
The heart of a conqueror

Fred reported to Eamon, "I saw the lord residing within the abysses, Master. The descent was significant, surpassing 700 meters (2,297 feet)."

Fred continued, his voice steady and deliberate, "Below, torches were placed at regular intervals, casting light on the surroundings. An impressive number of those green creatures could be seen."

Eamon interjected thoughtfully, "Goblin. We can refer to them as goblins."

Fred continued, "There were hundreds, maybe more, of those goblins. At their head, there was a creature resembling a goblin but larger and more muscular, with a more intelligent air. The goblins obeyed him."

Eamon nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the information. "And what of the humans?" he inquired.

Fred's gaze hardened as he recounted, "There were 15 of them, my lord. One was unmistakably the lord, a man in his fifties, slightly stout. The goblins seemed to regard him as their god and prostrated themselves before him, even the large goblin."

Eamon's expression darkened at the revelation. "Continue," he urged.

Fred's voice grew grim as he continued, "I witnessed the man burn a goblin alive. Flames erupted from his hands in a torrent of heat. The goblin's flesh melted, bones cracked, and crumbled before the ashes spread."

Eamon, recalling Klac's warning, inquired, "Was there any creature that seemed to be made of energy or any other creature with particular powers?"

Fred replied, "No, I saw nothing like that."

Eamon surveyed his team and spoke with conviction, "Our focus must be squarely on the lord. He poses the greatest threat, while the others seem less formidable."

He continued, "To eliminate him with minimal risk, we must strike together, denying him the chance to unleash his flames on us individually. However, let's not forget, none of us are immune to fire."

The group nodded in agreement, acknowledging the plan.

He emphasized, "Each one of you holds immense value to me, and I don't want to lose anyone."

As he spoke, Roxy leaned in, pressing her head affectionately against him.

Eamon's voice resonated with determination as he outlined the strategy, "That's why we're going to turn their numbers against them."

He further detailed, "Roxy, your contagion ability is unmatched. Use it to infect the goblins and create as many ghouls as possible before they raise the alarm. Once infected, your ghouls will attempt to spread the infection among the remaining goblins. At my signal, they'll charge at the lord in the front lines."

Turning to Malakai, he added, "The zombies' contamination potential is limited. I don't want you wasting time on them. Your task is to locate the goblin chief, incapacitate him, but ensure he remains alive. His body needs to be fresh. After the battle, we'll have ample material for your new power of Sutured Reanimation."

Malakai nodded solemnly in acknowledgment, "As you command, master."

Eamon peered into the abyss, its sheer height and enveloping darkness creating a sense of disorientation.

"Even with my physique, this will be challenging," he thought, contemplating the descent without slipping.

He glanced at the group and asked, "Can you all make the descent?"

Cassandra responded with a smile, gesturing with a nod towards the ghoul eagle.

Malakai replied confidently, "Master, descending holds no challenge for me. Darkness is as clear to me as daylight."

Roxy merely scratched the stone effortlessly with her claws, tearing through the rock without difficulty.

Eamon realized he might be the only one facing challenges in descending.

Approaching Roxy, he said, "I'll need to mount you," while gently patting her neck.

Roxy lowered herself, allowing Eamon to climb onto her back, gripping her neck for stability.

With a glance at his team, Eamon declared, "What are you waiting for? Let's descend."

Fred and Malakai took the lead, descending into the abyss with practiced ease. Fred descended headfirst, his movements silent and effortless as his limbs navigated the rock wall without a sound.

Malakai followed at a slightly slower pace, employing a more conventional descent with his feet facing downward. His muscular fingers and sturdy nails found purchase in the smallest crevices in the rock.

Cassandra mounted the ghoul eagle's back, and together they plunged into the depths of the abyss.

Eamon gently stroked Roxy's neck before tightening his grip once more, preparing for the descent.

As Roxy approached the precipice, Eamon gazed into the dark abyss below, clutching her fur tightly.

Roxy abruptly plunged into the abyss, disregarding any existing handholds and carving her path with frenzied speed. Her head held high, allowing Eamon to secure himself against her neck.

