
Lords Era: Only I can make unlimited troops

Upon waking up, Lin Yu finds himself reborn on the day of the Lord Era's beta test. Entering the game, he acquires the unique supreme talent: **Infinite Troop Generation**. **Effect 1: Unlimited Command** - The Lord and their heroes' command abilities will have no limits, allowing for infinite troop generation and control. **Effect 2: Divine Evolution** - Any troops acquired by the Lord through any means will be promoted by at least one rank and up to three ranks. **Effect 3: Ten Thousand Times Acceleration** - Troop generation, resource collection, and construction efforts by the Lord will be accelerated by ten thousand times. **Effect 4: Lord's Space** - The Lord will have a personal space for unlimited troop storage. Within this space, troops' stamina and health recovery rates will be increased by 100%. **Effect 5: Comprehensive Amplification** - All attributes of the Lord's troops will be enhanced by 100%, experience gain will be doubled, and the level cap will be increased by five levels. With this unique talent, Lin Yu embarks on an unstoppable path to invincibility. Two years later, as the Lord Era becomes reality, Lin Yu's command leads to a surge of troops, sweeping away all opposition... All characters and events in this novel are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Do not imitate.

utube_5590 · Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Fourth-Tier Frost Archer, Power Increased a Thousandfold in Seconds

Lin Yu mentioned a beggar named Gewa, an NPC easily overlooked by players.

He could be found in a corner of the southern part of Starfall City's plaza.

For a mere 10 gold coins, he would reward you with a troop chest.

Opening a troop chest would yield a batch of troops, but that wasn't all.

If you could accumulate 1000 gold coins for Gewa, you'd receive a second chest containing even higher-level items.

Accumulating coins would also trigger a quest.

Completing this quest would reward you with substantial prizes and unlock a hidden troop.

In the previous era, it was a kind-hearted wealthy female player who discovered this quest.

Completing it directly contributed to her skyrocketing strength.

Lin Yu briskly made his way to the southern part of the plaza while simultaneously checking his information list.


Profession: D-Rank Archer

Level: 1

Territory: None

Health Points: 200

Attack: 30

Defense: 20

Speed: 100

Command Power: Unlimited

Troops: None

Skills: None (Unlocked at Level 10)

Resources: Wood * 0, Stone * 0, Iron * 0, Gold Coins * 10, Food * 10

In the information list, I won't mention level, territory, and the four-dimensional attributes for now; those who understand, understand.

What's worth mentioning is the profession: D-Rank Archer.

All players start with a D-Rank profession, which is the lowest rank.

You can upgrade your profession rank through job changes in the later stages of the game. Profession rank not only affects your attribute growth and skills but also your command power.

The higher your profession rank, the higher your initial command power and the faster it grows.

Taking the example of the D-Rank Archer profession, the initial command power is 50 points, and it increases by 50 points with each level up.

However, Lin Yu doesn't need to worry about command power because his command power is unlimited.

Regarding resources, only the basic resources are displayed: wood, stone, iron, gold coins, and food. Wood, stone, and iron are construction resources that can be obtained through gathering, opening chests, completing tasks, or dropping from monsters.

Gold coins are primarily used for training troops and are the most important resource, without a doubt.

Food is used to sustain the daily consumption of troops. The higher the level of the troops, the more food they consume each day. If there is a shortage of food, there is a possibility of troops rebelling or becoming uncontrollable.

Each lord starts with only 10 gold coins and 10 units of food. Therefore, almost all lords choose to use their 10 gold coins for training troops.

No one else, like Lin Yu, dared to give away 10 gold coins to a beggar right at the start.

This is why GeWa was only discovered by players a month after the game launched.

As they conversed, Lin Yu arrived at the south side of the square.

There, in a secluded corner, sat a man.

His clothes were tattered, and he emitted a foul odor.

He kept his head down, exuding an air of lifelessness.

Without prior knowledge of this man's significance, no one would willingly approach such a figure.

Let alone give him 50 gold coins.

To ensure there was no mistake, Lin Yu carefully examined the man's identity.

The information confirmed he was a wanderer named Ge Wa.

"It's definitely him," Lin Yu thought.

With a decisive gesture, he retrieved all of his 10 gold coins.

He placed them in the broken bowl in front of GeWa.

The clinking sound of the gold coins hitting the bowl resonated.

It caused GeWa to tremble slightly.

He then opened his eyes and looked up at Lin Yu.

An expression of incredulity appeared on his soot-covered face.

"This is... for me?" Ge Wa asked, his voice hoarse and low.

