
Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return

The stars twinkle, and everything is laid bare under their gaze. A hall of stars capable of convening meetings between the Old Ones and Outer Gods. Hastur Campbell, a fallen noble, begins his legend on the path of the Black Emperor. He is the symbol of chaos and order! He is the Lord of Order! He is the origin of all the rules of the starry sky! He is the returns of the stars

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300 Chs

Chapter 142 Correcting the world line overnight!

Chapter 142: Overnight Correction of the World Line! 

In the western district, Green Park.

A winding path meanders through the dense forest, where the lush vegetation ensures good air quality. At night, the cool breeze brings tranquility and coolness.

It's a popular spot for elderly people to take walks, and occasionally, young couples enjoy strolling here, sometimes venturing into the small woods for a different kind of thrill.

Qilangos, leaning on a cane taken from an old man lying by the pond, mimics the walking habits of the elderly, slowly making his way along the path.

His sharp and flamboyant gaze is subdued, replaced with the muddled state of an old man.

Yet, the occasional peripheral glance still betrays a keen and cutting edge.

He's been seriously injured tonight, but fortunately, there are no obvious wounds or blood, which allows him to change his appearance without being quickly discovered by the extraordinary members of the Storm Church.

He already has a suspect in mind for who exposed his plan to assassinate DukeNigan tonight.

There's only one person who has a conflict of interest with him and knows his movements well—Alger!

But he can't figure out why, even if Alger knew he was sneaking into Beckland, he wouldn't know what he really intended to do.

Only the organization that promised him the card of blasphemy and he himself know about his plan to assassinate DukeNigan.

Alger couldn't possibly know his real plan.

So who else could have the ability to see through his disguise at tonight's ball?

Qilangos recalls everyone he interacted with at the ball tonight.

He spoke with six people; four were male nobles, one was a noble lady, and the other, most notably, was Miss Audrey, the daughter of Earl Hall .

Could it be her?

Why else would she come to talk to him at that time?

Was it because she suspected him and wanted to confirm whether he was the disguised Baron Gramiel?

Yes, her eyes were well-hidden, seemingly adept at observation… She is a spectator!

Qilangos suddenly realizes the key to it all—Miss Audrey is an extraordinary spectator!

She's familiar with Baron Gramiel's conversational responses and habits, which is why she could see through his disguise immediately and inform her father, Earl Hall .

He hadn't expected to be unmasked by Beckland's jewel, Miss Audrey.

There are rumors that Miss Audrey might marry into the royal family.

Qilangos's eyes flash coldly as he plans his revenge on Miss Audrey after escaping from here.

He glances down; he's about to leave the park and enter Green Street, where the foot traffic is several times heavier than in the park. He just needs to change his appearance and go into hiding. The brainless members of the Storm Church will never find him.


A sudden shout makes Qilangos tense up, but he restrains the instinct to look back, pretending not to hear, remaining vigilant as he continues towards the crowd ahead.

"Is the CREEPING HUNGER on your left hand useful? Whose life will it devour next?"

The voice comes again, directly addressing Qilangos's greatest reliance at the moment.

He instantly understands that his new identity has been completely recognized, and there's no longer any chance of luck.

Damn it!

How could the brainless fools of the Storm Church arrive so quickly!

Qilangos is furious, but he reacts swiftly, summoning a gust of wind to obscure the view, then rushes into the crowd ahead!

Just then, on the path he must take, a spirit clad in dark red armor appears in mid-air, and a two-handed greatsword, glowing with the light of dawn, slashes down fiercely!

The blinding light engulfs Qilangos's figure in an instant.

The members of the Punishers who rushed over upon hearing the commotion witness Qilangos being cleaved in two.

When the light fades, the mysterious spirit vanishes into the void, leaving no trace, even to the extraordinary who open their spiritual vision.

In that instant, he completely conceals his presence.

Alger, who also witnessed this scene, breathes a sigh of relief, but is also shocked by Qilangos's death.