They descended swiftly, the wind rushing past them as they hurtled deeper into the darkness. After just a few moments, faint glimmers of light appeared below, growing brighter with each passing second. Soon enough, they reached the bottom of the abyss, dimly illuminated by the glow of torches scattered in the distance.

Eamon looked around to see that all the other members of the group had swiftly descended and were now gathered around him.

Eamon looked at Roxy and said, "Lead the way and infect the goblins, but do it as discreetly as possible."

Then, he turned to Fred and instructed, "Follow Roxy and eliminate any goblins preparing that could raise the alert."

He added, "You are all capable of seeing more or less well in the dark, extinguish all torches along your path."

Roxy and Fred moved off into the distance, passing by one of the torches which they extinguished, their silhouettes disappearing into the darkness.

As Malakai ventured in a different direction in search of the goblin leader, he mirrored Roxy and Fred's actions, extinguishing torches along his path with silent efficiency.

Turning his focus to Cassandra, Eamon conveyed his concerns. "For now, remain hidden. I fear the eagle may be too easily spotted. But once the alarm is raised, you'll notice. Then, you and your eagle can join the fray."

Cassandra nodded obediently. "Yes, master."

Eamon, intrigued by the effectiveness of his troops' initial attack, opted to observe from the rear as they advanced into the territory of the other lord. He followed behind, eager to witness their tactics firsthand.

Eamon, intrigued by the effectiveness of his troops' initial attack, opted to observe from the rear as they advanced into the territory of the other lord. He followed behind, eager to witness their tactics firsthand.

As he pressed forward, Eamon's ears caught the eerie symphony of deathly moans, inhuman grunts, and sporadic battle cries reverberating in the darkness.

Eamon couldn't help but think, "Roxy seems to be highly effective."

But it was only a matter of time before the lord would be notified.

A goblin, seemingly fleeing in terror, appeared within his field of vision.

He had vacant eyes, streaked with dried tears, and thighs soaked in urine.

Eamon noticed three grotesque creatures lurking behind him. Resembling distorted versions of goblins, their skin was oozing with slime, and their bulging, bloodshot eyes emitted a sinister glow in the darkness. Their misshapen limbs ended in sharp, blood-stained claws. With a ferocious lunge, they seized the goblin, tearing into his flesh with savage hunger. Despite his desperate struggles, the goblin could not escape their grasp. His face contorted in agony as he screamed, his eyes wide with terror. Writhing in torment, he fell to the ground, defenseless, as the creatures greedily devoured him.

As Eamon observed the scene unfolding before him, a sense of unease settled in his chest.

The realization that he was causing suffering to creatures who had done him no harm troubled him deeply.

But he couldn't abandon his desire for conquest. Lords were chosen for their ambition, and their power stemmed from their territory. If he didn't conquer, he would be conquered. Just like in his first encounter with Malakai, if he didn't kill the other lords, he would be killed. His gaze hardened, and he continued on his path.

As he approached the trio of ghouls devouring the body of the fallen goblin, they recoiled in fear at his presence, their eyes lowering in submission.

Eamon didn't even spare a glance at the ghouls as he ordered, "You will feast later. Keep attacking." The obedient creatures raised their heads and darted forward, disappearing into another direction.

Eamon continued on his path, the sounds of battle growing louder in the distance.

Eamon traversed a path strewn with an increasing number of corpses, most of them torn apart in grisly fashion, while a few bore the mark of a throat slit from ear to ear. Despite the gruesome sights around him, he remained undeterred, urging passing groups of ghouls to press on with their relentless assault, his own pace unwavering.

Amidst the chaos, his sharp eyes caught sight of a flying creature nearby. Utilizing the unspoken bond he shared with Cassandra, he commanded her to join him swiftly. In response, the ghoul eagle, with Cassandra mounted upon its back, swiftly approached, its form silhouetted against the darkening sky.

The eagle landed gracefully at his feet, and Eamon swiftly mounted beside Cassandra.

As they took to the air, she asked, "What are we doing?" Eamon's response was firm, "We're going to see how a lord dies."

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