
Chapter 58: The Lord Loves All, and All Love the Lord

Chapter 58: The Lord Loves All, and All Love the Lord


Maric, with his limited knowledge of mysticism, couldn't fully comprehend the meaning of these words, but as an extraordinary individual who had survived many battles, he sensed the potential danger they implied.

"If reincarnation after death is clockwise, then resurrection is counterclockwise," Hastur briefly explained.


Maric's face paled. In the realm of mysticism, resurrection was absolutely taboo!

Everything related to it never ended well. Bloodshed and madness, corruption and destruction were the ultimate fates of such forbidden acts! "Are you certain?"

"I can't be, but it's a reasonable hypothesis."

Hastur shook his head. He was merely making a logical deduction based on his knowledge of mysticism. As for its accuracy, he had no assurance.

Perhaps he was overthinking it. Maybe the direction of the clock's hands had no real impact.

"We should report this to the Church of the Night," Maric hesitated. "Just the two of us might be too dangerous."

"Can we report anonymously?"

Hastur didn't want to expose his identity. Knowing the Church of the Night's inquisitors, they would surely investigate the source of such information.

Like casting a nightmare spell to interrogate you in your dreams, Hastur wasn't sure he could remain unaffected.

"That's difficult."

Maric scratched his head. As long as there was a mastermind, the Church of the Night would undoubtedly trace the clues back to their source.

"Count Richard is not a bad man; perhaps there's another opportunity."

Hastur decided to take a slight risk. Sometimes, being bold was an effective way to solve problems.

"You're not even an extraordinary person, and yet you dare to get involved in this?"

"Don't I have you to protect me?"

"...If it comes to a fight, I can't guarantee your safety."

"Don't worry, I still have some strength."

Maric glanced at Hastur's slender physique with disdain. "I have serious doubts about that statement."

"Sigh, alright, I'll come clean. I've already become an extraordinary person."

Facing potential danger, Hastur no longer hid his true nature, knowing that he would have to collaborate with Maric many times in the future.

"You, an extraordinary person? Which pathway?" Maric wasn't too surprised.

"The Lawyer pathway, rank 8 Barbarian."

Hastur didn't outright say it was the Black Emperor pathway, as many extraordinary individuals were unaware of the true significance of the Black Emperor.

"Wow, that was quick!"

"You nobles really do have money. It hasn't even been two months since your first visit to the Brave Bar, right?"

"Barbarian, you really don't look the part."

Maric marveled, feeling more confident about the night's operation.

Without the need to protect Hastur, he wasn't too afraid of the spiritual entity, especially at night.

"If Miss Sharon were here, our operation tonight would be even more secure," Hastur said with a smile.

"I'll leave her a message, but she might not be able to make it. She doesn't like complications."

Then, the two discussed the night's operation and quickly established the basic guidelines.

Maric would confront the potentially enraged spiritual entity, while Hastur would lead the ordinary people to safety. If Count Richard turned out to be malevolent, Hastur would take him down with a sneak attack.

After setting the guidelines, they discussed the details and potential unexpected developments.


Around midnight, the familiar sound of a whistle began to echo.

Hastur and Maric, who had been waiting by the lake for some time, exchanged glances and rose to seek out the source of the sound.

This was Hastur's first real encounter with such an extraordinary event, and he was a bit excited.

To ensure the success and safety of the night's operation, he had devised several suitable rules. Some could be used against enemies, others to cover their retreat.

In terms of weapons, he had strategically placed a sturdy wooden club near the center of the predicted ritual site.

If the ceremony was indeed at the location he anticipated, he could quickly grab the weapon and counterattack. If not, it meant the night was still safe.

As they approached the source of the sound, their expressions grew more solemn. They were heading towards the very spot Hastur had predicted.

This confirmed his guess. Count Richard and his group were indeed starting the ritual in a circular pattern, placing the most important thirteenth ritual at the center.

"It seems your prediction was correct."

"I don't feel happy about it at all."

"Be careful."

"You too. I hope I won't have to rescue you later."

"Save that advice for yourself."

With the operation imminent, Hastur went to retrieve his wooden club before joining Maric at the site of the burning fire.

A spacious area had been cleared, and many people were adding wood to the fire, making the flames roar even higher.

The turnout for tonight's gathering was nearly double that of the previous two, with over thirty people present.

Upon Hastur's arrival, Count Richard eagerly greeted him and introduced the grand ceremony they were about to conduct.

Hastur listened with a smile as Count Richard excitedly finished his introduction, then asked how he knew to hold the ceremony in such a manner.

