

A firm and heavy Voice: "Humans still need to learn many things." Another elderly Voice : "But there is a limit for making mistakes and repeating the same" said in a very disapproving tone. "We are here for the very reason for the destruction of the Civilization currently inhabiting the most nurtured Planet in this Galaxy System, we should hurry and execute our orders. We were specifically told to choose the 7 who will participate in the Quest which will decide the future of this forsaken planet whether we heavenly beings guide them to a better future or They Perish." The former Voice : "Yes we should definitely Select the most deserving Candidates who shall make the upper Echelons think about nurturing and helping them get out the Crises they are facing now." Elderly Voice: " I'm the senior here don't go telling me what to do. I'm just here to see them annihilate themselves, I'm no fan of nurturing a Battle Eager Civilization which doesn't know how to manage its own Toilet(refering to the amount of wastes and waste management crysis)."

Saying things in a blunt and very unpleasing way.

Former Voice: "Sir yes Sir!" (his inner voice: Lord Yama will this person choose worthy Candidates for the Quest for saving the planet?)

"Get me something to drink while I select the candidates, Scram!!"

"Sir yes Sir"

A panel opens in front for the Selection of candidates.


1 Engineer (Mechanical)

1 Archeologist (Mayan and Egyptian history)

1 Technician (Computer Hardware & Software)

1 Survival Expert

1 Aviation expert

1 Seafaring expert

1 Leader Qualities (binding the Team).

"Oh! the requirements are quite unique. Hmm I shall program the panel for the search."

The senior official started touching various keys on the panel and the search began. After a short period of time the panel started beeping meanwhile the subordinate had reached bringing him something warm to drink, the vapours dissolving in the atmosphere. The official took a long breath taking in the aroma "Ahh, you know my tastes from all the 1000 flavours of this Flavoured Tea, I love Ginger and Peach🍑. You did well."

"Thanks Sir" the subordinate replied in a subtle tone.

The official now was concentrating on the Panel which was beeping for a while now.

System Notification : *The specified Personals have been listed and sorted for you to Select for the Quest*

*Kindly select one from each Category*

Inside the panel the screen was divided into 7 mini screens which had a list of persons with a heading of each specification of personal the Quest required.

The official touched the panel filtering into Female and then selecting the most beautiful girl from 1 to 6. The subordinate was dumbfounded by seeing the officials actions, What was he doing, his face revealed he was angry for what his officer was doing but he didn't have the authority to Question the actions of The Officer as he was just a guardian and the officer was the Knight who was assigned the selection process.

"And for the last one, Leader Quality, chee!!

I'll select this one - THE MALE - with hidden Leadership quality and a pervert in nature" ogling to the subordinate, teasingly the words came out of his mouth. (Now how can a pervert Leader with all this ladies good for nothing would save the world) a evil grin covered the face of the Knight.

The guardian clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in anger and frustration. While doing so cursed himself not able to do anything and also was doubting LORD YAMA's decision for sending a guy like him for the bidding.

"Haashh, Now I have selected these *things*(refering to the candidates as low lifes) they shall fight for their existence.

Now Let the annihilation begin!!"

Somewhere on Earth on different places....

6 Hot Ladies and a Pervert wake up to see all of their surrounding People, Families, friends, colleagues, neighbors have vanished!!!!!!




is a interesting story of 7 Individuals who are chosen by Fate or somebody, which in turn will shoulder the fate of the world. It is a Fantasy Adventure and all sort of emotions.

saNki143creators' thoughts