
Lord Pyreleos' Son God of Mercy and Flame

Growing up in the sums of the Capital City of the Valor Kingdom, Isarial is as much an orphan as any boy left to the slums would be. But is he? After a series of events proved him to be an adored son of a strict rich, yet cold merchant he was sent on a mission to assassinate the people who threaten to harm his Father's pregnant girlfriend. However, the mission goes awry and he is sent to a parallel universe. To get home, he makes a dangerous deal and selects the beginning of the year to return to. How shall this God touched boy's new life go? Better than the last, he swears. And he'll do anything to see that happen. For added context, I recommend reading The Sleeping Ox Guild. This story is based on that.

Irrylath · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Awry Outing

"Well, I don't know much about shopping." Zelda said. "So you'll have to show me a few things to really get an understanding of it."

"Not a problem." I said, entering Sienna's tower.

I greeted them, Mom had the kids exercising in the empty room, and Sienna was curled up to Plight, reading and teaching him about gods. Alexion was reading one of Sienna's books. Thinking bout that, I said, "Sienna, do you think you can teach Zelda to cast this tower and the tiny hut?"

"Hm? Oh, probably." Sienna said, smiling.

"I can.. cast this? Oh, that would be so helpful." Zelda said.

"Mmhm. You choose between the study, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, lounge room, an observatory, and an empty room. Any book you glance at will appear in your study." Sienna explained. "And Tiny Hut is the perfect defense, unless dispelled."

"So how do I do that?" Zelda asked.

"Let's go outside and I'll teach you." Sienna smiled. She hugged Plight and told him, "I'll continue reading with you later, if you'd like."

"I would very much like that." Plight said smiling at her.

The ladies went outside and I looked at Plight. "Told you so."

"Told me what, precisely?" He asked.

"She'd like you." I reminded him.

"She is only teaching me to read. I still don't understand what you meant by that. I don't get feelings like that. Not for a long time now." Plight said.

"She is not only teaching you to read, Plight. But that's alright. Take your time.. Hey Alexion, do you know of the God Pyreleos?" I asked.

"I am greatly uncomfortable with your words about my twin, but I do think you may be right. Pyreleos is the lord of Flame and Mercy. He is not the strongest God, and has few followers." Alexion said.

"What is his symbol?" I asked.

"It is a sun with healing wings behind it." Alexion said.

"So that is the name of my god? I will be back, I wish to go pray for a bit." Plight said, standing.

"Plight, don't go too far, it's not safe in the woods." I warned him.

"I will be close by, thank you for the concern friend." Plight said.

I nodded as he started to leave.

"Address him as Merciful Flame in your prayers to him. It's the rough translation to his name." Alexion told him.

Plight froze and looked at him in shock, "Th-thank you... I need to go now." He left quickly.

"Is there anything else you can tell me about Pyreleos?" I asked.

"Not particularly, no. He opposite is Aegaeon. God of violent sea storms." Alexion said.

"Huh. Ok." I said. "Maybe I'll ask your father when he's alright."

"... Sure. Do so." Alexion said.

"I know you have your reservations about him, but his biggest regret is going to have been not being there for you and Sienn." I told him.

"You are fond of him." Alexion noted.

"I am. And of you, Sienna and Plight." I said. "You helped me a lot in the other reality, to center myself."

"Even while you're antagonizing me?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. I happen to be an asshole." I replied.

Alexion laughed at that, much to my surprise. "I'll keep that in mind then. There is little reason to not call you a friend."

"I appreciate that." I smiled.

After around thirty minutes his sister and Zelda came back inside. "Zelda is so good at defensive magics and healing!" Sienna announced. "I taught her the useful spells I know."

"Thank you, Sienna." I said.

"I can make a building! And a bubble.. So, I can make two bubbles." She said.

"Congratulations." Alexion said.

I approached her and patted her hair, before going and checking on my Mom again. She looked to be enjoying herself. "Mom, did you want to head to the Capital, play with the kids, or go see the Sultan?"

"I want to go meet your foster father." She said.

"Bibs isn't home." I joked. "But James will be in his office, as per usual."

