
Chapter 2: The Hall of Stars, the Lamp Genie, and the Fallen Mother Goddess

Chapter 2: The Hall of Stars, the Lamp Genie, and the Fallen Mother Goddess

Having arrived in the Lord of the Mysteries, one must inevitably become an Beyonder.

Fortunately, the original host had not carelessly chosen a Pathways by consuming magic potions, otherwise, this new identity of mine would have already been half-ruined.

In the Lord of the Mysteries, once you have chosen the Beyonder Pathways you wish to follow, your enemies and friends are more or less determined.

To aim for the Sequence 0 in the future, one must avoid Pathwayss that have already led to godhood, as well as those that are about to.

The Pathwayss of the five families, the three Gou families, and the Black Death War, totaling eleven Pathwayss, are absolutely not to be chosen.

Other Pathwayss associated with gods, hidden sages, primal witches, Lilith, the Bound God, are also not options. The demonic Pathways is too dangerous and not suitable for me.

I actually wanted to follow the Pathways of fate, but it is a lucky Pathways exclusive to those with royal luck, and I really don't have confidence in my own luck.

If I had ever achieved a miracle, or had a double gold in ten tries, then I might have a little confidence in myself.

For someone who almost always hits rock bottom in luck, it's better not to follow the Pathways of fate, otherwise, it's easy to become a negative example.

That leaves only the Pathways of Judgment, the Black Emperor, and the Hunter.

If considering becoming a god, the Hunter Pathways is the best choice.

Because the ingredients for the tri-color hotpot base have already been gathered, just waiting for the best moment, it's not impossible to become a god in one step.

Unfortunately, its adjacent Pathways already has a god, and with the cunning of the Red Angel, the watchfulness of Adam and Amon, there are too many variables and the risk is too high.

The most suitable, and also the safest Beyonder Pathways, is undoubtedly the order Pathways of Judgment and the Black Emperor.

These two Pathways are adjacent and currently have no corresponding gods appearing, making them the most hopeful Pathways to godhood.

Now residing in Beckland and possessing the noble status of a baron, I am more suited to these two Pathways than the average person.

Should I choose the Pathways of Judgment or the Black Emperor?

After serious consideration, Hastur ultimately chooses the Pathways of the Black Emperor.

Although he doesn't want to confront his fellow countrymen, this is the Pathways that suits him best.

Since inheriting this body, he must fulfill the original host's wish to restore the glory of the Campbell family.

The Pathways of the Black Emperor is specifically tailored for the noble class.

Moreover, Beckland has an unclaimed Black Emperor card. As long as it is obtained, there will be no more secrets on the Pathways of the Black Emperor for him, saving a lot of effort.

Another point, in the future of Beckland, someone will attempt to become a god through the Pathways of the Black Emperor but will ultimately fail.

If I am strong enough at that time, I might be able to reap great benefits after the failure of the Black Emperor's god-making ceremony.

Hastur thought of a possibility, smiled, and became even more determined to start his Beyonder journey on the Pathways of the Black Emperor.

Having chosen the Beyonder Pathways, it's time to start looking for the formula for Sequence 9 Lawyer.

In the Campbell family's collection, there are only formulas for Sequence 8 Barbarian and Sequence 7 Briber of the Black Emperor Pathways, but not the starting Sequence 9, which is quite curious.

Fortunately, it's just the starting Sequence 9, the price of the potion formula won't be too expensive, I should be able to afford it. After visiting a few mystical gatherings, I should be able to buy it.

Now comes the biggest problem.

I am not a law major, and while I'm not completely ignorant about the law, I'm still quite confused.

To play the role of a lawyer well, the tedious legal texts that can cause premature balding are an insurmountable obstacle.

"What a headache."

Hastur rubbed his temples. The lawyer should be one of the hardest Sequence 9s among the twenty-two starting Pathways.

"Sigh, just learn it, it's all fate!"

Hastur sighed and decided to go to Beckland University in the afternoon to enroll in a lawyer training class.

Fortunately, the original host had dabbled in Hermes language, ancient Hermes language, giant language, elf language, etc., although not very proficient, at least not completely illiterate.

Otherwise, the amount of learning would be too much, probably more than what I learned during the three years of college entrance examination.

Having determined the next course of action, Hastur felt relaxed and suddenly felt sleepy.

"I need to take a nap first."

Hastur tidied up the things on the table, covered the remaining oat bread with a piece of blue floral cloth, which was his only food for the day.

The original host, due to purchasing a lot of mystical materials, had not even a penny in cash. The cotton and vineyard plantation, although it could provide some financial support, only yielded profits twice a year.

The income from December had already been spent by the original host, and the next income would not be until mid-year, around June 20th or so, which is still four months away.

As for selling houses and land, unless there is really no other way, I would not do so.

As a person from Great Huaxia, houses and land are imprints etched in the genes, a source of immense reassurance.

"I need to think of a way to make money quickly."

Hastur finally experienced the difficulty of a poor god's life. Tired, he returned to the room on the second floor, closed the opened window, set the alarm bird's time, then went to the bed and fell asleep on the soft and silky quilt.

In a state between sleep and wakefulness, Hastur felt light and floated to a place where starlight converged.

