
Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return

The stars twinkle, and everything is laid bare under their gaze. A hall of stars capable of convening meetings between the Old Ones and Outer Gods. Hastur Campbell, a fallen noble, begins his legend on the path of the Black Emperor. He is the symbol of chaos and order! He is the Lord of Order! He is the origin of all the rules of the starry sky! He is the returns of the stars

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307 Chs

Chapter 5: Sequence 9 - Lawyer

Chapter 5: Sequence 9 -Lawyer

Returning home, Hastar took out the paper that recorded the potion formulas for lawyers and memorized the required extraordinary and auxiliary materials.

Extraordinary Materials: A stalk of Jade Orchid, five drops of Black-patterned Serpent's blood.

Auxiliary Materials: 10 milligrams of crushed pear tree bark, a stalk of Sweet Elephant Grass, ten drops of Rose Dew, and 100 milliliters of beer (Southwell beer is preferred).

The method of consumption is quite simple: mix all the ingredients, stir well, and drink it in one gulp.

These materials are relatively common and not too difficult to collect. The hardest to find, the Black-patterned Serpent's blood, can be purchased from the black market that sells extraordinary materials.

The extraordinary materials for the last resurrection ritual were also bought in that black market.

"Tomorrow, I will become an beyonder It's truly exciting."

To celebrate a little, Hastar went downstairs to the kitchen and cooked a fragrant pan-seared steak, sprinkling it with plenty of seasonings, making it very tender and tempting.

After enjoying his midnight snack, he went to the study with heavy steps and continued to read introductory books on law.

The next morning, Hastar washed up, hurriedly had breakfast, and locked the doors and windows before leaving the house.

It was nearly three in the afternoon when he finally purchased all the necessary materials.

Back home, he chose to concoct the magical potion in the kitchen.

He poured the various ingredients into a pot, stirred them carefully with chopsticks until evenly mixed, and then poured the mixture into a bowl.

He sniffed it lightly; the smell wasn't very pleasant, but fortunately, the aroma of the Southwell beer masked most of the other scents.

Hastar closed his eyes and drank the potion in one breath.

It was very cold upon entry, not lingering in the mouth for long, quickly flowing down his throat into his stomach.

His body began to heat up, then veins on his forehead throbbed, and his ears faintly heard whispers .

In his mind, it seemed as if a starry sky rose, chains representing order and rules descended from the heavens, and bursts of light bloomed in the cosmos, symbolizing knowledge, illusions, and the watchful eyes of malevolent gods.

Hastar tried to remain calm, imagining the Hall of Stars in his mind, clearly outlining its shape and the eleven chairs.

Soon, all the illusions and sounds dissipated, the heat in his body subsided, replaced by an exceptionally cool sensation.

He closed his eyes, keenly sensing the changes within his body while assimilating the new knowledge in his mind.

The Lawyer, guardian of order and finder of loopholes, understands and utilizes the order of rules to benefit oneself.

The main abilities are threefold:

First, adept at finding and exploiting the loopholes in rules and the weaknesses of targets, skilled at striking opponents with order.

Second, possessing eloquent speech, easily persuading others, and capable of distorting or guiding targets' thoughts to some extent.

Third, the mind becomes exceptionally agile, seemingly possessing an extraordinary ability to see through others' psychological activities.

Other abilities are also enhanced, such as improved physical constitution, active thinking conducive to learning new knowledge, and a memory stronger than that of ordinary people.

Hastar silently experienced his new abilities as a Lawyer until he roughly understood and mastered them before reopening his eyes.

Compared to other beyonder pathways, Lawyers are not suited for combat and possess little fighting ability.

They are more suited to be negotiators, naturally persuasive, making others act according to their will, with a certain dominion implied.

"Next is to try initiating spiritual vision."

Hastar turned off the room's table lamp, plunging the surroundings into darkness.

In the dark, he focused his attention on the area between his eyebrows and eyes, repeatedly trying to open and close his eyes.

Before long, other colors appeared in the dark world, somewhat similar to the Yin-Yang eyes in movies that can see ghosts and spirits.

He looked around the room several times; those extraordinary materials not yet fully used each glowed with different lights, while things without life or extraordinary power looked the same as usual.

Gradually adapting to this state of spiritual vision, he stopped when a pain emerged in his brow and a swelling sensation in his head.

After a brief rest, he set a simple switch for his spiritual vision, snapping his fingers twice in succession.

Feeling that this was too ostentatious and obvious, he changed the switch to rubbing his thumb against his index finger three times.

It was somewhat like the action of counting money.

After practicing for a while, a painful sensation of being overburdened spread from his brow and temples.