No fancy tricks, just a simple downward slash that bisects Qilangos, a Sequence 6 Wind Follower, in two—and then vanishes before the eyes of so many Punishers.

What a mysterious and unfathomable act!

Could this be a follower of Mr. Fool?

Alger suddenly has a guess.

When he sought Mr. Fool's help before, Mr. Fool didn't refuse, only saying, "If he has the time."

Now it seems that Mr. Fool's follower didn't act before because he was busy, but now, he finally had the time and casually dealt with Qilangos.

At this moment, a fierce wind sweeps through the area, as if searching for something, but still finds nothing.

The spirit in the dark red armor doesn't reappear.

Even a demigod can't detect his presence; indeed, it's very mysterious.

Alger feels an added sense of awe.

"Phew, finally back."

Hastur returns to his bedroom and merges with his spirit, enduring the burning sensation for a while before truly relaxing.

Flying a long distance in spirit form, then activating the power of the War Sigil to bisect Qilangos with one sword, and finally hiding his spirit's trace to avoid the scrutiny of the God of Song and fly back to the bedroom—it's indeed a grueling task.

Hastur lies in bed, recovering his spiritual power while mentally reviewing tonight's actions.

He was able to deal with Qilangos tonight partly because of the Destiny Peeking from his Palace of Stars, which allowed him to locate Qilangos and then easily see through his new disguise.

On the other hand, his spirit's invisibility technique is indeed powerful, preventing Qilangos from detecting him immediately and thus running right into his sword.

After dealing with Qilangos and continuing to hide, it's indeed a must-have skill for murder and arson.

Fortunately, when the God of Song arrived at the scene, Hastur had already moved a considerable distance away, and the wide-ranging exploration didn't reach him, or else the outcome might have been uncertain.

After resting for a while, Hastur recovers from the negative effects of the War Sigil.

"Having killed Qilangos and corrected the changing world line, the accident has been resolved, but what to do with this CREEPING HUNGER?"

The moment he dealt with Qilangos, Hastur casually flicked the CREEPING HUNGER away with his sword's edge.

Rather than leaving it for the people of the Storm Church, he might as well keep it himself.

Although for him now, this extraordinary item isn't of much use,

After all, using it once requires devouring a person's soul, a side effect too great, and he has no need to change his appearance.

As for giving it to Klein to restore the normal world line… This place is so far from Tingen, he has no suitable reason to send it.

Better to keep it for now and consider it when Klein comes to Beckland later.

In the short term, he can't use this CREEPING HUNGER anyway, or it would attract the attention of the Storm Church.

Hastur gets up from the bed, finds a suitable box, and locks the CREEPING HUNGER inside.

Then he takes a bath in the washroom before returning to the bedroom for a good night's sleep.

The next day, the news that Qilangos, one of the seven pirate generals, died in Beckland spreads quickly.

The newspapers report that it was the people of the Storm Church who killed the Hurricane General.

Gleirent hears the news, is momentarily stunned, then laughs, "Last night, Hastur warned me to be careful, but I didn't expect that Hurricane General wouldn't last the night."

Audrey receives the news from Earl Hall , knowing that it wasn't the Storm Church who killed Qilangos, but an unknown, mysterious existence.

Mysterious and powerful.

Could it be the work of Mr. Fool's follower?

Very likely, especially since Mr. Fool didn't refuse to help Mr. Hanged Man at that time.

She's really curious, but it's only Sunday now, and there's still a day until the Tarot meeting next Monday.

Now, she doesn't have to worry about implicating Gleirent anymore.

Audrey also breathes a sigh of relief in her heart, feeling guilty about framing Gleirent.

Hastur, the protagonist of the story, is informed of the news by Greleck.

He can only pretend to be shocked and delighted, dealing with Greleck.

In the end, Greleck leaves Hastur with a promise: theNigan family will fully support him in his future elevation to nobility.

(End of Chapter)