
Lord Of The Aldari

THIS BOOK HAS BEEN DROPPED AND DISCONTINUED. DON'T BOTHER PICKING IT UP. REINHARDT SERIES BOOK #1 The Narrak's insatiable flames scorched its hardened scales into his muscled flesh. Its unfathomable power surged through his veins, and reconstructed his anatomy. Its thick, leathery wings split through the skin on his spine, and emerged mid-way before retreating its growth. "You are not concentrating," Zelaphiel stated, and folded his arms across his chest. "It is important that you learn to control the amphiptere before you attempt to collaborate its magic with Lahn's power." Sebastian understood his goal, and acknowledged how clearly his father had constantly defined it, but how was he to concentrate when his thoughts were in disarray? "You are concerned about the healer," Zelaphiel arched a brow. Concerned? Was it that obvious? Of course, he had been concerned for her. Heaven's Seraphin in an immoral den of savage men who would ravish her, and corrupt her divine spirit. Why did it bother him? Was it due to the fact that she had been one of his people that he swore to protect or an incomprehensible reason that he had been unconsciously avoiding? ***** Punished with one hundred years of exile, Sebastian Alexander Reinhardt returns upon the mysterious death of his predecessor to rightfully claim his title. Many are those who lurk in the shadows of his castle who wish to deny him his birthright, and they have stopped at no extent to ensure his demise. However the tale does not simply begin and end with mere conspiracies, an ancient enemy awakens again, more determined than ever destroy the lands of Alvgard to achieve their goals. With war, and chaos on knocking at the door, Sebastian must balance his newfound love, and the darkness that lay dormant within to defeat his enemies.

MiaSilver · Fantasy
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168 Chs

Chapter 2: The Lord's Daughter

"Our memories of those who give us warmth remain etched within the heart."

~Tasmiya Shaik


17 hours later

Friday,18:36 ᴘ.ᴍ

Avery silently complied with her escort's actions given her current disoriented condition, but he had treated her well. She was gifted with fresh, clean garments and the attendant officers cleansed the stench and blood from her person. It had given her some peace of mind at the least.

She could barely manoeuvre herself straight as the foreign sounds that travelled throughout the unusual building structure Archid transferred her to hindered her senses. She was left to dwell on her own in a strange room that contained an iron table and two chairs on opposite ends that were visible by light that was strangely not radiated by a fire source.

Despite being contained within a confined space, Avery's senses were attentively active to every step taken in the distance and the harsh tones as well as unfamiliar words exchanged by the humes outside the room. She attempted to shun everything out, but her efforts were in vain.

Her last resort was to seek sanctuary in memories that only incited pain within her heart. There was a tight ball of uneasiness that formed in the back of her throat and the remaining vision in her right eye blurred by the second. What choice was she given as a powerless child? Where was the man that had rescued her?

The Ethuarian realm of the humes was much too foreign to her understanding and knowledge. Her father educated her about their technological advances regarding devices and machinery that improved daily life; however, her encounter with it was by far unpleasant. How did the man who rescued her adapt to such a world?

The strange transportation contraption Archid escorted her in seemed to execute a loud sound that was not within the comfort of her hearing senses. It appeared to have dulled her superior hearing ability, and it was somewhat challenging to adjust to the environment.

On her way to the massive structure the humans referred to as 'Galrik Headquarters', Avery took notice of the various colours of the environment that were relatively unfamiliar and unappealing to her sight. The natural land was invaded by mechanical structures that destroyed the greenery in its path and prevented the growth of the forests. The land was sick. It was as though the animals and soil cried out to her in aid. How did the humes live in such a manner?

Sebastian found that his patience had diminished by the hour. He was forced to undergo the standard procedures before he visited his charge and since Avery was not an inhabitant of the Ethuarian realm, the regulations complicated matters further. He could not allow the bureau to learn of his relation to her. They would completely exclude him from the investigation by law and no doubt they would conduct an origin investigation. If they were to discover his background, the Chief would no doubt eliminate him as a rogue agent. It was a risk worth his time, but he wouldn't dare endanger Avery.

As a field officer, the only privileges available to him was to check in with the victims of his case. He was not in authority or position to conduct any questioning sessions despite his superior rank, and such were the laws of the bureau.

