
JANUARY 1, 2013 after the D Day The Mayan Calender Ended!!!...... (1)

Somewhere in Germany

A girl in dark T-Shirt and a greasy shorts coming downstairs calling for her mother. "Mama ... MAMAAAA" a girly yet musculine voice called for her mother desperately, but her mother was not to be found. The Ingredients for the Aebleskiver a type of Jelly bread to be made on the New year day to be distributed to the children, which was her favourite btw.

but mother was not here the stove was warm which indicated not being used since night, as it was the New year everybody should be home

her mother who was a elementary school teacher, her father who was a Govt. servant and her little brother who was a highschool student who would every year wake her up in an irritating way, he wud do this every new year as a ritual for beginning a new year irritating his sister and continuing the whole year. All this was missing today, she even pinched herself "Ouch" for confirming that she isn't dreaming. A tense and grim look took over the lazy morning face. She then Rushed towards the maine door of the house, swiftly opening it a cool gist of wind rushed inside the house, No one on the streets would be seen, No cars, No Buses, No walking pedestrians nothing, she is shocked and terrified of being alone in her house, neighborhood or it could be even her town or the whole world. She now started assembling her belongings her mobile, her college bag, her Car keys and she even took the revolver her dad had for self defense she wanted to see what was the root of events which caused this. She was clear and her actions firm as her name suggested *Clara*.

Here somewhere in Egypt a young gorgeous lady in long boots and dark blue jeans with a tanktop and a jacket with many pockets emerged out of her Tent⛺ adjusting hee spectacle she examined the surrounding. "Is it the curse of the Tomb we opened yesterday, where are the people Or is this a joke JOHNATHAN (refering to a colleague who was excavating with her yesterday) please stop the prank I give up please don't do this... :(

Her facial expressions changed her pink face turned red, tears rolled down her cheeks not a single person was present from the 157 person excavation party she was part of. She rushed towards her tent grabbing all her belongings, she hurriedly ran towards the Car they came here a 4x4 SUV, she wanted to run away from there but she also wanted to save her friends supposedly trapped inside the Tomb of Agazel the Army Chief of the Great Ruler of Ancient Egypt. She then prepared her equipments for exploring the Tomb by herself as she thought her friends have been stuck there due to the curse of the Tomb. Moving inside she discovers the Tomb to be empty, but the Tomb stone plate was inscribed with *NUBIA* (Hidden Golden Treasure in Arabic) she was shocked and terrified her face became pale as it was her name which was inscribed on the Tomb stone she thought that she was going to be mummified here, she swiftly gathered her equipments and found her way back to the Car and she quickly brought out two walkie talkies setting them in the same frequency, one leaving in the camp site's main research centre Tent with a small note "Freq: 193.55 EMERGENCY" and the other she carried with her if at all the people who were missing came back they would have means to contact her.