
Lord of The Mysteries: The Arrival of the New Black Emperor

A fanfiction of "Lord of the Mysteries," following the Black Emperor pathway. The Old Ones roar in the starry sky, heralding the impending apocalypse. The authority of "Order," which can minimize the risk of losing control, becomes the target of the Old Ones' contention. However, the Old Ones are unaware that the essence symbolizing order and distortion, the "Land of Disorder," has been mastered by a newly transmigrated young man with a complex background named Hobert. He joins the Tarot Club and begins to structure the order of the human world, gradually gaining control over the authority of order.

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30 Chs

Chapter 7: The Lawyer Path

Chapter 7: The Lawyer Path

Hobert frowned. He didn't expect "Mr. K's" prediction to be confirmed so quickly.

"You don't seem surprised?" Christine smiled.

"Yes," Hobertadmitted. "I have been interested in the occult since middle school.

"About a month ago, I suddenly felt an indescribable madness within me, and it became increasingly severe. It felt like a curse described in the occult."

He paused and continued, "Hearing you say this, I am still quite surprised. So, some occult knowledge might not be just legends or rumors but actually exist?"

Christine said seriously, "That's right. Behind the facade of the world, there is indeed an extraordinary world."

He said, "We need to have a heartfelt talk. Where should we start? Hmm, let's start with your biological father.

"I should have told you before that your biological father was my best friend. He was an extraordinary person who reached heights many could not.

"At the same time, he was the most likely person to end the curse in your family's bloodline."

Christine said sadly, "Unfortunately, he still failed."


Hobertcaught a key piece of information. He had never associated himself with any family before, as he had never met any blood relatives. Could it be that he was the only one left in his family?

Also, was his family an extraordinary family?

Christine continued, "I fought alongside your father, Rex, in West Byron. At that time, we talked about everything. He told me about the curse in your family's bloodline and that he didn't plan to continue this cursed bloodline.

"But later, he met your mother. They were very much in love, and under your mother's insistence, or perhaps due to fate, you were born.

"Generally, the curse in your family's bloodline would awaken on your 12th birthday, but your mother sealed it for you, giving you ten more years.

"She hoped you would have a carefree youth, a chance to enjoy the beauty of life, to fall in love and kiss girls your age, not always with a stern face like your father.

"So, when she left, she made me swear to tell you part of the truth after the curse was awakened."

Hobertfelt a strong mix of joy and sadness in his heart. He knew that wasn't his mother, and even the original owner's memory had no trace of his mother, but he was still deeply moved by the maternal love.

"Time flies," Christine sighed. "That was already twenty years ago."

He continued, "When you were born, Rex's condition was already very bad. In his last moments, he was still worried about how you would fight the curse in your bloodline.

"He wanted you to choose for yourself. One path was to remain an ordinary person, but you would be in a semi-mad state. However, your father left you enough wealth, and I would send you to a manor in the countryside and select loyal servants for you.

"Rex made a deal with the School of Life before he died. After you turn forty-five, you will have enough luck to gradually wake up from the semi-mad state and enjoy the rest of your life as an ordinary person.

"The other path is to become an extraordinary person. When you become a Sequence 9 extraordinary person, your madness will be greatly reduced.

"But Rex wanted me to remind you of two things. First, you can only choose the Lawyer path's potion because the curse in your bloodline will make you a half-Sequence 9 of the Lawyer path when it awakens. Second, after becoming an extraordinary person or after half a year, the madness will gradually increase again.

"At that time, the potion will be like opium to you. Whether you have digested the previous potion or not, you will be eager to advance.

"Or you can choose not to advance and fight the endless madness, but this will make your emotions very unstable. Most of your family members died from losing control."

Christine said, "You can think about it first. There's no need to rush to give me an answer.

"Oh, by the way, I should remind you that I only have the potion formulas for Sequence 9 and Sequence 8 of the Lawyer path."

Hobertwas stunned. "Didn't my father leave higher-sequence potion formulas?"

"No, this is a test from Rex," Christine said. "Or maybe your father hoped you would choose to be an ordinary person."

Hoberttwitched his mouth. Others have troublesome fathers, but the original owner's father was a professional at making things difficult for his son!

Then he thought about his code name in the Tarot Club, "Emperor," and the true god of the Lawyer path, the Black Emperor. Was this a coincidence?

Heh, this is an extraordinary world. How could there be such coincidences?

After a brief thought, Hobertsaid, "Actually, there's no need to think about it. I can't waste my best years in a state of madness."

Of course, it was also because dear "Mr. Fool" would have the Black Emperor card of the "Blasphemy Slate" in half a year. As long as he made a deal with the Fool, he could get the subsequent potion formulas.

Christine said, "I still advise you to think about it. There are many people in this world who didn't make the most of their best years, and they still live well."

Hobertshook his head. "I prefer to control my fate rather than leave it to 'enough luck.' Father, please give me the Sequence 9 potion. I will continue the family's business. When I become strong enough, I will eliminate the curse in the bloodline."

Christine laughed heartily. "Rex would be very pleased to see this."

He said, "I respect your choice."

He took out a piece of parchment from the drawer and went to a cabinet in front of the bookshelf.

Opening the cabinet door, there was a set of beakers and many extraordinary materials in small bottles or jars.

Christine placed the parchment on the cabinet and began to prepare the potion.

He didn't ask Hobertto leave, so Hobertstepped forward to look at the contents on the parchment. As he guessed, it was the "Lawyer" potion formula.

Main ingredients: one eye of a Fear Demon Worm, one fruit of a Flash Pattern Tree.

Auxiliary ingredients: one black iris, six leaves of a Monkey Face Orchid, 8 grams of Black Heart Grass juice, 120 grams of white wine.

After reading the formula, Hobertwas surprised to see that the potion formula required wine.

He thought to himself: It seems that people allergic to alcohol can't become "Lawyers."

At this moment, he felt both excited and nervous, so he used random thoughts to vent.

Christine first added the auxiliary ingredients to the beaker, then used tweezers to place a black eyeball, which still induced fear despite being lifeless, into the beaker, and finally added a fruit that looked like a peeled walnut.

Once all the ingredients were added, there was no need to stir. All the extraordinary materials instantly melted, and after a bit of black, dreamy mist emerged from the beaker, the deep black liquid potion was ready.

Christine pushed the beaker towards Hobert. "This is the Sequence 9 'Lawyer' potion."

  (End of chapter)