
Lord of Necromancy: Starting from a cave

Eamon, a struggling everyman, finds himself thrust into a mysterious world along with a system. Upon arrival, he discovers there is people designated as lords, each bestowed with unique powers by an enigmatic system. Eamon, initially devoid of any special abilities, steals the necromancer talent and the lordship from a lord. As Eamon rises to power, he navigates treacherous politics, forging alliances and battling rivals in his quest for dominance.

FadedNomad · Action
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29 Chs

Enhancement part. 2

Eamon scanned the rest of his troops, his eyes lingering on the Ghoul Eagle and Eliott. It was clear they too had undergone significant changes.

[Lesser Wraith Eagle (Medium-Low Level Undead)]

[Lesser Wraith Eagle: The Lesser Wraith Eagle dominates with swift speed and relentless power. As a large and formidable creature, it subdues its prey with sheer force and endurance. Its special ability lies in its lightning-fast bursts of speed, although the duration and frequency of these bursts are limited by its agility, strength, and endurance attributes.]


- **Strength**: 10

- **Stamina**: 13

- **Agility**: 9

- **Intelligence**: 2 (Low)

- **Charisma**: 1 (Weak)

- **Special Power**: Necrotic Bite and Scratch (Low), Wing Burst.]

"Hmm, interesting," Eamon muttered, noting the new "Wing Burst" ability.

Wing Burst: Using the sheer strength of its wings and exceptional endurance, the Lesser Wraith Eagle can generate powerful bursts of speed. This ability allows the eagle to swiftly cover short distances using only the raw power of its wings while maintaining extraordinary maneuverability. The duration of use and the number of repetitions of the power depend on the creature's strength, stamina, and agility.

"Excellent, this will make him even faster," Eamon grinned.

He then turned his attention to Eliott.

[Eliott - Infernoskull (Medium-Low Level Undead)]


- **Strength**: 22

- **Stamina**: 17 (Above Average)

- **Agility**: 10 (Average)

- **Intelligence**: 6 (Above Average)

- **Charisma**: 2 (Weak)

- **Special Power**: Pyrophagy]

[Pyrophagy: This ability grants the Infernoskull immunity to basic flames and the ability to regenerate by plunging into fire or exposing its wounds to flames. It can also infuse flames into its body or store them to make its attacks more lethal.]

Eamon felt a surge of satisfaction. Now he had a fighter with a potent fire-based offensive capability. With a nod, he moved on to review the stats of the others.

[Cassandra - Necrotamer (Low Level Undead)]


- **Strength**: 16 (Above Average)

- **Stamina**: 13

- **Agility**: 12 (Low)

- **Intelligence**: 14

- **Aura**: 15

- **Special Power**: Domination Aura.]

"Your aura should be strong enough to control the eagles," Eamon said to Cassandra, nodding in approval.

"Yes, master," she replied, nodding respectfully.

He then checked Malakai's updated attributes.

[Malakai - Half-demon of the Graves (Middle Level Undead)]


- **Strength**: 28

- **Stamina**: 30

- **Agility**: 20

- **Intelligence**: 13

- **Charisma**: 8

- **Special Power**: Zombie Mastery, Sutured Reanimation.]

And finally, Fred's attributes.

[Fred - Lictor (Low Level Undead)]


- **Strength**: 31

- **Stamina**: 30

- **Agility**: 29

- **Intelligence**: 10

- **Charisma**: 4 (Low)

- **Special Power**: None.]

"Good, they haven't evolved any new abilities, but their attributes have increased," Eamon noted, pleased with the overall progress of his undead forces. Satisfied with his inspection, Eamon decided it was time to interrogate Scaredy about the territory.

He turned to Malakai and asked, "Where is Scaredy?"

Malakai replied, "I have placed him with the prisoners."

Eamon approached the group of prisoners where Scaredy lay face down on the ground. "Rise," Eamon commanded in a stern voice. Upon seeing Eamon, Scaredy scrambled to his feet and rushed towards him. Eamon noticed two ghouls preparing to intercept him, but he halted them with a flick of his wrist.

Scaredy prostrated himself before Eamon, "Thank you for finding me, great god. Your noble representatives are too cruel. They forced your humble servant Scaredy to lie face down like a prisoner."

Eamon nodded, "You are right." He turned to Malakai and instructed, "In the future, I want him treated with dignity. He must be monitored, but he has not acted against my interests."

