
Lord Xue Ying

In the Tranquil Sun province of the empire, there exists an unremarkable lordship known as Snow Eagle Territory! This is the home of the Dong Bo clan, the clan of our hero Xue Ying! His father, a commoner turned noble; his mother, a noble who abandoned her clan for love, and his brother, an innocent toddler. But peace cannot last forever, Xue Ying’s peaceful life is shattered, and the only way to reclaim it is through power!

I Eat Tomatoes · Eastern
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1388 Chs

Combat Power

Translator: Radiant

On an island, somewhere in the ocean.

Xue Ying descended upon a beach with sand as pure as snow, contaminated by neither dirt nor soil.

The air permeating the entire scroll world was relatively cold. From a cursory glance at his surroundings, Xue Ying spotted a hourglass floating in mid-air, filled with shining sand. As soon as he laid eyes upon it, the sand started flowing!


A current of black power converged on the island, forming into ten black-robed people. They all wore identical garb, and even their appearances were all the same. The only thing setting them apart from each other were the weapons on their backs. Some used twin swords, some spears, pikes, whips, even shackles… Regardless of weapon, they charged in to attack as soon as they materialized.

All of them were able to move at very high speeds—some even penetrating into the Mirage, others into the shadow space, a select few turning into fiery spheres…