
Lord of the mysteries : circle of fate

It's just story of Klein if he knows what waiting him at the pinnacle of power. and you can skip first 20 chapters if you want.

Sd_paNdit_2361 · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs


After participating in the opening dance, Audrey Hall stood on the second floor above the dancing hall and stared at the candles on the huge crystal chandeliers hanging from the rooftop in a daze . However, she noticed that many young men were appearing to pump themselves up to come over and invite her for a dance . So, she wisely left the place and went to the corridor that connected to the dining hall .

How boring, but my attendance is necessary… Sigh, can't they just let me observe in silence? I have to say, some people have rich facial expressions when they dance . They remind me of animals seeking mates… Audrey lowered her head, looked at the tips of her feet, and walked in a straight line out of boredom .

Just then, the corner of her eyes caught an approaching figure . She slowed down, stood straight, and instantly became the elegant yet quiet Miss Hall .

"Good day, Baron Gramir," Audrey greeted with a flawless smile and etiquette .

Baron Gramir had thin eyebrows and faint blue eyes . He smiled and bowed .

"Nice to meet you again, Miss Hall . You are the brightest and most dazzling gemstone at this ball . "

After exchanging a few words, Baron Gramir headed for the dancing hall while Audrey continued approaching the dining hall .

After a few steps, she suddenly frowned . There was puzzlement in her green eyes .

Baron Gramir isn't the same as before…

In the past, when he sees a pretty lady or madam of a higher rank than he is, and one that's relatively prettier, he would look to the side without looking at them directly . Then, he would steal glances constantly… But today, he appears very confident…

Also, his cologne smells off . In the numerous parties in the past, his body would emit the final note of the Amber cologne fragrance, musky yet faint, not ostentatious yet elegant . In other words, he would spray the cologne a few hours earlier to let the front and middle notes disperse before the gathering . But just now, his cologne was Amber in middle note, rich and refined…

Audrey slowed down her footsteps . As a Telepathist she can observe deeper then any eyes and his facial expression are not matching with his feelings.

It couldn't be Qilangos in a disguise, right?

The Creeping Hunger has the power to change a person's appearance!

The more Audrey thought about it, the more possible it seemed . She felt uptight as she turned nervous and panicky .

But she control her feelings. I have to warn Father! Amidst her frantic thoughts, Audrey quickened her pace and entered the dining hall . She found Count Hall who was talking to the Chief Cabinet Secretary and others .

She flashed a flawless smile and walked over . She held Count Hall by his arm and told the others, "Gentlemen, do you mind if I borrow Count Hall for a few minutes?"

"Beautiful lady, it's your right," The few gentlemen said in a friendly response .

Audrey held Count Hall by his arm and moved to the nearest balcony . They found a quiet, uninhabited corner, and she said to her middle-aged father who was getting plump, "Father, I have something to tell you . "

Count Hall was smiling fondly at his daughter, but he got serious when he saw her serious facial expression, "What's the matter?"

"I ran into Baron Gramir earlier, but there are things about him that are different from the past . For instance, his cologne was in the middle note of the Amber fragrance . It used to be the end note . And…" Audrey continued with the things that she found different . It could be explained as being sensitive and meticulous .

After she described what she had noticed, she weighed her words and added, "I heard from Viscount Glaint that Rear Admiral Hurricane Qilangos has the ability to take on other people's appearance . Hasn't he been in Backlund recently?"

Count Hall listened to her carefully, and his face grew abnormally grave .

But he soon flashed a smile and comforted his anxious daughter .

"I'll take care of this . Go look for your mother and stay with her . She's at the lounge in this hall . "

"Okay . " Audrey nodded obediently .

On the way back to the lounge, she turned around and looked at her father . She saw that Count Hall was talking to another noble softly, and he wore a rather solemn look .

Audrey couldn't help but feel anxious . She felt that she needed to do something to make sure that her father, mother, and brother didn't get hurt .

She surveyed the area and changed the direction in which she was heading in . She left the dining hall and found Duke Negan's small prayer room .

She pushed the door closed and locked it behind her . She looked at the symbol of the Lord of Storms before her and subconsciously found a remote and dark corner .

Audrey sat down with her body leaning forward . She clasped her hands together into a praying position and supported her forehead .

Then, she recited softly in Hermes, "The Fool that doesn't belong to this era, you are the mysterious ruler above the gray fog; you are the King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck . "


Tingen City, Daffodil Street .

Klein was discussing the latest play with Benson and Melissa and was inviting them to watch it at the theater next weekend .