"Of course, the Lord told me. He appeared in my dreams long ago, guiding me every step of the way. This ceremony, too, was directed by Him."

"Oh, and how does the Lord view this ceremony?"

"He said that as long as we act according to His will, we will surely receive His blessings. The souls of our deceased loved ones will finally rest in peace, reincarnate, and find happiness in the next life."

"And did your Lord say why there should be thirteen ceremonies? That's not a lucky number."

"I asked the Lord the same question. He said the first twelve ceremonies represent the twelve months of the year, and the last one signifies that the Lord's blessings will be with us at all times, forever."

Faced with Hastur's probing questions, Count Richard remained open, which made Hastur even more certain of the Count's innocence.

The situation they found themselves in was mainly due to his ignorance of mysticism and the malicious intent of the spiritual entity!

Hastur hesitated, then lowered his voice deliberately: "I've heard that those who can speak for God on earth are no ordinary people, are you?"

"I am an extraordinary person, rank 7 Spirit Medium."

Count Richard was clearly excited, his eyes blazing with fervor: "It's precisely because I can communicate with spirits that I can hear the Lord's guidance and become His spokesperson on earth."

"What an enviable fate."

"The Lord likes you too. If you're willing to become His follower, you can certainly become an extraordinary person!"

Hastur caught the keyword, "The Lord knows of my existence?"

"The night I first met you, the Lord mentioned in my dream that you are a promising seedling, well-suited to be His follower."

"I'm a promising seedling?"

"Yes, the Lord said you are well-suited to be a Secret Supplicant. If you wish, He can help you fulfill your desires."

Secret Supplicant?

Hastur felt a chill run down his spine, his heart skipping a beat, his mouth dry, and his body stiffening for a moment.

Why would he be suited to be a Secret Supplicant!

According to Count Richard's experience, the so-called Lord was undoubtedly the spiritual entity.

That highly intelligent spiritual entity, even if it saw him as a promising seedling, should have recommended the Death pathway, right?

Why would it think he's suited to be a Secret Supplicant!

Is it just a simple spiritual entity?

Or does he possess traits related to the Secret Supplicant pathway that he's unaware of?

The Secret Supplicant pathway belongs to the omnipotent pathway, the power of the stars. Could that be the reason?

It shouldn't be. With the status of the Star Palace, how could a spiritual entity easily discern the authority of the stars?

It must be for some other reason.

Damn! Could it be related to Mr. A?

That guy always gave him an ominous feeling, suggesting the Secret Supplicant pathway at their first meeting.

At that time, he thought Mr. A was merely appreciative of his looks.

Now, it seems there might be other factors.

Mr. A had been absent from his life for some time, almost forgotten.

Could Mr. A be lurking in the shadows now?

Hastur felt his scalp tingle, goosebumps rising. He dared not look around casually, lest he suddenly meet Mr. A's gaze and scare himself silly.

Perhaps he was overthinking it.

The highly intelligent spiritual entity might know what kind of organization Aurora would be, so it thought his looks suited him to be a member.

Mr. A must still be busy holding extraordinary gatherings; how could he come to such a remote place because of him?

Besides, the timing doesn't match.

It's been twelve days since Count Richard started the first ceremony, and he hadn't met Mr. A at that time.

Tonight's event should not involve Mr. A.

Hastur thought a lot, and his apprehension and worries gradually eased.

Seeing Hastur silent for a long time, Count Richard asked with concern, "Are you feeling unwell? You look a bit pale."

Hastur forced a smile, "I'm just overwhelmed by the honor."

"Don't worry too much. The Lord values every follower equally."


Count Richard explained, "The Lord loves newcomers. Whenever a new person appears, He guides them to a pathway suited for them.

Some are suited to be Watchers, some Sailors, some are suitable for lawyers, and some are suitable for singers..."


Some are suited for an audience, some for sailors, some for lawyers, and some for singers…"


Hastur raised an eyebrow. "Why didn't you mention such an important matter earlier?"

"We follow the Lord because of His meticulous care for us. He treats us with equal kindness, and we respond with sincere reverence."

"Yes, the Lord loves all people, and all people love the Lord," Hastur replied absentmindedly.

Count Richard's expression changed, his eyes brightened, and he muttered, "The Lord loves all people, and all people love the Lord…"

When he realized that the deity he believed in was actually the giant frog he considered an interdimensional messenger, he wondered what emotions would flood his heart.

Hastur's nervousness finally eased.

(End of this chapter)

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