Hastar stopped the spiritual vision, dizzily supported himself against the wall and banister, went upstairs, pushed open the bedroom door, and fell straight onto the bed, soon falling asleep.

In his dream, the Hall of Stars reappeared, this time with some changes.

The stars in the sky were exceptionally bright, a thick platinum chain sparkling with brilliant starlight descended from the sky, hanging behind the first chair.

Besides this significant change, Hastar also keenly felt that the power of order and rules in the Hall of Stars had greatly increased.

He glanced around a few times, then rubbed his right index finger and thumb together three times.

Spiritual vision activated, and the first thing that caught his eye was a vast expanse of dazzling starlight.

He seemed to be at the center of the entire cosmos, with stars revolving and converging around him.

The platinum chain that fell from the sky transformed into a colossal pillar that propped up the heavens and fixed the flow of the Milky Way!

He then looked at himself, vaguely dotted with starlight, a pure astral body.

Every time, he came to the Hall of Stars in the form of an astral body.

After a few rounds, he closed his spiritual vision.

He walked to the first chair and sat down, a new enlightenment emerging in his mind.

The Chain of Order, the Pillar of Rules, an opportunity to establish new order and rules.

Hastar clearly understood the first two terms, but the last sentence about establishing new order and rules left him puzzled.

Does it mean he can set any rule that will affect both the Hall of Stars and himself in reality?

If he sets a rule that he can get things for free, does that mean he won't have to pay for anything in the future?

It can't be that simple, can it?

No, getting things without paying doesn't seem to require the Hall of Stars.

He could do that anytime in reality, as long as he isn't afraid of being caught and beaten by the merchant, or being invited to the police station for a chat.

It's somewhat like the power of a wishing lamp; it can fulfill your wishes, but the way it fulfills them may not be what you want to see.

For example, setting a rule that one will never die.

It sounds like one could live forever, but in reality, one might be sealed in a dimension where time doesn't flow.

In a space where time is completely stopped, one indeed wouldn't die, but would also be imprisoned forever, unable to regain freedom.

What's the use of such immortality?

Or, for instance, setting a rule that one will inevitably become a god.

Does that require specifying the exact time of becoming a god?

Even if there's a specific time, can one really become a god, and if so, a true god or a malevolent one?

There are too many possibilities, too much uncertainty.

And does such a wish-like usage conform to the meaning of order and rules?

Order emphasizes being organized and not chaotic, while sequence emphasizes having a sequence and not being inverted.

It implies that there is a certain degree of consistency in both natural and social processes, a state that is stable and sustainable.

Rules are similar to laws, a set of systems and statutes that everyone must follow.

These two are similar yet not identical.

If he were to explain it, he would find it difficult to clarify completely, as he has only just stepped through the door to the beyonder pathways and has limited understanding of both.

He could only use a simple example to make a slight distinction, such as jaywalking.

Most people will consciously abide by the order of stopping at a red light and walking at a green light, crossing the road together when the green light turns on.

This is an order, not requiring coercion or driving by others, more of a self-consciousness.

But there are always people who don't want to follow this order, insisting on crossing the road when the red light is on, and then they get hit by cars, leading to traffic accidents.

When a traffic accident occurs, it's natural to analyze the cause of the accident, then assign responsibility, and finally judge and handle the situation based on primary or sole responsibility.

In this process, the traffic police and judges base their decisions on the law, which is a rule.

One could say that rules have a more compulsory nature; everyone must abide by this rule, whether you're willing to accept it or not, the rule won't shift because of one person.

Of course, this only discusses the most ideal situation.

In reality, there are many exceptions; where there is order, there will be shadows, and where there are rules, there will be loopholes.

Hastar thought of the significance symbolized by lawyers; no matter what kind of order and rules, there will inevitably be shadows and loopholes.

No matter what rule he eventually sets, it will inevitably not be perfect.

Faced with this situation, one can only try to avoid and reduce the emergence of significant shadows and loopholes through appropriate language.

"It's really hard to decide."

Hastar put aside the various thoughts in his mind, not having any good ideas at the moment. Since there was still some distance before advancing to Sequence 8 Barbarian, he could take his time to think about it.

Setting aside this matter for now, Hastar's gaze fell on the chain that represented order and rules. He should be able to command it now, right?

With a thought, the chain hanging behind the chair floated up, following his will, flying left and right, sometimes coiling into a circle, sometimes forming a fishing rod.

He named this chain that represented order and rules the Chain of Order!

After practicing until he could wield it as easily as his own limb, Hastar looked towards the star that represented the Lamp Genie.

It was time to find a test subject for the Chain of Order.

(End of Chapter)