
Ye ! Who are you !

I'm Ajayi Crowther one of those so-called apes who made it alive to tell the world I am a MAN, I'm one of those people who walked hell with bare- foot and still had the courage to keep our soul in us, I'm that man of color who couldn't fit into anything. I am not trying to impress you, nor am I telling you to pity me, I am just trying to proof to you that I am fit to tell the tale I am about to begin. You don't have to believe me, but you would confirm it when I am done. Don't call me a whiz, I am just a storyteller because I didn't invent this, it is just how it happened, how history handed it down, how I will hand it down and how people after me will hand it down, each with it own spice through the generations till the end of time. If you still don't believe me that's okay, I can't force you to do that, because if you aren't like me you don't want to admit, but then don't go about to tell others that I invent stories that are invalid, because if you do you may be one of those tyrants.

There is a saying from the ages among our folks which says "Our children don't do what we say, they do what we do" and as simple as it was it worked for our family. When Dad died all he had left was a piece of Earth which he and his ancestors have toiled all their lifes and for the culture we are meant to toil too and pass on to our descendants when we are no more. The old man had two wives but all that concerned me is that my own mom had three of his nine kids - that was Me , an older brother Sanmi and a little sister Asake and together we were the Anikulapo family. Too many men lose themselves trying to make an ungrateful woman happy, that was exactly what happened between the two of our parents, Dad was always ready to go an extra mile to make his lady feel like she's in paradise, but never did the one who is cared for ever appreciate it, not all tough marriages end up in divorce, some just stay, together and destroy the children's life, but that didn't happen for us cuz by the time I clocked twelve both our parents had loosened the knot. That's why when I tell people I love my Dad more than my Mum, they will be like "Does this Kid really know what the hell he is spitting". There was especially this statement that will forever ring in all Chambers of my faculties whenever I remember him, it went - 'No matter how far and long you explore the universe, No matter how great you happen to become in another Man's land and whatever you face from your people. Always remember who you are and where you're from'.

On this day in the late months of the year, the folks from the clan were now taking home the bountiful from the little which they sowed into Mother Nature, we weren't an exception and right on the farm our melon had been piled into different sections. Asake wasn't taken yet so she was with us as every single one of us took out the seeds from the pod. It was during this moment that I had rumblings around the grass, Sanmi leapt to his feet and went to get a look of whatever was making the noise, but while he was at it became clear that they were feets of beings, humans or whatever, it wasn't certain, but they were just living. He had discerned that too and fell back to get a hold on his Machete, while I climbed up a mahogany to have an Eagle's view and behold right before my eyes where about three hundred men wielding guns and bows and arrows. They weren't smiling at all and from their look you would easily see " DON'T MESS WITH US".

"Run" was the next word I uttered, but it actually late and by the time anyone could plan an escape, they've gotten us cornered and the word escape in our minds was replaced with "Survive". Sanmi still had his hand around the Machete, but even with that it was of no use trying to kill ten Lions with a single bow, better still he didn't care because even if they are going to enslave him it would be with dignity, not like an helpless bastard.