Lin Yu nodded. "Yes, you can use these gold coins to buy some food."

Ge Wa paused. "You are truly a kind person. I have nothing to repay you with, but I recently collected an old treasure chest. Perhaps it might be of use to you."

As he finished speaking, the system notification sounded.

"Your kindness has moved the wanderer Ge Wa. You have received a Tier 1 Unit Treasure Chest from Ge Wa."

Lin Yu's lips curved into a smile as he took the chest and stepped aside.

[Tier 1 Unit Treasure Chest]

Description: Can summon 50 random Tier 1 units of various professions and races.

It can summon 50 Tier 1 units.

The training cost for a Tier 1 unit is 1 gold coin.

Summoning 50 Tier 1 units is worth 50 gold coins.

The total value has increased fivefold.

However, with Lin Yu's divine evolution ability to endlessly spawn units, the final units summoned will definitely surpass Tier 1.

How many times will the total value multiply then?

Lin Yu was filled with curiosity.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yu opened the Tier 1 Unit Treasure Chest.

"You have opened a Tier 1 Unit Treasure Chest and received 50 Tier 1 units: [Longbowman]."

"Ding! The Tier 1 units [Longbowman] have triggered the divine evolution effect and advanced to Tier 4 units: [Frost Archers] x50."

The continuous notifications brought a smile to Lin Yu's face.

Absolutely perfect.

The first evolution had increased the units by three tiers.

Tier 1 units had transformed into Tier 4 units.

The training cost for a Tier 4 unit is 200 gold coins, making the total cost for fifty units 10,000 gold coins.

The total value had instantly multiplied a thousandfold.

A unique talent, terrifyingly powerful!

Most importantly, this was only the first reward from Ge Wa.

When Lin Yu obtained the second and third rewards from him, who knows to what extent his units would evolve. Lin Yu was filled with anticipation.

After calming his excitement, Lin Yu looked at the 50 Frost Archers standing in the open space before him.

They were human women, dressed in ice-blue leather armor, wielding longbows, with quivers strapped to their backs.

Lin Yu could even clearly feel the chilling aura emanating from them.

Tier 4 units were indeed much more impressive than lower-tier units.

Their attributes were quite impressive as well:

[Frost Archer]

- Tier: 4

- Race: Human

- Level: 1

- Health:

- Attack Power: 250

- Defense Power: 200

- Speed: 115

- Food Consumption: 10


**Frost Power:** Every attack by the Frost Archer slows the enemy, reducing their movement speed by 30%, with a 10% chance to freeze them for one second.

**Frost Arrow Rain:** After a three-second charge, the Frost Archer releases a rain of arrows over a designated 10-meter radius, dealing multiple hits to enemies within the area and guaranteeing a freeze effect for three seconds.

**Description:** Highly trained elite archers, their longbows are imbued with frost power, enabling them to slow and freeze enemies.

These units combine damage, control, and area-of-effect attacks.

They are perfect for early-stage expansion.

Most importantly, as Tier 4 units, they boast not only strong attributes but also two powerful skills.

In the Lord Era setting, units ranging from Tier 1 to Tier 3 are considered low-tier units, possessing only one skill.

Tier 4 to Tier 6 units are categorized as mid-tier, equipped with two skills.

Tier 7 to Tier 9 units are high-tier, boasting three skills.

Tier 10 to Tier 12 units are super-tier, with four skills.

Units exceeding Tier 12 are designated as crown-tier units, featuring not only four skills but also additional bonus effects and characteristics.

In the previous era, until Lin Yu's demise, the highest-tier units on the Blue Star were only at Tier 12. This indicates how challenging it is to obtain units surpassing Tier 12.

"With this military strength, defeating low-tier bosses for the first kill shouldn't be a problem," Lin Yu's lips curled into a smile.

At this moment, all he wanted was to leave the city early, slay monsters, defeat bosses, clear dungeons, and claim rewards.

In particular, clearing dungeons and achieving the first boss kill would grant additional rewards.

Ge Wa's unit treasure chests can evolve, so it's likely that the rewards from clearing dungeons and achieving the first boss kill can also evolve.

When that happens and the rewards multiply several times over, won't it be a windfall?

To prevent someone else from stealing the first kill, Lin Yu decided to set out immediately.

As for the opportunities and tasks hidden within Starfall City, he could deal with them slowly when he returned!

After all, first kills are earned through strength.

Hidden tasks, on the other hand, require specific triggering methods, making it less likely for other players to steal them.