The surroundings were empty, with only a dazzling starry sky above. Each star seemed like a pair of eyes watching me, beautiful yet making my scalp tingle.

Especially thinking that each star might represent an Old God or Outer God, it was even more terrifying.

"What is this place? Just a simple dream?"

Hastur stared at the starry sky above, trying to figure it out.

"It shouldn't be just a simple dream."

After a long study, Hastur had a guess.

This place seemed more like a Lord of the Mysteries detached from reality, possibly similar to the Source Fortress.

Could this be my golden finger?

Hastur's heart heated up, and with a thought, he wanted this space to show changes like the Sefirah Castle.

Immediately, the starlight shone brightly, and a majestic, grand, sacred, and spectacular white gold hall slowly appeared under the illumination of the starlight.

Four huge, towering crystal pillars adorned with stars supported the circular dome, with the center of the dome hollowed out, allowing a clear view of the starry sky above.

Right below the dome, where the starlight converged, a long table forged from black crystal appeared, deep and profound.

Endless starlight condensed above the long table into the first chair, and then five chairs on each side of the long table, totaling eleven chairs.

Hastur, full of interest, took a turn and then sat down in the leading first chair.

The moment he sat down, a sense of enlightenment emerged in his mind.

The Hall of Stars, the master of chaos and order, the origin of all rules in the starry sky, the one who returns the stars to their places.

Hastur frowned and thought for a long time, still unable to fully understand the meaning of these words.

He only vaguely understood that this place was related to order and rules.

Being here, with the rules bestowed upon him, he was the master of the Hall of Stars!

In other words, as long as he was in the Hall of Stars, he should be an invincible existence!

But why are there only eleven chairs?

Is it simply based on my thoughts, or is there a secret I don't yet understand?

He tended to believe the latter. Mr. Fool's Sefirah Castle's twenty-two chairs correspond to the twenty-two Beyonder Pathways, so the Hall of Stars' eleven chairs must also have their own meaning.

It seems this place is indeed similar to the Sefirah Castle.

It might also be a manifestation of a certain Sefirah Castle, related to rules and order, but this place doesn't seem like the Land of Disorder.

Stars are the theme here.

Order and rules can only be subordinate to the stars.

Hastur couldn't figure it out and didn't continue to delve into it. When he becomes stronger, these questions will naturally be solved one by one.

Now, he is more concerned about one thing.

Can the Hall of Stars, like the Sefirah Castle, summon people for meetings?

Hastur cast his gaze to the starry sky above, each star emitting its own unique light.

As Hastur's thoughts moved, the originally distant starry sky suddenly zoomed in, allowing him to observe more closely.

Hastur's gaze swept over each star, finally landing on the two brightest stars.

Approaching the star on the right for observation, as if breaking through some boundary, the starlight dissipated, replaced by a phantom lamp. Inside the lamp seemed to imprison a certain existence.

"Could it be that part of the chaos child turned into a wishing lamp?"

The more he observed, the more he felt it was the Lamp Genie, that old unlucky fellow. When a slender hand appeared above the lamp, this guess became certain.

That is the Lamp Genie and Bernadette Gustav!

Is this to let me summon the Lamp Genie, an Old God, to the Hall of Stars for a meeting?

If it really can be summoned for a meeting, then the status of the Hall of Stars might be higher than I imagined.

Naturally, Hastur did not act impulsively to experiment but gave up observation and turned to look at the equally bright star on the left.

Joking aside, if he accidentally summons the Lamp Genie, an Old God, for a meeting, and the Hall of Stars cannot suppress Him, wouldn't I be walking into a trap, delivering myself to the door?

But the Hall of Stars granting me such ability, it seems there is a way to suppress any Old God who comes for a meeting. After all, under the rules of the Hall of Stars, I am the master here.

No rush, wait a bit longer.

As Hastur's gaze shifted, the second star's surface starlight dissipated, revealing a phantom star gate in front of him. Inside the star gate, two differently sized light clusters were resisting, devouring, and entangling each other.

Could this be Mr. Door and the Fallen Mother Goddess?

It should be.

Hastur observed for a moment and found that the light cluster transformed by Mr. Door was clearly at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Fallen Mother Goddess, its light gradually being compressed and devoured.

Alas, the great Door of Ten Thousand Doors, what a pity.

He liked Mr. Door's character very much. Even when Amon and Adam schemed against Him, and He faced the opportunity to become a god in one step, He still chose to sacrifice Himself to prevent the spread of the Fallen Mother Goddess's corruption.

Unfortunately, I am powerless now.

Unless I can ensure that the person summoned for a meeting is purely Mr. Door and not the Fallen Mother Goddess, I will not take the risk.

One star connects to the Lamp Genie, a chaos child, and another star connects to the Fallen Mother Goddess, an Outer God, showing that the Hall of Stars is indeed a place for a group of Old Gods and Outer Gods to hold meetings.

Right now, I'm not even a Sequence 9, so it's better not to provoke Them lightly. Perhaps when I become a Sequence 9 Beyonder, the Hall of Stars will show new changes.

Well, it's time to log off and sleep.

(End of Chapter)

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