
Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return

The stars twinkle, and everything is laid bare under their gaze. A hall of stars capable of convening meetings between the Old Ones and Outer Gods. Hastur Campbell, a fallen noble, begins his legend on the path of the Black Emperor. He is the symbol of chaos and order! He is the Lord of Order! He is the origin of all the rules of the starry sky! He is the returns of the stars

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Chapter 33: First Meeting, Miss Justice

Chapter 33: First Meeting, Miss Justice

If Professor Wayne had not been candid in today's conversation and had tried to deceive me as he did with Lecturer Folen, I would have certainly harbored some resentment.

In the future, I would only learn from Professor Wayne's knowledge and disregard his so-called grand aspirations.

But Professor Wayne, a seasoned lawyer adept at understanding people, knew exactly what to say and do with someone like me.

It seems he had set his sights on me when I went to study law at Beckland University, taking the initiative to become my legal mentor.

Otherwise, not even the president of Beckland University could have arranged this.

Having made a deal with the old butler, possessing the Campbell family's land deeds, and being my law professor are all in his favor.

I'm still young, not yet fully integrated into the noble circles, and yet, Gray Kenigan , the heir to the dukedom, remains a close friend.

Such a promising individual is a plus for me in his eyes.

Why does it seem that beneath the surface of warmth, there's nothing but naked calculation?

Is this also a lesson Professor Wayne intends to teach me? Hastur pondered, and Professor Wayne across from him said with a smile, "Not bad, you indeed learn quickly."

A single answer seemed to address two questions.

"Being good at learning has always been my strength."

Hastur smiled too, regardless of Professor Wayne's intentions, he had never wronged me.

The two chatted for a while, and Lecturer Folen, who had gone home for a brief rest, also arrived at Professor Wayne's house.

As the three of them talked, the conversation turned back to the almshouse.

"Is Dean Darn truly the root of all evil?"

Hastur raised the question, hinting to Professor Wayne that Dean Darn was not a good person, and neither was Vice Dean Bard, who was always at odds with him.

Professor Wayne sighed, "Whether he's the root or not, who can say for sure? As long as the children living in the almshouse have a better life, then our actions have meaning."

Seeing this, Hastur said no more; he probably wouldn't visit that almshouse again.

The three talked until after four in the afternoon, and then Hastur left. He needed to rest before preparing for Greck's banquet tonight.

Attending a banquet hosted by such a high-ranking noble required extensive preparation.

Proper attire, suitable perfume, a light meal before the banquet, and knowing which high-ranking nobles would be attending to avoid unfamiliarity.

Even the timing of departure and arrival at the banquet venue was crucial.

Generally, the higher the status of the noble, the later they would arrive.

Arriving later than them would invite ridicule and displeasure.

Arriving at the same time would make one's entrance seem dull and displease the high nobility.

"What class, daring to arrive at the banquet with me?" That's probably their mindset.

Only by arriving earlier than the high nobility would one have the chance to make a charming entrance.

Noble ladies are most familiar and concerned with this matter.

Many noble ladies start preparing for the banquet days in advance.

New clothes, new jewels, new diamond rings, new perfumes…

They strive to present themselves in the best possible light.

If one is fortunate enough to receive an invitation to a royal banquet, the preparations become even more daunting.

Sometimes, to fit into a well-tailored dress, they would diet in advance, even tighten their belts and take laxatives to make their waists appear slimmer.

The banquet hosted by Greck as the protagonist wasn't as exaggerated; after all, he wasn't Duke Nigan, and the real high nobility generally only let their descendants attend.

It was important, but not terrifyingly so.

Neil was a very reliable butler, adept at handling these matters.

He believed that although the Campbell family had declined, they were not comparable to ordinary nobility, at least on par with common earls.

After all, it was a hereditary title; if not for Voltaire Campbell's outrageous behavior, Hastur would have inherited the earldom.

The gap between an earl and a baron is quite significant.

For this reason, Neil modified Voltaire Campbell's exclusive carriage to serve as Hastur's carriage for tonight.

Hastur didn't inquire about these meticulous arrangements, leaving everything to Neil.

As Neil himself said, "If a noble is troubled by such matters, then their butler is certainly incompetent."

