
Chapter 35: A Future in Tune with the Times

Chapter 35: A Future in Tune with the Times

"Oh, do you know my master? Miss Audrey, despite her usual dignified and elegant appearance, actually harbors a child inside who has yet to grow up."

"Yes, my master also has a side unknown to others. You might see him as a nobleman with a sunny and brilliant smile in public, but in private, he's quite scheming and even enjoys desserts typically favored by children."

"Miss Audrey sometimes talks to herself and likes to ask me for advice on her problems, but I'm just a dog, and it's really hard for me to answer these questions for her."

"My master loves to tease me, but those actions seem so childish to me. I can only be more patient and play along with him for a while."

"Sigh, they really don't make it easy for us. We're just dogs, yet we have to worry so much about them."

"Yes, we are indeed just dogs."

The two extraordinary dogs exchanged glances, falling into deep thought.

Such a scene feels so familiar! Hastur shuddered and decided to give up the idea of getting a dog like Susie that would match his extraordinary nature.

If they were really put together, who knows what kind of conversations they would have.

He guessed that his and Audrey's secrets would be completely exposed.

Better to keep other extraordinary creatures instead, like a cat, which would be nice.

It could go out to gather some intelligence, and when there's nothing else to do, he could enjoy petting the cat.

It would be best to enhance its combat ability so that it could chase Susie around in the future.

Lost in his thoughts, Hastur, who was lying on the ground sleeping, shivered. He glanced around in panic and then looked fearfully at Hastur, who was deep in thought.

The little wisdom he had told him: this human is not to be trifled with, better to stay away from him in the future.

Susie got up, rubbed against Audrey's pant leg, and then lay down again where Hastur couldn't see, wagging her golden tail.

With no sight of Susie, Hastur gathered his scattered thoughts and turned his attention back to the book in his hands.

The law book worthy ofGray 's collection was unusual, both in content and the theme it represented—rebellious yet righteous.

The author harshly criticized the imperfections of the Rune Law, believing that it focused too much on the interests of the nobility. The nobles of old no longer had the ability to make new "cakes," and power should be transferred, at least away from the old elite.

In this process, the law must focus on justice, both procedural and substantive, to give ordinary people hope that everyone is equal before the law.

The more Hastur read, the more he felt that the book resembled the style of Lecturer Volen, emphasizing the justice of rules.

"Could this book actually be written by Lecturer Volen?"

Flipping through a few more pages, Hastur felt that the content was very much like what Lecturer Volen would say. He turned directly to the last page, where instead of finding Lecturer Volen's name, he saw Professor Wayne's name.

Wayne Erick! "Tsk, the young Professor Wayne was actually today's Lecturer Volen."

Hastur whispered with a faint smile, closing the book without the desire to read any further.

Of course, there were many flaws in the Rune Law, but many were there to protect the interests of the nobility, and he was a noble.

In the future, he would certainly not be limited to being a baron but would become a duke, a prince.

This was not only the glory of the Campbell family's rise but also the inevitable path of his extraordinary journey.

When he stood at the pinnacle of the nobility, his interests would naturally represent those of the nobles.

Weakening his own interests to perfect the law was not a choice he believed he would make once he reached that position.

Equality and freedom sound wonderful, but they are not suitable for this era.

He quite agreed with the concept revealed by Adam's ascension to godhood, a future in tune with the times.

Every era has its own wave, and he wouldn't stir up trouble in the dark like Adam, but he wouldn't mind giving a little push when the new wave came.

The end of the world was approaching, and upon reflection, such matters hardly seemed significant.

Hastur leaned back on the sofa, eyes closed in contemplation.

It wasn't until the sound of the door opening again that he opened his eyes.

The figures entering were tonight's protagonist,Gray , and Audrey's elder brother, Hibbert.

"This is my good friend, Hastur Campbell, the current heir to the Campbell family,"Gray introduced with a smile.

"I've heard the name Baron Campbell from many noble ladies, and seeing you today, I realize they were too modest."

Hibbert made a small joke to express his friendliness and closeness. "To see Lord Hibbert, I can understand how handsome Count Holbert was in his youth."

