, and thin lips. The way he smiled didn't feel true to me, like he was masking something behind his smiles. His name I couldn't really remember and it was if Alexis heard my thoughts, I heard her calling.

"Seriously Jared, she already said it" She huffed in annoyance and then another girl with long, well very long chestnut hair jumped to his defense saying something along the lines of 'why are you being so mean?' The noise made me feel like I am sitting in one big circus, No, I don't like the noise nor do I like crowds but it is better than being alone.

I smiled to Jared and answered his question, "I used to live in Washington with my mom, but then I moved here." Jared just gave me a nod and then jumped in a conversation with another football player. Everyone was engaged in one conversation or another and I was satisfied to just listen, but for some reason my mind drifted back to the guy I bumped into earlier today, Sebastian Addington, such an old name, isn't it? I didn't see him in any of my classes, other than English that is, and he is not in the cafeteria either. I scanned the cafeteria with my eyes looking for him once more, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Are you looking for someone?" the girl with the long chestnut hair asked, I need to work harder on recalling names. Her tone and the way she looked was mischievous and playful. "Did someone catch your interest so soon?"

I shook my head as a reply and gave a small smile "I'm just getting used to the place"

"Even if someone caught her interest what is it to you Sally?" Alexis said challengingly.

"Are you her assigned lawyer or something? She can speak for herself" the girl, now I know as Sally, glared as she spat her words at Alexis; she then turned to me for a confirmation.

I raised both my eyebrows and sighed, "I think this is getting heated for nothing. I mean chill" I gave an awkward chuckle at the end. But I noticed how the table around us became quieter and I wondered if there's some on-going beef between Sally and Alexis. I think I could apply the saying 'Saved by the bell' pretty much on this situation, because I heard the bell ring indicating the end of lunch break. I stood up way too fast, gathered my cell, my bag, and my bottle of water. "Well I think I've got to go and hunt my biology class" I put my cell phone in my bag and got the map out. I am supposed to be at room 303D but for the life of me I couldn't find it. I was staring at the map while walking in another hallway, when once more I bumped into someone. "Dear God!" I exclaimed loudly as my things fell to the ground with another thud. This time the hallway wasn't empty, but people were rushing to their classes so they didn't give me a mind.

I went to gather my things when I heard a chuckle, "We've got to stop meeting like that" I looked up and saw Sebastian. I didn't notice before how his olive-green shirt brought out the color of his eyes. I pushed the trifle thought away and got up.

"You are absolutely right about this" I chuckled, slightly embarrassed.

"You're lost again?" His tone was more stating than questioning, but the smile on his face told me he meant it with a good intention.

"It seems I always am today" I replied awkwardly tucking my hair behind my ear. I think I always do that when I am nervous.

"Where are you heading then?" He peeked at the schedule in my hand, then grabbed it. He gave it a long look, gave a toothy grin, then said, "You're in luck I'm heading to Biology too." Once again we started walking to class together.