
Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return

The stars twinkle, and everything is laid bare under their gaze. A hall of stars capable of convening meetings between the Old Ones and Outer Gods. Hastur Campbell, a fallen noble, begins his legend on the path of the Black Emperor. He is the symbol of chaos and order! He is the Lord of Order! He is the origin of all the rules of the starry sky! He is the returns of the stars

audiobook_world · Anime & Comics
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262 Chs

Chapter 52: Miss Audrey, What Kind ofBeyonder Do You Aspire to Be?

Chapter 52: Miss Audrey, What Kind of Beyonder Do You Aspire to Be?

The next morning, Hastur took a long-awaited trip to Beckland University, attended two classes with Professor Wayne, and then went to the cafeteria with Instructor Folen for a meal.

"I've got some matters to handle recently, so I won't have time to be a legal aid."

"That's a pity. I'll pass on the message for you."

Instructor Folen wasn't too surprised by Hastur's decision. A noble wouldn't likely focus on being a lawyer, let alone a legal aid.

After the meal, Hastur parted ways with Fowles and visited the courthouse, where he spent the afternoon listening.

Returning home at half-past five, Butler Neil approached with a worried expression.

"I took a tour of that manor this morning. It's simply too large. Hiring ten more people won't suffice; we need at least twenty to maintain every aspect of the estate."

Neil then described the manor to Hastur in detail.

The estate was vast, with three lakes within its bounds—one artificial lake in front of the garden and two more behind the house.

There were also sculpture gardens, an art gallery, a playground, and a wild forest park.

The main building had at least sixty rooms, not including washrooms, studies, balconies, kitchens, and other functional spaces.

Such estates are typically reserved for grand receptions, large banquets, and garden parties by the great nobility.

Only noble families of significant stature could maintain such a large estate.

Hastur listened quietly, quickly pondering one question: With such a vast estate, there must be many collectibles, right?

Collecting items of historical and monetary value as family exhibits is a tradition among the great nobility.

Just a few pieces from the collection could sell for thousands, if not tens of thousands of pounds, right?

Butler Neil broke his reverie, "The manor isn't suitable for visitors at the moment. Aside from some necessities, everything else, including the collectibles, has been cleared out. It's quite unbecoming for a noble."

He chose his words carefully, not directly saying that the collectibles were gambled away by the previous Baron Campbell.


Hastur had only one thought: Damn the gambling! Such a vast fortune, if not squandered on gambling, would last a lifetime even with lavish spending.

"To move in, besides the necessary cleaning and grooming, we'll need to replenish some missing items and repair certain areas. It will be a considerable expense."

"Would 100 pounds suffice?" Hastur asked with a headache.

"Not very dignified," Neil hesitated before responding.

"…200 pounds."

"I'll strive to settle this within five days."

"Alright, let's leave it at that for now."

Hastur sighed. The compensation he had just reclaimed from Andrew hadn't even warmed in his hands before it needed to be spent.

The life of a noble is indeed like pouring money down the drain!

April 11th, Tuesday.

Glantrant hosted a small gathering at his villa, and under his urging, Hastur arrived an hour early.

The true attendees that evening were only Glantrant, Hastur, Audrey, and Fors.

Glantrant hadn't planned to invite Fors, but considering Audrey was the only lady present, which could lead to awkwardness, he sent an invitation to Fors.

It was also a way to thank Fors for her hard work in procuring the potion formula for the pharmacist.

"Hastur, I've prepared all theBeyonder materials. What should I do now?"

Glantrant looked excitedly at the table full of materials.

"It's simple. Just mix them according to the dosage listed in the formula."

"…That's it?"

Glantrant blinked, feeling the process was too simple.

BecomingBeyonder should have something special about it, even if no ceremony was required, right?

"Sometimes, becomingBeyonder is that simple," Hastur said with a smile.

"Hastur, you mix them for me."

Hastur's smile faded as he spoke earnestly, "Glantrant, theBeyonder world is far more dangerous than you imagine. Some things you must handle yourself. Constantly seeking help won't get you far in theBeyonder world."

"…So I should mix it myself?"

"Yes, I'll guide you."


Glantrant took a few deep breaths and slowly began mixing theBeyonder materials according to the potion formula, eventually condensing them into a cup of thick green liquid.

Smelling the pungent potion, Glantrant's features scrunched up, but under Hastur's watchful eye, he downed the pharmacist potion in one gulp.

"Remember, every time you take a potion, it's a contest with madness. Suppress the madness, maintain your sanity, and try not to be affected by the bizarre phenomena and murmurs…"

Hastur carefully guided Glantrant, helping him through this phase.

As for initiatingBeyonder abilities like clairvoyance, Hastur planned to tell Glantrant after a few days of rest.

