
Lord of the Mysteries: Death's Promise

I was reading Lord of the Mysteries fanfiction because I was waiting for the new book to come out. However, they were all terrible, except one humorous one about a person transmigrating into a monkey, so I decided to make my own, I hope this will both be a good story as well as spark better fanfiction of LotM to be written. An American from our era transmigrates to the world of Lord of the Mysteries. Unfortunately, his landing point puts the difficulty straight to hell mode. No money, no education, non-beyonder and recently the murderer of a bishop of the Church of the Evernight Goddess.

The_Tower · Book&Literature
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"…What…" I say aloud, completely dumbfounded, my right arm still extended outward with a gun in my hand.

The gun in my hand would still be smoking, if it used gunpowder that actually smoked beyond the initial blast.

In the direction that the not quite literally smoking gun was pointed, was a man lying on the ground.

A dead man.

A dead man, who just happened to be a low level bishop of the Church of the Evernight Goddess.

Somehow, I just traversed directly into hell mode.

The world slowly starts to spin and my legs grow weak.

"Bam." The gun slips out of my hand and hits the ground.

Luckily, it does not go off and shoot me when it does so.

Or maybe not luckily... it would be faster that way at least.

However, the noise shocks me back to reality.

'I..I can't faint now. '

Adrenaline rushes through my veins, pushing the panic back, and allowing me think clearly about how terrible my current situation really is.

I pick up the gun and quickly put it into my pocket, despite the heat of the recently firing, and look around. I don't see or hear anyone coming to check out the noise of the gun shot. This is not surprising.

It is late, almost 10pm by the warehouses by the Backlund Bridge. These warehouses are located here for the storage of goods meant for or from the many factories in St. George's Borough. This area just happens to be where the river transport and railway meet.

At this time of night, with the metro closed, these warehouses rarely have any people nearby. On top of that, many of the warehouses nearby where I am currently located are actually empty and sit unused, whether they were own by factories that became bankrupt or if the their owner doesn't actually use them for anything is unknown.

This is the reason why my body's former self's friends decided to rob people here, because of the lack of people. They just wanted to make some extra money because their job didn't pay enough money to even live.

All of them worked together for Webber Textiles, a large clothing factory in St. George's Borough, which has both terrible working conditions as well as not even enough pay for the survival of its employee's families. They would have quit already except that all factory jobs at this time are similar to this. And all higher paying jobs require a higher background or education, which they simply do not have.

Speaking of them, all three of them also lay on the ground dead now from their absolutely idiotic attempt at robbing a sequence 7 Beyonder and a bishop of the Church of the Evernight Goddess at that, the most powerful church of Loen Kingdom, and arguably the world, owned by the Evernight Goddess a real god, who is arguably the most powerful god in the world today.

The idiots four didn't know that he was a bishop of the Church of the Evernight Goddess when they decided to rob the guy. They didn't even know that supernatural powers exist.

However, they found out that he was a bishop right after they asked for his crowns, a low slang for pounds, since they all have pictures of former kings, when their prospective robbie told them this. But the idiots four decided that it was too late to back out at that point and insisted on it. Soon, they then discovered that supernatural powers exist, and in the worst way possible.

Everywhere a Spirit Medium goes, the spirits become their informants, giving them information or alerting them of danger. However, the bishop did not choose another route despite likely being told of the ambush. Even after the ambush, the bishop could have easily used his greatly improved strength and agility to escape from the situation without hurting himself or his potential robbers. However, he did not choose to do so.

The bishop clearly looked down on the idiots four, walked knowingly into their ambush, and after only a mild attempt at warning them who he was, set ghosts on them to kill them all, without even a shred of remorse. He seemed to disdain even moving himself to deal with these robbers. This was to be the bishop's downfall.

Because the bishop underestimated the four obviously very poor, normal robbers, the bishop was shot by an very normal, ordinary pistol, which my body's former self happened to be stupidly storing in his back pocket, an easy way to shoot himself in the ass. After his three friends had their souls ripped out and eaten by the ghosts controlled by the bishop directly and just as my body's former self was in the middle of having his soul ripped out, he drew the weapon and fired without even aiming, just happening to hit the unmoving and completely unprepared bishop and killing him.

And then… failing robber is gone and I am here.

And now I have to deal with the consequences of this…

I don't know why a bishop of the Church of the Evernight Goddess was here at night, nor do I know why he seemed to have no problem knowingly walking up to normal robbers who happened upon him and then killing them, only to die due to his own arrogance. I don't even know how or why I suddenly appeared here in this body at this time.

However, none of these things really matter.

All that matters is…

How do I stay alive now?

What do I have to do to live?

A bishop of the Church of the Evernight Goddess has died.

Has, in fact, been killed by me.

By as early as tomorrow morning, the Church of the Evernight Goddess is likely to know that he is missing. A missing bishop is extremely likely to be investigated immediately.

All it would take is a simple divination to discover that he is dead. Then one simple ritual to their very own goddess to question the undamaged soul and ask him what happened. In fact, a Spirit Medium would not even need to pray to the goddess to question the undamaged soul they could do it themselves.

The only lucky things is that dead bishop does not know my name and can only describe me and the other three and the other three's souls gotten eaten by hungry ghosts and cannot be questioned.

Unfortunately, all four of us are close friends that work for the exact same company!

The chances that I can get away with this is slim to none. They do have the ability to do ordinary detective work as well as mysticism.

Three dead people, three missing people on the same night that work for the same company. Maybe a fourth missing person, if I decide to run far away from here.

They will know what I look like in only a single day. In a minimum of only a few days they will even know my name. It would have been even quicker for them to find my name if the three's souls hadn't been eaten.

There is no way I can escape Loen Kingdom in that time frame and even if I managed it, escape to another kingdom would be both extremely risky as well as not even very helpful. All the top churches of all the kingdoms are controlled by allies, at least on the surface, of the Evernight Goddess. The only place I could go is to be a pirate or something, which is not even a little bit safe.

There is nowhere in the world that is safe for me now.

In addition, my body's former self only knew one language, Leon, and in fact could almost not even read it, sounding out the letters just to get by.

Just as my thoughts were going round and round but not getting anywhere and I was on the edge of complete and total panic rather than only the irrational panic I experienced earlier, a saying popped into my head that sparked an plan for survival.

An absolutely terrible plan... that just might work.

I will likely also add this to space battles when it gets to a decent length.

The_Towercreators' thoughts