"Alright. I suppose we can go say hello in his office then." Mother said.

I nodded. "Sienna, I'll come back to check on your parents and Plight."

"Alright. I'll mind the kids in the meanwhile. They're cute." Sienna said.

I went outside, not bothering to ask Zelda her opinion, I assumed she'd stay with me. I went outside and took us to the Capital, well the barn outside of it. Once I entered, Dean flagged me down. I approached him and said, "Sorry bout last night. Moon issue. Hold on," I used the orb, retrieving his bag and giving it to him, "I split the gold. It's around thirty-two millinary yellow tin. Haven't checked over the pinched goods." Meaning thirty-two thousand gold, and stolen items in Thieves Cant.

"Sounds like quite the haul, gonna have to pay some people some visits." He said.

"Still plan to be with me when I visit the matriarch?" I asked. "By the way, would you like to meet my mother and Zelda?"

"The hell have you been up to, and yes I'd still like to meet her." He said.

I brought him over to the women, introducing the pair to Dean. "Dean taught me many of my skills. He's kept me in trouble, but out of prison."

Zelda looked at me and said, "Many of your skills?"

"No, he's.." I stopped speaking, flustered I continued, "Roguery. He taught me roguery. To fight, to steal, to scout. Lady, he is much more skilled and experienced than I am."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fluster you." Zelda said, air stroking my arm.

"I don't want to know what's going on here." Dean said.

"How suspiciously kind of you." I said.

"Yes, you've taught my son some things. I don't know if I like the things you've taught him." Mother said.

"Well, that's too bad, he's rather good at it." Dean said.

"To be entirely fair, if he didn't teach me, Miran would have left me stranded over my head." I said.

"I have so many questions for James." Mother said in a grim tone.

"On that note, I am taking my Mom to see James.. I should probably warn Uncle." I said. "I'll catch up with you shortly for East Haven's matters."

"Heheh. If you survive." He looked at Mother. "I'm sure you'll be fine. You all have a pleasant day."

I took them directly to the Lucky Stone. Jon started to hassel me, but I told him it wasn't a good time. With that, I led them upstairs to the offices. A brief few words to the doorman here, and we were admitted into James' office. "Hey, Dad. My mother wants a word with you.."

He looked up from his desk, "Your moth-.. Hello Madam. Welcome to my office, please take a seat."

"Thank you. I believe I will." She said, before finding a seat.

"So, what questions might you have for me?" James asked in a calm, but friendly, manner.

"Why did you send my son off to be a thief?" She asked.

"To put it simply, and unfortunately rudely, he was too small to be able to train with Dirthin, and not enough magic inclination to train with me." James answered. "So I sent him some place where he can learn skills to become self reliant and be able to survive."

"So you sent him into an unknown den of thieves and murderers to learn how to thieve and murder. That was a good plan to you?" She wanted to know.

"Ma'am I understand where your coming from with that. But understand that was the best plan I had at the time." James replied.

"I hope you understand that your plan was shit." She retorted. "He was a child. But that's where I'll end it. Despite my words, I came to thank you for taking him in."

"That was not how I was expecting that to go. But you are welcome. He's been a treat. And I do wish I'd done better." James said, before looking at me. "That matter you wished for me to resolve.. has been."

"I trusted you'd do so." I said. "If it matters at all, I'm sure I'd have made a friend of Dean regardless of how Dad saw fit to have me trained. So I'd still have these skills."

"Yes, I'm sure you two would connect no matter what happened." James said, he then continued, "You would be glad to know I didn't make it a quick process. I took everything from them first."

"Did it make you feel better?" I asked.

"It was not the point 'how it made me feel'. But I will not deny that it was enjoyable." James said.

I took out the orb, and went into it to fetch my papers about the Kingdom. "Well, since I'm particularly good at changing topics, I'll let you look at these."

He looked at them, took out some of his own papers and started marking some things down. Probably about business related things. Once he was done he passed them back to me and said, "You don't have to take them, but these are suggestions."

"I'll look them over later. You aren't surprised?" I asked, putting them in my bag.