After a few words of greeting,Gray and Hibbert also sat on the sofa.

Deep in the bookshelves, Audrey, who was browsing through books, paused for a moment and listened carefully before whispering to herself: "So he is Baron Hastur Campbell, knowledgeable in the mystic arts. This time, Grelin didn't seem to overpraise his friend."

Her first impression of Baron Hastur Campbell was that of a scholar who loved reading and studying knowledge.

This gave credibility to Grelin's statement about his profound knowledge of the mystic arts.

"Woof woof!"

Susie suddenly barked twice, interrupting Audrey's thoughts and successfully drawing the attention of the three people on the sofa.

"Is my sister here too?" Hibbert still wore a smile, but his expression became more serious.

"She said she wanted to visit my study earlier, I didn't expect her to come to this one."

AsGray spoke, he glanced at Hastur curiously and asked, "Hastur, have you had any unpleasant conversations with Miss Audrey?"

This question was difficult for Hastur to answer. Since Audrey entered, he had only spoken one sentence to her.

To say it out loud would be quite impolite.

After all, faced with Audrey's beauty, few men could resist the urge to converse with her. Seeing Hastur not responding immediately, Hibbert frowned slightly, andGray teased, "Hastur, as a nobleman, excessive enthusiasm in the presence of a beautiful lady can make her avoid you."

Clearly,Gray and Hibbert had misunderstood something.

Hastur sighed; he had no intention of flirting with Audrey.

"Miss Audrey's beauty stunned me so much that I only managed to utter a word of praise," Hastur tried to put it as delicately as possible.

"Dear brother, your furrowed brow suggests you suspect Baron Campbell of some impolite act towards me? If so, you might lose an excellent friend in Baron Campbell."

Audrey came forward with a smile, accompanied by her personal maid, teasing her brother to defuse the slightly awkward atmosphere.

Hibbert laughed, "Your beauty always makes me, your brother, deeply worried for you. Any excessive speculation seems reasonable in light of your beauty."

A question and answer dispelled the awkward atmosphere, typical of nobles adept at social conversation, making it comfortable to listen to.

Greck, as the protagonist of the evening, chatted for a while before going downstairs to greet other guests.

Hibbert was very interested in Hastur, one of the few peopleGray called a friend. Even he was only considered a partner, a political and business ally, inGray 's eyes.

Audrey was also interested in the mystic knowledge Hastur possessed, but she wasn't in a hurry. After chatting for a while, she left, escorted by her personal maid, giving the evening's conversation opportunity to her brother.

"We've met before when you were very young. I didn't expect it to be several years before we met again."

With no outsiders present, Hibbert's tone was much more casual.

"Yes, it must have been five years."

Hastur had seen Hibbert at a banquet before. At that time, Voltaire Campbell had not yet lost the house in the Queen's District. As the heir to a hereditary earldom, it was normal for him to attend such high-society gatherings.

"Five years, such a long time. Looking at you, I can't help but think of my brother far away in the Southern Continent."

"He must also miss you, his brother, in the Southern Continent."

Hastur smiled back, thinking to himself, "If it weren't for you, your brother probably wouldn't have left Beckland to pioneer and struggle in the Southern Continent."

In a noble family, there can only be one heir. Hibbert was luckier than his brother Alfred Holbert because he was born into this world earlier, so the different destinies of the two were set.

If Alfred didn't leave Beckland, he would have to rely on Hibbert for life. Although he would have no worries about food and clothing and a comfortable life, he would never see a chance to rise.

Going to the Southern Continent to struggle was Alfred's only choice out of self-respect and the desire to prove himself.

The ball had ended, and those who had taken a liking to each other had already arranged to meet in the back garden. Those who found no one could only silently savor the loneliness of the night.

Madame Germani, who had no interest in other men, was sulking, enviously observing the noble ladies who seemed even more radiant than before.

What made her even angrier was that, not long ago,Gray 's butler had come to tell her a word, asking her not to pester Baron Hastur Campbell anymore to avoid tarnishing his reputation.

(End of Chapter)

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