
Lord of the mysteries : circle of fate

It's just story of Klein if he knows what waiting him at the pinnacle of power. and you can skip first 20 chapters if you want.

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99 Chs


After his discussion with Melissa ended Klein come into his

room and lock behind and reached for his Windbreaker. In

which he stored mutated charm. He took four steps

counterclockwise and summon historical Projection of

charm. On a paper he writes " Ability and Downside of this


He repeated seven times this chant and closed his eyes. With

dream divination he understood power and Downside of

charm it has power of infused fear in any person or Beyonder

to the Sequence 6. And Downside is user sleep with

discomfort when used for long time. And attract attention of

unknownexistence if used in moon light. " it can used with

Goddess blessings easily".

Should I sacrifice it above the gray fog. It has nearly no

downside on me but I don't know when my test took place

and Church will send a deacon for testing. He will sense the

aura of Evernight pathway in this charm. It will be best if I

sacrifice it above the gray fog.

With this he sacrifice the charm above the gray fog. But when

he touched it he felt his level increase suddenly and can use

gray fog ability much easily it's probably close to sequence 7

or 6. With this I don't need spirituality potion now. He tried to

make angel's embrace but it didn't make. I need to advance.

After that he went to sleep, His breathing became heavy in

just a few seconds, then long and peaceful.

In his dreams, Klein returned to Earth where he was playing a

game he hadn't beaten. A cup of soda and a plate of spicy

chicken wings were on his left. To his right was a bowl of rice

and bitter bamboo shoots meat soup.

He didn't like bitter bamboo shoots, but he liked it in soup

with meat slices. The refreshing taste and the little bit of fat

from the meat were tantalizing, a perfect complement to the


He could eat an extra bowl of rice if it was paired with some

good sauce dip!

Just as Klein was about to enjoy his supper and continue

playing his game, his dream changed again, presenting him

with the internal layout of 2 Daffodil Street.

Klein suddenly became alert, aware that someone invade in his dream. And he knows that person.

He saw himself seated at the side of the dining table, a copy of

the Tingen Daily Tribune in his hand. In front of him was a

bowl of tomato oxtail stew, pan-fried lamb chops, mashed

potatoes, and wheat bread.

There are only for one person he tried to conjure another one

and another one appeared.

At this moment, Dunn left his spot by the oriel window and

directly entered the house. In his black windbreaker, he came

silently before Klein.

He took off his hat and nodded before sitting down. He didn't

stand on ceremony, picking up cutlery and quickly polishing

off the stew, lamb chops, wheat bread on the table.

Klein looked on dumbfounded, unsure what the Captain was


Phew. Dunn exhaled in satisfaction and gave Klein a thumbs

up. He then took out his pipe and a matchstick before taking

an intoxicated puff.

He exhaled a cloud of smoke and stood up. He then put on his hat and bowed before leaving the house and the dream.

"…" Klein looked at the Captain's back, unable to collect

himself for a long time.

He looked down at the empty plates and instinctively wanted

to conjure up the food he had just now.

But this time, the oxtail stew, lamb chops, mashed potatoes

didn't appear in his dream.

"Captain you are already a capable nightmare". Klein thought

in mind.

He let out a laugh and exited his dream, once again falling


At about half past five the morning the next day, Klein, who

had no choice but to wake up early, drink his coffee and eat

his toast and bacon.

On Monday morning at eight, in the Blackthorn Security Company.

Klein took off his hat and greeted Rozanne and Bredt. After exchanging a few words, he entered Captain Dunn Smith's office.

He pushed the door open and looked around. He saw Captain

was sitting in his usual place .

He confirmed that Dunn Smith hadn't mentioned the "acting

method" as he was trying it out . It was clear that he was also

cautious of the higher-ups of the Church .

Thus he closed the door and sat across from Dunn . He said

with a serious, yet slightly excited expression, "Captain, I

believe that I have completely grasped the Seer potion . I

wish to submit a special application . "

As he looked into Klein's eyes, Dunn took a deep breath and leaned back . Then, he slowly exhaled as he spoke .

"Are you certain?"

There were minor changes in his facial expression . He seemed to be well prepared for the special application, but he hadn't expected it to be so soon .

Captain, why do you look relieved… Klein didn't conceal his

smile as he said, "I'm certain, Captain . When you fully master

a potion, you'll feel a very special and magical sensation .

You'll have no doubt that you've fully mastered the potion . "

"Special, magical feeling…" Dunn muttered those words

softly and his eyebrows slowly knitted together .

After almost a minute, Dunn's deep eyes reflected Klein's

figure once again . He weighed his words before he said,

"Maybe it would be a better option to wait another year . "

What the Captain means is that waiting another year would

make it less conspicuous . With the example that Madam

Daly set for me, the higher-ups wouldn't pay too much

attention to me . At most, I would only be put on a list for

observation, Klein thought and answered frankly, "At first, I

wanted to wait until next year to send in my special

application . After all, there are too many things that I need

to master . For instance, my combat arts is only at the

beginner level .

"But, Captain, don't you think that we've experienced too

many coincidences in less than one month. It's like someone

wanted to exhaust us and distracted us".

"I don't know what these coincidences mean, but I feel

insecure . That's why I want to enhance myself in the best

possible way . "

The moment Klein said the word "but," Dunn's body leaned

forward . In the end, he steepled his fingers in front of his

mouth .

He fixed his gaze and remained quiet, seemingly thinking

about what Klein had said .

After a while, Dunn lifted his head and said in a mellow and

deep voice, "Very perceptive… Perhaps there really is

something lurking in the dark . "

Without waiting for Klein to speak, he instructed, "You can

submit the special application . "

"Alright . " Klein lifted the corner of his lips when he answered .

He got up with a smile and walked towards the door . As

expected, he heard a familiar additional remark .

"Hold on," Dunn called out . He weighed his words and said,

" You can write the application after this mission. Don't worry

you have earned sufficient contribution points for