"Why would I be? You've been to a different reality, traveled through time, and I believe you are already building a city. A kingdom seems almost mundane." He said.

I chuckled and said, "Dean gave me a brilliant idea by talking nonsense."

"All that boy talks is nonsense. But what did he inspire you with?" He asked.

"Holy water shrapnel hand grenades, arrows, and Tilton suggested trebuchet balls." I grinned.

"Perfectly reasonable. Shrapnel holy water... If you were to tell your uncle about it, he would try to have someone make a sword of holy water." He said.

"Cassae could I bet." I thought about it, "Ah, that's how it would work. Glassteel casing, refillable burstable insert."

"Oh, for God's sake. What are you, a weapons engineer now?" James asked in a tired tone.

"No, but I rather enjoyed my kaltrop net and fiddling with arrow crafting." I replied, grinning.

"I truly, truly hope you never turn your mind to torture. I would be hearing so many stories." James said.

"Well about that.. There were two occasions in which I was able to extract information from a captive that Uncle could not. In fact, Uncle said he didn't want to cross me at that time." I informed him.

"Who and why?" James asked.

"Dunno the first guy, but has murdering high ticket people in the Capital with Mimic rings, and second one mascaraded as Ash and was a doppelganger." I said. "Had to figure out why and when he took her place. He was less chaotic than Ash, until he set Scraver's Coast on fire and tried to fight Tilton."

"That just sounds like a mess." James said.

"Yup." I agreed. "Mom, are you ready to see the Sultan now that you've heard more of my deviancies?"

"I'm sure there's plenty more to hear, but yes. Let's go say hi to the Sultan." She said.

"I'm gonna abuse his advisor, too." I said.

"And why would you do that?" James asked sternly.

I grinned and said, "It's a hobby of mine to pester Phintias."

"You know him well, I'm assuming, from the other reality." James said.

"Relatively. But I can't exploit him yet." I said.

"What would you be exploiting him for?" James asked.

"He's a wellspring of knowledge." I replied.

"Yes, he is indeed." James said. "He's been around long enough to be a wellspring of something."

"I almost made him angry last time. So I have to be careful." I said.

"I do not believe I've ever seen that man angry. Aloof describes him better." He said.

"Vaguely antagonistic is how I know him. He's a really good father, though, whenever he gets to be this time." I said.

"A father." James repeated. "I never took him for the fatherly type."

"He owes me a limitless favor if he gets married to Plight's sister." I told him.

"Now that is a truly interesting development." James said. "Have you any plans?"

"Not really, no. Having Lucretia with him keeps her safe for Plight." I shrugged. "I don't see it as something I did for him, but instead as something mutually beneficial. Plight's a trustworthy person to keep at my side."

"Still, a limitless favor from Phintias is nothing to shake a stick at." James said.

"Certainly." I replied. "But I'll bother you later, Dad."

"Stop by whenever you so choose." James replied.

With that, I left with the women, heading to the barn again. I made the glyph to the third place and led them to the palace. We surrendered the weapons, then after a brief wait were permitted to head to see the Sultan. I greeted him with the two women copying my greeting in their own ways.

"Hello Adelaide. It's nice to finally get to speak with you." The Sultan said, greeting her.

"I remember your visits, and your attempts to calm me. I thank you for that." Mother told him.

"I just wish they were fruitful, but I am glad you seem to be back in your right state of mind." The Sultan said.

".. Well, not I feel like I owe you a favor." I said, "I hadn't realized you'd been kind to my mother."

"I never wished to exploit your mother for personal or realm related gain, but she would never leave that arena. She truly wished to die there. I feel on some level she must have not given up hope that you still lived, for she never fell. Not even once." The Sultan said.

"That renews a little of my anger towards that idiot." I said. I decided to give the weapon I'd thought up to the Sultan after all. "Haah. Sire, do you have any particular skilled crafters that aren't particularly busy at the moment? Black powder specialists are best."

"I have several expert craftsmen, why?" The Sultan asked.