Hastur had only one thing to do: wash up, spray on fragrance, dress in formal attire, and calmly await the banquet's arrival.

Queen's District, the Earl of Hol's residence.

The setting sun's afterglow streamed through the brightly colored stained glass, gently falling on the golden hair of an elegant and noble young lady seated at a desk by the window.

The young lady was earnestly flipping through a book, with a large golden-haired dog lying at her feet.

It closed its eyes, lazily wagging its tail as if to dispel the room's boredom.

Thump, thump, thump! The study door was suddenly knocked, and the sleeping golden retriever shook its golden fur and quickly rose from the ground.

"Who is it?"

The young lady propped a finger on the page, poised elegantly as she looked towards the door.

"Miss, may I come in? It's time for you to get ready," the personal maid asked from outside.

The young lady placed a bookmark on the latest page, then closed the book and spoke gently, "Come in."

"Miss, you've agreed to attend Lord Greck's banquet tonight, and it's time to start trying on dresses," the personal maid entered.

"Mm, alright."

"What style of jewels would you like to wear tonight?"

"The blue teardrop ones."

The young lady's responses were brief. While speaking, she bent down to playfully stroke the golden retriever's chin.

The personal maid asked a few more questions about the young lady's preferences for the evening before turning to leave, preparing clothes, jewels, perfume, and other items.

The young lady seemed uninterested in these matters, casually leaving the arrangements to her personal maid.

She had some impression of Greck; he was said to have a good relationship with her elder brother and was skilled in business.

If nothing unexpected happened, this Lord Greck would be the next Duke Kenigan .

For these reasons, she didn't decline the invitation to tonight's banquet.

"Susie, when do you think I'll find the door to the mysterious world?"

"Viscount Grelint has been recommending someone to me lately, someone named Hastur Campbell, a young baron who has conducted a resurrection ceremony and survived, with profound knowledge in mysticism."

"Tonight, I'll take the opportunity to observe Baron Campbell. If my impression is good, I'll accept Viscount Grelint's invitation to the next banquet."

The young lady's gentle and soothing voice flowed into the golden retriever's ears, eliciting two barks in response.

As night fell, factory workers, exhausted from the day, returned home for dinner and rest.

But for the nobles, the beautiful time was just beginning.

Luxurious yet elegant carriages, with the pleasant sound of horse hooves, traveled along King's Road in the Queen's District.

Gray Kenigan , the next heir to the Duke of Nigan, hosted a banquet that belonged to the upper echelons of the noble circle.

The evening banquet began at half-past seven, located in the northern part of the Queen's District, on a private estate of the Nigan family.

Around seven o'clock, the carriages of nobles began to arrive one after another.

One by one, the noble ladies, dressed in gorgeous and delicate attire, adorned with various jewels and diamond rings, stepped down from the carriages with confident and graceful smiles, entering the estate.

They chatted about the latest popular skirt styles, discussed which perfumes were more fragrant and elegant, and some bolder ladies whispered about which gentleman present tonight was more outstanding.

As for the invited male nobles, they naturally gave the best spots to the ladies for conversation, standing on the periphery with wine glasses in hand, admiring the deliberately revealed graceful figures of the noble ladies.

They then talked about recent news from various parts of the kingdom and some of the nobles' romantic escapades.

The carriage of the Earl of Hol arrived almost at the tail end of seven-thirty.

When Audrey Hol, Beckland's most dazzling gem, emerged from the carriage, all the lights seemed to dim in comparison.

Her golden hair was like pure sunlight, smooth and lustrous, her emerald eyes as deep as the ocean, like a dazzling gem hidden underground.

She didn't need to compete for attention; standing among the crowd, she was the most radiant light.

Holding their breath to admire her beauty was the unanimous choice of the male nobles present.

Not many had the chance to see the pearl of the Earl of Hol's family at a banquet, and for many, each sighting was a baptism of beauty.

Greck, the protagonist of the banquet, and Herbert Hol came out to welcome Audrey's arrival.

"Your presence adds much brilliance to my banquet."

"You are my proudest sister and the most dazzling gem tonight."

Not far away, Hastur raised his wine glass, looking at Audrey with a smile, and whispered softly, "First meeting, Miss Justice."

(End of Chapter)