He always felt that Glantrant lacked talent in mysticism, and it was better to progress step by step.

Regarding the Law of Role and the twoBeyonder laws, he wouldn't tell him but would guide him gradually.

Otherwise, with Glantrant's blabbermouth, he could easily leak this knowledge and bring trouble and danger upon himself.

When the two emerged from the secret room, Audrey and Fors had been waiting in the study for over ten minutes.

Although the two were strangers, there was no awkward silence.

"I'm the one who delayed us."

Glantrant laughed awkwardly, then introduced Audrey and Fors to each other.

"You've becomeBeyonder?"

Fors noticed Glantrant's pale face and cold sweat on his forehead, with spiritual power seemingly overflowing, leading her to speculate.

Hearing this, Audrey also looked curious.

Glantrant lifted his chin, unable to hide his smile, and declared loudly, "Yes, I am now anBeyonder, a Sequence 9 Pharmacist!"

Glantrant's penchant for showing off betrayed his youthfulness.

Hastur sighed inwardly. If it were him, he would never boast about such things, let alone let others know he wasBeyonder.

Extraordinary? Glantrant really succeeded!

Audrey was shocked. She too was pursuing the Beyonder path but hadn't yet made the first step.

She hadn't expected Glantrant to get ahead of her in this regard.

Fors, on the other hand, was unfazed, still lounging lazily on the sofa.

Audrey said enviously, "Glantrant, I didn't expect you to beat me to it."

"All thanks to my good friend, Hastur. He found the pharmacist potion formula for me, allowing me to successfully enter theBeyonder world."

Glantrant warmly credited Hastur, following Maric's advice from their conversation to keep his identity secret.

"Is Baron Campbell alsoBeyonder?" Audrey's curious gaze fell on Hastur.

Glantrant was equally curious.

Hastur smiled and said, "I haven't decided which path to take yet."

"Weren't you successful in conducting a resurrection ritual?"

Audrey grew more curious, having heard many legendary stories about Hastur from Glantrant.

"Because I narrowly survived once, I dare not step onto theBeyonder path lightly."

Hastur gestured in front of him, drawing a crimson moon, and devoutly said, "Praise the goddess."

Audrey was taken aback, "Is theBeyonder path that dangerous?"

"Yes, it's more dangerous than the adventure stories in books, but also more magical."

Looking into Audrey's innocent eyes, Hastur added, "If you're not fully committed, it's better not to enter theBeyonder world. Being a noble is also a fine choice."

"Yes, theBeyonder world is dangerous and frightening."

Fors had the authority to speak on this matter, having experienced danger more than once, especially on the night of the fifteen full moons.

"I'll give it some thought," Audrey said with a smile. "Thank you for the advice, Baron Campbell and Miss Fors."

"Don't worry, I'll be a pioneer, clearing the way for you," Glantrant said, a bit carried away.

Audrey remained silent, preferring the idea of Baron Campbell guiding her on theBeyonder path over the ever-boastful Glantrant.

In both demeanor and knowledge of mysticism, Hastur far surpassed Glantrant.

"Miss Audrey, if you have any questions about mysticism, feel free to ask my good friend Hastur."

Having shown his excellence, Glantrant decided not to push himself further and prepared to rest, as his headache was severe.

Soon, Glantrant found an excuse to leave, entrusting Hastur to entertain Audrey and Fors.

"Miss Audrey, what kind ofBeyonder do you wish to be?" Hastur asked with a smile, to avoid any awkwardness.

"Mysterious, powerful, omnipotent," Audrey replied, her cheeks flushing, wondering if her words were too naive.

"Miss Audrey's thoughts align with my own past fantasies about theBeyonder," Fors took over the conversation.

"Aren't all extraordinaries like that?"

"Of course not. SomeBeyonder paths are cruel. They may be powerful, but their journey is marked by bloodshed and slaughter."

"Is it that terrifying?"

"Yes, they are more dreadful than the vilest criminals in novels."

Audrey was slightly frightened by Fors's words and looked to Hastur for clarification.

Hastur reassured with a smile, "Madness and chaos are indeed common, but there are also better kinds of extraordinaries, like pharmacists, who can heal diseases that regular doctors can't."

"Readers, Knowers, and Secret Observers pursue knowledge, using it to help others and even advance society as a whole."

"It is said that Emperor Roselle was once a Knower, and many of the technologies he developed still improve our lives today."

Hastur spoke at length, but without delving too deeply, touching only on the level of Sequence 9.

As for the Law of Roleplay, theBeyonder laws, and the existence of Sequence 0 above Sequence 1, he wouldn't utter a word.

(End of Chapter)