"Because I would like to teach them how to make holy water shrapnel hand grenades, arrows and potentially trebuchet balls."I said. "And perhaps holy water smoke machines. Don't worry about it impacting Phintias."

He shook his head, "That is a fine idea, you amaze me every time we speak."

"I have the items prepared for a demonstration, so whenever you'd like that to occur is fine, I figure the sooner the better. And to be fair, if you know the Elf Tilton, he came up with the trebuchet ammo after I mentioned my idea to him." I told him. "He and his friends, Bibs and Kershka, will be helping in the upcoming battle, as well as my Mom. I'm not yet certain but an Archfey may also join since her son will and probably daughter will. There is also Dirthin, and whoever remains of the Lucky Stone's private army."

"All will be welcome editions." The Sultan said. "If you wish I can take you to the craftsmen in a couple of hours."

"That would suffice. I need to visit Phintias and my little brother." I replied.

"Then meet me in front of the Palace in a couple of hours." He said.

"Yes, Sire." I replied, bowing slightly. "Would you.like to speak with my Mom separately?"

"If she has the time, I'd like to, yes." He nodded.

"I think I have the time, you don't need me to go and speak to Phintias. I would still like to meet your brother, though." She said.

"I'll tell you when I'm done with Phintias through the Quori, then, Mom." I smiled. "And I'll come to the palace to escort you."

"Thank you, Son, I will see you shortly." She said.

"Oh, Sire, you had a son, didn't you?" I asked. I took out some wrapped up cookies and cloud bread, "Obviously check them for poison if you must, but these are great sugary treats." I then bowed and started to leave with Zelda after giving my Mom some more cookies. She'd liked them.

"Your son seems to wish to cause me quite the headache." The Sultan complained to Mother.

I chuckled as we left, heading to Phintias' home. The library enthralled Zelda quite a bit, as I walked up to the man behind the counter and asked about Phintias' location. There was no telling with Lucretia around.

"I can only say that I believe the master is in his study." He said.

I hesitated, then reached for Phintias mentally, <Are you very busy?>

<I am not too terribly busy, no. I am in the study.> He replied.

So, I ended the link and went to his study with Zelda at my side. Entering, I greeted him, "Hello, Phintias. My mom is with the Sultan."

"Well, I hope he is intact the next time I see him." He said.

I noticed Lucretia was busy crocheting something in a chair. "Hello, Lucretia. Having fun today?"

"Mhm! It's a lot of fun with Phintias around." She said looking up and smiling brightly. "Oh, you have a new friend?"

"Yes, this is Zelda, Zelda, this is Lucretia. She's an excellent sorceress." I introduced the women to each other.

"Hello, I'm Zeralidinria." Zelda said, reaching her hand towards Lucretia.

Lucretia took her hand and shook it lightly. "It's good to meet you. Would you like to see what I'm doing?"

"Yes, what are you doing?" Zelda asked.

"Crocheting yarn." She answered, showing her the other things she'd made.

Meanwhile, I smiled at Phintias and said, "Can I bother you to look over a project I may be starting?"

"Well, by all means, bother away, what could you possibly be planning?" Phintias said in a falsely curious tone.

"Aside from holy water shrapnel hand grenades? This." I said, offering him the papers for the Kingdom from my bag, "I actually respect your opinion and was curious your thoughts."

"Alright. Let me take a look at this." Phintias said, accepting the papers.

I looked at the women, Lucretia was showing Zelda how to do the different crochet stitches. And what types went into her current creations. I noticed what she was making. "Oh, is that supposed to be a book mark for Phintias?" I asked her.

Lucretia nodded, "Yes, it is. It'll seem like a black flower until unfurled, then it'll be multicolored."

I smiled at her, "That's really awesome."

Lucretia smiled brightly at my compliment. "I think it'll suit him. He's a colorful person hiding in black."

Phintias was listening to Lucretia, even as he looked over my papers. Really, he was fortunate that Lucretia is such a sweetheart. "Yeah, I can see that." I agreed with her.

"Why is it that you prefer black?" Lucretia asked, looking at me.

"Because I can blend into shadows and darkness with dark colors." I said.