The Galrik Investigation bureau appeared busier than usual, and that opened an advantage to Sebastian. If the desk officers were occupied with their reports and several new cases, few would afford him their attention or suspicion; however, that was no reason to lay down his guard. He would have to be cautious with his words.

Sebastian was not in the least bit the comforting type. He sat across Avery and observed as the child despaired. Despair? No, he was uncertain. He indeed was considerate of her feelings, although he was awful with a display of his affection that was not precisely a significant concern for this child was extraordinary. The loss of his brother and sister-in-law struck him more than a mere a spear impaled into the flesh of one's back by his brethren, but his stoic expression did little to reveal such unwanted grief. It was barely a day since he had rescued Avery from the accident and he was firmly determined to keep her close at his side. The child reminded him very much of himself. She was as every bit as steely resolved as Sebastian was and he wasn't quite sure if he was fond of that aspect of her. No, he was not, but he was most certainly proud of it.

'Avery...' Sebastian said softly.

'I know who you are,' She stated and clutched onto the tiger design amulet around her neck, 'I remember when you gave it to me...'

Had she remembered? Of course, she had, the newborns of his kind possessed an intelligence far superior to that of the hume children, but Sebastian suspected that it had not been the same reason for which Avery had remembered him.

'Avery I...I am truly sorry for the events that have transpired. I do not expect you to answer accurately, but you must assist me in finding out what happened to your parents.'

'Papa did always say you were awful with children, but I don't mind it...' Avery wore a dead expression, almost listless, drained of the will to move forward.

What was he to say to her? How did one undergo such procedures with a child?

'My apologies, it was not my intention to sound vain and inconsiderate. I understand that you are in no orientated state...'

'It is for Papa and Mama, I will answer, but in return, you will adhere to my request,' Avery conditioned.

Headstrong and smart like his brother, of course, she was a Lord's daughter after all. A daughter of the Reinhardt bloodline, no matter her age, was not to be trifled with and nor underestimated. He detected a familiar presence within her, one that connected with the beast within himself.

'Very well. Do you know the reason for which you travelled here to the Ethuarian realm?'

'Our clans are...in dire need of it's true Lord...on our way here we were pursued by the Narrak. Papa and Mama tried to fight them, but there were too many...' Avery retained her tears; she could not allow grief to overtake her. Was that right? No, she wanted to mourn for her parents, but something within restrained her.

That was simply all Sebastian required to know, and his priority was to gain custody of Avery without revealing his relation to her.

'You have my gratitude for assisting me, Avery. Dishonesty is not in my policy, but we cannot afford to leak some facts about you to the bureau. You are not an inhabitant of Ethuaria, so there are no files or information on your background; therefore, they will question you in every regard. You cannot tell them your real name; you are a child, so they will easily believe if you feign ignorance of the truth behind your arrival. Understood?'

Avery solemnly nodded her head in agreement and kept her gaze fixed low.

'Now then, what is that you wish to ask of me?'

Avery felt a tear slip down her face as she directed her gaze to Sebastian.

'Please...I ask of you to please come back please...' She pleaded.

Sebastian's eyes expanded in astonishment. How could he refuse her? How could he disobey the one he would soon serve? His expression darkened as he roused to take his leave without a response to Avery.

He crossed paths with Archid outside the room and halted.

'Sir, there were no interferences or questions. I believe none had taken notice of your arrival.'

'Very well. And what of the bodies?'

'In possession of the forensic unit, they are instructed to stand by until the Chief gives orders.'

'Fools, they will discover nothing. Archid, I will return to Alvgard in three days, and I do not plan on dishonouring my deceased brother and his wife by burying them in Ethuarian soil. You will be free of your current duties, and they will no doubt label me like a fugitive.'

'Sir, do not think so poorly of my will. I am not one to abandon my duties to save myself. I owe you my life, and I have devoted it to support you with whatever strength I have.'

'You have my gratitude. I have left the matter of my brother and his wife to Andreas. I request that you handle attaining possession of all magical evidence pertaining to the accident.'

'As you wish Sir. What of the young mistress?'

'They will not easily grant me custody of her, but I will ensure that they do. We will leave for Alvgard in three days.'

'And what of our dimensional passage to the Alvgard Realm? That was only performed by...'

'No need to be concerned.' Sebastian dismissed and departed from Archid's company.

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