
Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return

The stars twinkle, and everything is laid bare under their gaze. A hall of stars capable of convening meetings between the Old Ones and Outer Gods. Hastur Campbell, a fallen noble, begins his legend on the path of the Black Emperor. He is the symbol of chaos and order! He is the Lord of Order! He is the origin of all the rules of the starry sky! He is the returns of the stars

audiobook_world · Anime & Comics
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307 Chs

Chapter 303: On Unknowingly Dominating the Seas

Chapter 303: On Unknowingly Dominating the Seas

Nast's gaze instantly turned sharp. "You want to take my Black Emperor?"

"I have no interest in that for now. You keep it for me."


Nast's face darkened, but he didn't dare to act out just yet. He felt deeply frustrated. What kind of world was this, where all sorts of monsters and demons appeared, and even the seas were no longer peaceful?

"You seem to have been lingering around the waters near Southwell County recently?"

"Is that why you came to see me?" Nast didn't answer but instead asked back.

Hastur's eyes narrowed slightly, his tone carrying a hint of amusement. "It seems you still don't understand that humility is a virtue."

Before Nast could respond, two chains of order shot out from Hastur's body like sparks, binding Nast before he could react.

Nast's face changed dramatically. He tried to break free, but no matter how hard he struggled, the chains wrapped around him didn't budge and couldn't be destroyed.

Nast's face turned completely dark. "Do you really have to do this?"

"I'm just making you face reality."

Hastur smiled faintly and said, "Kneel."


Nast's legs gave out uncontrollably, and his once tall and proud figure could only bow its head.


Stimulated, Nast revealed his mythical creature form, but the chains binding his body and soul held him firmly.

After futile struggles, Nast gradually calmed down from his rage.

"Understand your position, and our future interactions will be less exhausting."

Hastur retracted the two chains of order from Nast's body.

But just as he did, Nast's eyes flashed with determination, and he suddenly attacked.

Countless black tentacles, filled with chaos and corruption, emerged from all directions, as if to drag Hastur into the abyss of death.

Simultaneously, the Black Emperor, driven by Nast, began to shift into a ghostly state and entered the spirit world.

Nast himself quickly escaped into the spirit world aboard the ghostly Black Emperor.


Hastur then realized that the true Black Emperor was a ghost ship, capable of overlapping with real ships.

Nast must have created an identical ship to serve as a vessel for the real Black Emperor.

Thus, on the Black Emperor, Nast could perform various extraordinary feats.

Hastur wasn't in a hurry to chase Nast into the spirit world. He slowly opened a portal and entered.

The Black Emperor moved quickly, disappearing into the depths of the spirit world.

But Hastur still knew its location, despite Nast's attempts to hide.

Hastur silently communicated with the Hall of Stars, retrieving the Black Emperor card.

With the Black Emperor card in hand, the Hall of Stars could perform many tricks.

Sensing Nast's escape was a simple ability.

Moreover, the gaze of the stars sees all.

Even high-dimensional overseers can't avoid it, so how could Nast hide his tracks?

When Hastur found the Black Emperor, Nast was kneeling on one knee on the deck, his body trembling.

In front of him was a giant firebird with a wingspan of about ten meters.

To be precise, it was a much larger phoenix.

Hastur landed steadily on the deck, looking at the phoenix ahead.

This was their first meeting in such a manner.

With just one glance, Hastur knew that the phoenix, Gregary, had recognized his true identity.

After all, they had a contract, and in the spirit world, more hidden secrets could be revealed.

"Why are you here?"


Gregary didn't speak human language, but Hastur understood its meaning.

It sensed his presence in the spirit world and came out for a stroll, helping to catch this little bug along the way.

Hastur nodded with a smile. "You've grown quite a bit recently."


The phoenix, originally with a wingspan of ten meters, shrank to the size of a small firebird.

"Go back and rest. I'll handle this little bug myself."


The small firebird flew away like a tiny fireball, thoughtfully dispersing the powerful spirit world creatures that had come to watch.

Only after the firebird's figure completely disappeared did Nast dare to slightly raise his head, his body no longer trembling.

But he still didn't stand up, remaining on his knees.

Because Hastur stood before him, holding the Black Emperor card he had longed for.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Hastur's casual words made Nast tremble involuntarily.

The tangible majesty of the Black Emperor weighed on his heart, making his heartbeat slow and his breathing heavy.

"If you..." Nast smiled bitterly, unable to finish his sentence, and sighed deeply.

If this mysterious visitor had shown the Black Emperor card earlier, he would have been willing to cooperate and even flatter him.

If he had known there was such a terrifying presence in the spirit world, he wouldn't have had any thoughts of resistance.

It was too terrifying!

When the giant firebird appeared before him, he felt his soul freeze, and all he could do was kneel and submit.

This was not a being on the same level as him; he didn't even dare to think of escaping.

At least a Sequence 1 terrifying existence, maybe even more, just a step away from godhood.

As for higher, he didn't dare to guess.

He was just a small Sequence 3!

He couldn't withstand so many powerful beings!

For the first time in his life, Nast felt how small and helpless Sequence 3 was.

Even though he was just one step away from becoming an angel on earth.

"I am willing to submit."

After a long silence, Nast chose to surrender without Hastur's prompting.

After today's events, Nast realized that even a Sequence 3 extraordinary being needed a powerful backer.

Just like Bernadette, many people on the seas were talking about her being the Apostle of the Stars.

Bernadette had successfully advanced, one step ahead of him, but even so, she became a follower of the Stars.

Why couldn't he find a powerful ally?

Was it unreasonable?

No, it was very reasonable.

Nast could foresee that in the future, those without strong backing would be cleared out of the seas.

Following this mysterious visitor with the Black Emperor card, and with such a terrifying ally in the spirit world, Nast felt this was a strong alliance.

Rather than waiting for others to speak, it was better to take the initiative, maybe even leaving a good impression of being sensible.

"You are quite good." Hastur's opinion of Nast improved slightly.

"I just want to survive and witness the glory of the Black Emperor."

Nast's eyes showed a hint of hope. The Solomon Empire, a not-too-distant kingdom.

He had always aimed to restore this great empire until he ended up on the seas, becoming a pirate king.

After the past glory faded and years of hardship, his initial goal gradually changed.

"The Black Emperor..."

Hastur sighed with emotion. That was also his goal, but time was not on his side.


April 1st.

In the morning, in the study, Hastur received a letter of visit, signed by Alfred, Audrey's second brother.

If he hadn't sent the letter, Hastur would have almost forgotten about him.

He had been busy with other matters and had no time for unrelated things.

"For Miss Audrey's sake, I should meet her brother."

Hastur quickly replied, saying he was available around 2 PM the next day and welcomed his visit.

After handling this matter, Hastur leaned back slightly.

The new recruits' training at the port was on track, not requiring much of his effort for now.

Nast's submission also gave Hastur more leverage for the future war.

Thinking carefully, most of the forces on the seas were related to him.

The mysterious queen Bernadette was a follower of the Stars, the high-dimensional overseer was an ally, and the king of the five seas, Nast, was a subordinate.

"I even find myself a bit terrifying..."

Hastur murmured. He hadn't intentionally planned to dominate the seas.

But as things developed, whether intentionally or unintentionally, he now could be said to dominate the seas.

(End of Chapter)