Malakai bowed his head, "It shall be done as you command, master."

Eamon turned back to Scaredy, who was still prostrating himself, and ordered, "Enough, rise."

Then he asked, "I saw wooden torches. Where does the wood come from?"

Scaredy replied, "Great god, if we walk for several hours in this direction," he pointed towards the depths of the abyss, "we can reach a very large lake, with large waterfalls and large cliffs behind the lake. The robust goblins climb the cliffs until they see the sunlight, and there are large trees growing on the cliff. The higher we go, the sturdier the trees."

Eamon: "Have you climbed to the top of the cliff and looked at what's beyond?"

"No, no, great god," Scaredy stammered. "We never go to the top of the cliff. Those who have tried... they never returned. So the rule is not to try."

"What about food?" he inquired.

Scaredy replied, "There are many fish and snails in the lake."

"Thank you, Scaredy," Eamon said.

"My only happiness is to serve the..."

Eamon did not have time to listen to these effusive praises and cut Scaredy off sharply, ordering the ghouls in a loud voice, "Bring me the human prisoners."

The ghouls unceremoniously dumped the eight human prisoners onto the ground before Eamon. There were three women and five men. Eamon surveyed them slowly: they were all trembling on the ground except for one redhead man, about thirty years old with a hard face and a lean body.

"I am aware that you are in an uncomfortable situation today," Eamon began, his voice low and commanding. "But if you answer my questions truthfully, I will give you a choice: you can either stay in my territory and serve me, or you can leave."

A young woman straightened up and glared at him, her eyes filled with tears. Eamon raised his palm to signal the ghouls not to interfere.

"I sense you want to speak," he said. "I'm listening."

"Your monsters killed several of our friends," the woman managed to articulate with difficulty. Then, gaining in confidence, she shouted, "You are a monster! You want to force us to obey you or leave, protected behind an army of demons. You have no honor!"

At these words, the other prisoners also raised their eyes to Eamon and began to murmur among themselves.

Eamon looked at her and explained, "I am sincerely sorry, but I do not have the energy to argue with all of you."

He added, "I suppose you don't want to cooperate with me?"

The woman glared at him with hatred, "I saw with my own eyes a charming old lady being torn to pieces because of you. I would like to kill you with my own hands."

Eamon nodded, "Are there any others who think like her?"

An old man looked at him and said, "Me too."

Eamon nodded, "Is that all?"

No one else responded.

Eamon slowly observed the two individuals who had spoken up, "I must say that your reactions are understandable, but completely stupid. You should never speak when you are gripped by your emotions."

He turned to the others, "Remember this well: never wish death on a man who holds your life in his hands."

Eamon's gaze fell upon the Tormentress, who stood a short distance away. He beckoned her to approach.

The Tormentress glided towards him, her movements as fluid as silk. "What is your command, Grand Master?" she asked, her voice a soft purr.

Eamon pointed to the old man and the young woman who had spoken out, his eyes cold. "I want you to show me the extent of your abilities," he ordered. "Make them docile."

The Tormentress nodded, her lips curling into a cruel smile. She advanced on the young woman, her hand reaching out like a viper's strike. With a swift motion, she seized the woman's hair, her grip like iron. The woman struggled, her cries echoing through the cavern, but the Tormentress was unfazed.

With her other hand, the Tormentress grabbed the woman's fingers one by one, her movements precise and brutal. With a sickening crunch, she broke each finger, sending fresh screams of agony piercing the air. The woman writhed and contorted, pulling her mangled hands close to her chest in a desperate attempt to find solace, her screams rising to a fever pitch.

The Tormentress turned her attention to the old man, who sat frozen in terror. She lunged at him, her knee connecting with his left ankle with a sickening crack. The old man let out a yelp of pain, trying to scramble away, but the Tormentress was too quick. She grabbed his other ankle and began to drag him with her.

"It should not take long, Grand Master," the Tormentress said, her voice dripping with satisfaction.

She led the two broken prisoners away, their wails of pain and pleas for mercy fading into the distance.

Eamon turned to the six remaining human prisoners. "As I was saying," he began, "I have a series of questions for you."

Some will say that Eamon's behavior is not befitting a hero.

To those, I will say, Eamon is not a hero.

It's truly a pleasure to read your reactions as I write my chapters.

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