
Lord Shadow

In the aftermath of apocalyptic event, a man rises above the others to lead an era. With threat beyond the stars, as Supreme Beings of otherworldly star system watches over as Destiny and Fate work their way, an era of Gods descended upon Earth And in his rise, lies a terrifying secret. Read how he rises above it all, through all the complicated love life, his determination to push through his own fate and destiny and the Will that pushes him forward. With all of this, could the Fate that was written be overturned? And will he truly rise to the top and survive? A great battle for the fate of the Universe began. This is the story of Lord Shadow.

Keikokumars · Fantasy
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1757 Chs

Troublesome Snow

They truly are convinced now

Even before Katarina make her attacking move, Katarina has already left a deep impression on the hearts of the people watching this live broadcast of the war. 

The moment she appeared on the stage of battle; snows falls from the sky. 

When she walks, her movement is full of mysteries that those who sees it find it to be in discordant with the surrounding, akin to some kind of illusion enchantment making them coughed up blood. 

Her eyes is cold. 

And then she stopped walking. 

The wind blows the snow. 

And she standing there, was so natural that one would feel like she is one of the snowflakes that is falling down from the sky. 

She did not move. But a chilling aura exuded out from all over her entire being, bringing a strong sense of oppression. 

Maximoff who was there find it hard to breathe