"Is that important to you?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm an assassin." I said.

"Oh." She said. "Well, you're awfully friendly for a killer."

"Only to those who deserve it." I replied. "And you deserve kindness and good things. So does Zelda."

Zelda grinned, "Yes I do. I deserve all the nice things."

Lucretia laughed and said, "You are both silly."

"I don't try to be silly. I just kind of am." Zelda said.

"I like your eyes, they're pretty." Lucretia told her. She showed her a yarn that matched her eyes. "Like this one. Oh! I know. I'll be right back." She hopped up and left the study. A few minutes later she returned and placed a green crocheted hat on Zelda's head. It had pink and red flowers crocheted on it.

Zelda shifted it slightly and turned to look at me, staring. Waiting for a compliment. "Your looks compliment Lucretia's skillful creation well. You're lovely." I said.

She hesitated, staring at me. "Ok."

"I thought it'd suit you. We should get you a nice outfit to go with it, shouldn't we?" Lucretia grinned.

She looked at her and said, "Yes. I have been told I'll be taken shopping at some point so more outfits would be nice."

"We could go together." Lucretia offered, smiling.

"How busy are you going to be here?" Zelda asked me.

I handed her my coin purse and said, "You can take the opportunity to make lady friends. Lucretia will enjoy shopping far more than I would."

"Well, then we will do just that and we'll have a lovely time." Zelda said, then she whispered to Lucretia, "I don't know how to spend money."

"That's ok. I'll show you." Lucretia said. And just like that the ladies left together. Only Lucretia returned a moment later to smooch Phintias' face and tell him she'll be back. She shot me a devilish grin as she left.

He looked at me, "Well, as you can see my natural charm has taken effect. At least that is what I'd like to attribute it to."

"She's energetic and very mischievous. She's probably teasing you. She seems content." I replied.

"She doesn't seem to have to many aspirations at the moment. But that's alright, she's still young." Phintias said.

"I don't think that'll change." I said. "I can only say her teasing will get progressively worse with the more you allow."

"That's quite alright. Her teasing is quite entertaining. Now then, let's go over these papers." Phintias said. "What precisely is the opinion your wanting here?"

"Whatever you wish to say about it. You're vastly experienced while I am not. I made a town once and didn't even manage it." I explained. "This is much larger scale and would impact many lives."

"So you're asking my opinion about the creation and management of a kingdom." Phintias said.

"If you wish to provide such. I'm fine if it's just opinion based on what I've written, or more in depth. You're an excellent teacher." I replied. "Well, not currently, but it might be an amusing hobby for you."

"Indeed, I haven't tried teaching. I could pass on my vast knowledge.. But that is a different topic. What do you have to start this Kingdom?" He asked.

"Currently? Plans, knowledge of where to put it and how to entice people back to the land. Who to get rid of to limit trouble starting it up. I do have enough funds to initially get it started." I said, thinking, "The hard part is brokering peace with the other Kingdoms of that continent, but after a little digging I'll figure them out."

"So this is something you plan on doing a decent bit into the future." Phintias said. "The things I know it takes to start a kingdom, funds, influence and a large military force."

"All more difficult to collect as a foreigner." I grinned. "But I'm confident. There are many displaced people who are growing weary of the Mad King. After he's toppled it won't be difficult to gain followers. Their loyalty, or fear, would be simple enough to gain after that. I've found I've always had an easy time gaining influence with people I have no right speaking to."

"If you are able to get them to agree to peace.. Maybe you could leverage that for time." Phintias said.

"That is certainly true. Humans seldom like such peaceful beginnings, though." I pointed out. "The Northern Kingdom is no different. They're itching to invade down here. Not that they will for a while. There's a few strong forces insisting to not."

"Even if they attempted to march here, I have a feeling quite a few of them wouldn't survive the sands." Phintias replied.

"Honestly, if I were looking to invade, I'd use the beach route. I've snuck in the Southwest Side before." I said. "But, it's not like I'll help them. My little brother lives here."

"They would have to be able to manage an entire fleet before we were able to raise the chains." Phintias said.