"I think the newspapers have said enough about it . 'The Return of the Count' is definitely a play that's worth watching . It's already been performed more than ten times in Backlund, and it sold out each time . I think that we shouldn't miss this opportunity . " Klein, who had lacked sources of entertainment, was unwilling to give up . 

I sure am a busy man… Klein tried to remain optimistic .

Noticing that Benson was inclined towards his suggestion while Melissa was still a little hesitant, Klein smiled as he added, "I heard that the most popular supporting cast in 'The Return of the Count' is a genius mechanic . "

"Alright, we do have to see a play at a large theater once in our lives . " Melissa pouted and nodded her head grudgingly, but there was now a sparkle in her eyes .

Klein was about to respond when he heard a buzzing in his ears . He became dizzy for a few seconds .

Someone is praying to me… He supported his back with his right hand and chuckled .

"Then I shall wait patiently for the tickets to go on sale . "

"Alright, I'll be returning to my bedroom to write up a report . "

"We also have to plunge into the sea of knowledge and hope that we don't drown . " Benson let out a self-deprecating laugh as he returned to the dining room with Melissa .

Klein went to the second floor and locked the door to his room . He sealed the room with a wall of spirituality, then he took four steps counterclockwise as he recited the incantations, returning to the world above the gray fog .

His figure suddenly appeared at the seat of honor in the magnificent palace fit for a giant . A pulsing crimson star reflected in his eyes .

Klein lifted his right hand and extended his spirituality, establishing a connection with the star representing Justice .


"I'm at a ball held by Duke Negan and encountered someone who's suspected to be Qilangos .

"He is disguising himself as Baron Gramir, and his motives are unclear .

"I noticed today that some of the details regarding Baron Gramir were a little different than usual . This made me recall the appearance-altering Beyonder power that Qilangos's mystical item has . "

Klein listened seriously and carefully interpreted what was happening . Finally, he understood what Miss Justice was describing .

Klein send reply and summoning ritual to star representing Justice, "I am aware"

In the middle of the thick wide fog was an ancient chair, and atop the chair was a mysterious presence, a mysterious presence that seemed to overlook everything .

Mr . Fool! Audrey almost shouted in pleasant surprise .

She then heard a deep, familiar voice: "I'm aware . "

The voice reverberated around the space as the fog vanished . Audrey's vision was still filled with images of the long tables of food and wine, as well as the bustling sights of interacting guests .

The worry and unease in her heart vanished as she subconsciously straightened her back and entered the dining hall with light steps . She walked toward the recreation room in the dining hall .


Klein conjured the scene of Miss Justice praying and transformed it into something akin to a movie scene with the faces mosaicked and censored .

He then extended his hand and tapped, launching the scene into the crimson star representing The Hanged Man .

Backlund, Cherwood Backlund . At the Holy Wind Cathedral .

The Hanged Man, Alger Wilson, was going through the investigation reports in a simple room, with his report he established a team of Beyonder for hunting down Qilangos.

Just as Alger was leaning back in his chair and rubbing his eyes, he saw his field of vision turn blurry . His line of sight was filled with thick, gray fog .

There was an ancient chair which seemed to exist eternally, deep within the endless fog . Atop the chair was a faint human figure .

Mr . Fool… Just as this thought came to Alger, he saw that another hazy figure in a regal dress within the grayish-white fog .

She was in a praying position, repeating, "I'm at a ball held by Duke Negan and encountered someone who's suspected to be Qilangos .

"He is disguising himself as Baron Gramir, and his motives are unclear .

"I noticed today that some of the details regarding Baron Gramir were a little different than usual . This made me recall the appearance-altering Beyonder power that Qilangos's mystical item has . "

Alger was shocked at first, then let out a look of pleasant surprise . He pressed his palm against his chest and lowered his head, "Praise you, Mr . Fool!"

Everything he saw or heard vanished before he finished his sentence as if nothing had happened .

This was the Holy Wind Cathedral—once the headquarters of the Church of the Lord of Storms . Even though that was history from more than a thousand years ago, many believers still viewed this place as sacred . But Mr . Fool could still descend upon this space without warning and give a reply…

After nearly twenty seconds of silence, Alger gathered his stuff and exited the room .

He was going to look for one of the Cardinals of the Church of the Lord of Storms, the Archbishop of the Backlund diocese, Spellsinger of God, Ace Snake!

For Alger Wilson, being able to kill Rear Admiral Hurricane Qilangos personally was the best course of action, but if he was unable to do that, guaranteeing that he was really dead was also acceptable in his book!