"As long as you're not the opponent, I could attempt it." I said.

"Oh, if it's anywhere near here, I'd be the opponent for sure." He said.

"Got it. Distract you first." I grinned.

"And how would you distract me? Out of curiousity." Phintias inquired.

"I'm gonna assume you mean for me to answer seriously." I said. "I would use Lucretia and the library. I don't know if it's true currently, but she was terrified of fire. Even if that's not the case, shrapnel grenades going off in your home would distract you long enough. Lucretia is someone whose easy to torment because of her traumas."

He smiled brightly and said, "You seem to have mistaken my home for something so easily entered."

"I won't antagonize you, but I am aware of a few fail safes. You, yourself said there are ways around everything." I replied.

"Indeed, there are ways around everything everywhere." Phintias said.

"Let's not make me become inventive in thought, I have poor impulse control and.." My eyes widened slightly and I smacked my forehead, remembering something. "Zelda only knows defensive spells and Lucretia is likely to be harassed.."

Phintias stood and said, "Whelp.. Should probably go check on that."

I agreed and we headed out immediately to find the girls. It didn't take much as soon as we left the library doors. We could see a grouping of adventurers. Without hesitation I headed directly into the group. Anger had welled in my heart, especially because I could just see a blonde in the middle. I was elbowing ribs and stomping feet, Phintias, meanwhile, flung people in his way in such a manner, Uncle would take notes.

As soon as I saw a man's hand grasping Zelda's arm, I couldn't control my impulses. I grabbed his arm, the werewolf's strength allowing my grip to break the bone. I was sure Phintias would handle the ones harassing his lady. It was difficult to reign in the rage I felt. Especially after all of Mother's rage earlier. I bit the inside of my cheek to enter a more calculation state, tasting my blood, I punched the guy's face. Before looking at Zelda with my now red eyes, "I'm sorry." I told her.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm fine. I didn't expect this to happen." She said.

"It had slipped my mind that it could happen." I said, guiltily. I looked at Lucretia. She looked very upset. "Sorry, Lucretia."

Rather than respond to me, she took a step forward and buried her face against Phintias. Probably a little shook. She'd never had to deal with people being like this towards her, except that adoptive sibling. A fun outing had become a scare for the both of them.

The air around Phintias began turning dark. In a loud, clear and steady tone he said, "This women is in my protection. Control yourselves or the light of the sun will never touch your skin again."

I wasn't sure how much of that sunk into everyone, but I said, "I'll visit you another time to collect my notes. It would probably be good to take her home."

"Indeed, home would be the best choice for now." Phintias said. He lifted Lucretia up, and she wrapped her arms around him, burying her face against his neck as he took her home.

I turned to Zelda and opened my arms towards her, inviting her close to me. "Are you frightened?"

She started crying a little and said, "Just a little."

I pulled her to my chest, rubbing her back. Then I reached out to my Mother. <Mother, I have erred. Some adventurers hassled Zelda while I was not with her. I.. miscalculated. I can't guarantee how much longer I will be in control.>

<Can you hold out long enough for me to get there? If so, you can go into the orb and do what you need to do.> She said.

<I can make the attempt, Mother.> I replied. Mentally, I showed her where we were in relation to the palace. It wasn't far. Mentally, I was getting tired. Fighting against the lycanrhropy was wearing on me. I hoped my mother couldn't tell. Figured she could. I also wanted to tell Zelda that mother was coming to us, but my senses had already enhanced and I knew from the off feeling that I was going to shift. Someone was saying something to us.

I turned my head to look at them, to try to understand what they were saying. I thought maybe it was a guard, didn't care. I looked back at Zelda, idly amazed that with the build up of aggression I was feeling wasn't being aimed towards her. She had picked up on something being wrong. She attempted Calm Emotions on me, I smiled and said, "Too late." And it really was.

I had begun the transformation, I'd fumbled with my bag, barely grabbed the orb, Zelda was the one to speak the pass phrase. Whereas I worried about what the results of this would be, I was no longer in control. The lycanthropy had fully taken me. I was no longer aware of what was going on.